Ideology — a system of conceptually designed ideas that expresses the interests, worldview, and ideals of various political subjects — classes, nations, society, political parties, social movements —and acts as a form of sanction dominance and power existing in society (conservative ideologies) or their radical transformations (ideologies "left< /a >" and "right" movements); ideology and form public consciousness —components cultures, spiritual production, as written in Wikipedia.

Ideology  is not Science, although it may be based on scientific knowledge. In contrast to science, ideology, as an expression of private interests in the form of universality, represents knowledge about socio-political life, in relation to the interests of its constituents, setting an assessment of the desirability or undesirability of this or that social being on this basis. The ideology that prevails in a particular state, country or society is called "dominant".

Other Definitions

There is quite a large number of definitions of ideology, which differ, in particular, in the assessment of the phenomenon indicated by them.

  • Ideology by K.K. Mannheim - a biased reflection of social reality, which expresses the interests of certain groups or classes, which are in power and, thus, who seek to preserve the existing order of things; contrasted with utopia as a potential ideology in this sense.
  • Ideology by Roland Barthes is a modern meta-linguistic myth, a connotative system that attributes indirect meanings to objects and that socializes them.
  • Ideology by Erich Fromm is a ready-made "mental product" that is distributed by the press, speakers, ideologues in order to manipulate the mass of people for a purpose that has nothing to do with ideology and very often completely opposite to it.

Clifford Geertz, Henri Lefebvre , Alexander Zinoviev and a number of other representatives of social and humanitarian sciences.

The prerequisites for the emergence of a new ideology are:

  • social request for new ideas;
  • the presence of an active educated audience;
  • availability of institutional platforms and working networks of dissemination of ideas

Ideology of the Belarusian state is a set of ideas and ideals that reflect the national-historical traditions and values ​​of the Belarusian people, characterize the main goals of the modern development of Belarusian society. The state ideology is intended to contribute to the sustainable socio-economic and spiritual development of the Republic of Belarus, strengthening civil harmony.

The ideology of the Belarusian state covers the main spheres of public life - economic, political-legal, social and spiritual. In each of these spheres, it defines the most important tasks of practical activity and ways of uniting our society with the aim of strengthening the country and its progressive development. Belarusians are united by love for their homeland, the desire to ensure its economic well-being, true democracy, protection of human rights, national security, and the prosperity of Belarusian culture.

The legal basis of the ideology of the Belarusian state is the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus; the socio-economic basis is the Belarusian economic model, which is focused on raising the level and quality of life of people through innovative development supported by the state. The moral values ​​that unite our compatriots include mutual respect for people with different beliefs and beliefs, as long as they do not conflict with the law, as well as citizenship and patriotism. The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus is the legislative basis of practical, effective humanism.