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General information

A scientific object that is a national treasure

Collection funds of living plants and herbariums of introduced plants of the world flora of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus have been declared national property (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated November 25, 1999 No. 1842).

Botanical nature monument of republican importance

The area of the botanical monument of nature of republican importance "Central Botanical Garden" is 93 ha (Decision of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus No. 47 of 05/08/2007 (ed. of 06/26/2014).

Historical and cultural value

The tangible immovable object "Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" was granted the status of historical and cultural value of the 2nd category (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated 14.05.2007 No. 578 (ed. dated 23.08.2014))

State scientific institution "Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" is one of the oldest botanical institutions in Belarus. The Central Botanical Garden (CBS) was organized in 1932 by the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR. In 1999, by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, it was given the status of a scientific object, which is a national asset. TBS has been declared a botanical natural monument of republican importance and historical and cultural value. Today, it is a unique natural object of garden and park art, which combines the functions of a capital landmark and an important cultural and educational, ecological, educational and educational center.

CBS is the country's largest center for the preservation of biodiversity of living plants, a leading scientific institution in the field of introduction, acclimatization, physiology, biochemistry, biotechnology and ecology of plants, environmental protection. It is one of the largest botanical gardens in Europe both in terms of area (93 ha) and the composition of plant collections (more than 15,000 species).

The main areas of scientific activity of the Central Botanical Garden:

  • effective use, restoration and protection of plant resources;
  • identification of physiological and biochemical regularities and mechanisms of formation of resistance and productivity of plants;
  • creation of scientific foundations of introduction, protection, selection and management of processes of acclimatization and biological productivity of economically useful plants on the basis of traditional and modern methods of biotechnology and genetic engineering;
  • biological monitoring, ecology;
  • industrial botany;
  • green construction and phytodesign;
  • use of plant resources in industry, agriculture, medicine;
  • solving problems of biosafety of biological methods and technologies.

The scientific team of the botanical garden develops the theoretical foundations and methods of using the world's plant resources for the needs of the national economy and culture of Belarus. Developments make a significant contribution to solving practical issues of green construction, non-traditional fruit growing, medicinal plant growing, and environmental protection.

Well-known scientists have worked at the CBS at various times: Academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR Tomin M.P., Smolsky N.V., Nestyarovich N.D., Godnev T.M., Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR Melnik S.P. ., Doctor of Science Pidaplichka A.P., Boyka A.V., Kudzinov M.A., Shkutko N.V., Garlenko S.V., Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus A.A. Sidarovich. and others. To date, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus V. M. Rashetnikov works at the Central Bank of Ukraine. and corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Zha Rupasova, V.U. Titok, U.I. Torchik

The garden is planned according to the botanical-geographic principle and is divided into sectors: flora of the Far East and the countries of East Asia, North America, Europe, Siberia, the Crimea and the Caucasus, Central Asia.

CBS has an exhibition greenhouse where visitors can see more than 600 species of subtropical and tropical plants. The greenhouse of fruit citrus plants is the only and unique one in the Republic of Belarus, where about 100 varieties of citrus fruits are collected: 60 varieties of lemons, about 15 varieties of oranges, 10 varieties of tangerines, about 10 varieties of grapefruit.

CBS is training highly qualified scientific personnel in the following specialties: 03.01.04 Biochemistry; 03.01.05 Physiology and biochemistry of plants; 02/03/01 Botany; 03.02.08 Ecology (branch - biological sciences); 06.03.03 Agroforestry, protective afforestation and greening of settlements, forest fires and fighting them (branches - biological and agricultural sciences).

Republic of Belarus
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