Main | Major achievements

Main achievements of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Main achievements

Thanks to research and introductory testing taxa of the world flora for the period 2010-2018. national gene pool of decorative, medicinal, pungent-aromatic, fodder, bioenergy, etc. plant groups replenished by almost 5,000 samples. The entire collection fund of the Central Botanical Garden in 2019 is represented by 15,169 samples (5,500 species), of which: 11,614 (3,422 species) – in open ground, 3,232 (2,100 species) – in closed ground, 323 – in culture. .

Summary of the results of many years of research and scientific and practical experience on the introduction of the tall gorse, on the basis of which the program for the development of industrial gorse breeding in the Republic of Belarus has been developed.

The introduction and introduction of North American species of heather (large-fruited cranberry, high-growing lingonberry) and variegated lingonberry on reclaimed land and abandoned peat deposits of Belarus were carried out.

Tests of more than 50 brands of fertilizers, biostimulants, protective agents for use on the territory of Belarus (included in the State Register of Plant Protection Agents) have been conducted.

Methods of accelerated reproduction based on in vitro culture have been developed, which allow to increase the production of planting material of rare species of Belarusian flora that are under threat of extinction.

Scientific support for the development of domestic medicinal and aromatic plant breeding is carried out. The Botanical Garden is the right holder of 165 certificates for varieties of decorative, greenhouse, medicinal, spicy-aromatic and fodder plants of its own selection. The institution has developed about 40 recipes for food products: drinks, syrups, sauces, jams, candied fruits, etc.

Employees of the Central Botanical Garden have published more than 100 books and 1,500 articles in scientific journals.

CBS prospects

Development of scientific foundations and practical measures for the effective and sustainable use of plant resources in the country's economy and social sphere, for the preservation of the gene pool of rare species and habitats of representatives of the Belarusian flora that are under threat of extinction.

Creation of new competitive varieties of decorative, medicinal, pungent-aromatic, bioenergetic plants and projects of original decorative compositions for various landscaping objects, incl. interiors.

Development of effective methods of accelerated production of planting material based on culture in vitro and methods of identification and protection against bacterial and viral contamination in order to obtain healthy planting material.

Research of the genetic diversity of plants and plant communities, their habitats and ecosystems, solving issues of taxonomy and taxonomy using traditional and molecular genetic approaches.