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The history of the establishment and development of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

In the history of formation and development The Central Botanical Garden can be divided into several periods:

1931-1940. – Creation and establishment of the Central Botanical Garden

Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR

The question of creating a botanical garden was raised in the Belarusian Academy of Sciences (BelANS) back in 1930.

On February 23, 1931, at the meeting of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR (protocol No. 5), Mikhail Nikolayevich Honcharik spoke on the issue of the organization of the botanical garden. On April 17, 1932, the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR adopted Resolution No. 102, which approved the creation of a botanical garden at the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR and instructed the Minsk City Executive Committee to determine the boundaries of the botanical garden:

The Council of People's Commissars decrees: 1. To approve the territory of the Botanical Garden, in accordance with the boundaries established by the City Council in the fall of 1931, as well as the drawn-up project-plan of the division of the garden and entrust it to the Minsk City Council together with the Belarusian Academy of Sciences within ten years.

April 17, 1932 is considered the official date of the establishment of the Garden.

For the construction of the Garden, 106 hectares of territory near the Park of Culture and Recreation (modern Chalyuskintsev Park) at 90 Barysavsky Trakt was allocated. These lands were included in the map of Minsk relatively late. On the plans of Minsk of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. it can be seen that this area was outside the city limits. Here were the forests and fields of the Slypyanka estate. It is known that until the 18th century the estate belonged to the Radzivil princes, and then, until the beginning of the 20th century. - Vankovich. In 1923 a decision was made to expand the city territory at the expense of these nationalized lands, and in the late 1920s, their development began. In the autumn of 1931 a resolution of the City Council was adopted on allocating the site for a botanical garden. The city executive committee also makes a decision on installing a fence between the Botanical Garden and the park. It was estimated that the Garden had to admit up to 14,000 people a year.

The territory allocated for the construction of the botanical garden was covered with a low-growing pine forest.

1932-1934. were the period of formation of the Garden: formation of its team, structure, areas of scientific activity, collection of plant collections and development of a plan for the development of the territory.

Stepan Pavlovich Melnyk

On March 1, 1933, the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences appointed dendrologist, doctor of biological sciences, professor Stepan Pavlovich Melnyk as the director of the Botanical Garden (protocol No. 10 of the meeting of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR dated March 29, 1933) (CNA NASB F.D. 21.L.29 ). It was Stepan Pavlovich who developed the principles and scientific directions of the work of the Garden, and began to train scientific personnel and technical personnel. S.P. Melnyk was not only a talented scientist, but also an excellent organizer, which is very important for the head of a botanical garden, the specifics of which require conducting scientific research along with a large volume of production work.

Stepan Pavlovich in a fairly short time managed to organize work on the development of the territory of the botanical garden, the formation of collections, the construction of greenhouses and greenhouses, water supply to the collections, soil preparation and many other types of work, without which it is unthinkable to grow plants and maintain the collections in proper condition. In just two years (1933-1934), the streets and road network were profiled, 8 hectares were developed, on which nurseries and an arboretum, a pomological garden, and hedges were planted. It is known, for example, that woody plants occupied an area of ​​4.56 hectares, a school of woody plants - 2.7 hectares, exhibition plots - 1.1 hectares, a collection of willows and poplars - 0.68 hectares, raspberries - 0.5, crabs - 0.15 ha, nursery of fruit plants - 1 ha, decorative sector - 0.42 ha, Central Asian plot - 0.36, introduction plot - 0.4 ha, creeping garden plants - 0.15 ha, parterre occupied 1 ha. 0.4 ha was developed for the cultivation of a new crop in the BSSR - grapes. A phylogenetic garden was created on an area of ​​0.97 hectares under the leadership of Professor I.G. Vasilkov. The first list of woody plants that needed to be introduced in the Garden was compiled by Professor A.L. Navikov [1]. As a result of mass sowing of seeds of 292 samples of woody and shrubby plants, 3,908 plants have already grown in 2 years (Tsna NANB. Op.1 F. 25, D. 1).

Along with the great work on the construction of the Garden, the collective carried out various scientific work, and not only in the field of plant introduction. Scientific topics included the study of the flora and vegetation of the BSSR, research in the field of taxonomy, mycology, lichenology, plant physiology, horticulture, and genetics. Due to these circumstances, the Central Botanical Garden became a "springboard" for some modern institutes and laboratories of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Individual structural divisions of the botanical garden were later transferred to other institutions. Yes, created by Art. - the correspondent of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR S.P. Mlynnyk, the departments of woody plants, flora, spore plants, and herbarium were later transferred from the CBS as independent structural divisions to the Institute of Biology of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR.

Among the most significant scientific research carried out by the scientific team of the Garden, we note the study of the flora of the BSSR and the identification of its composition of plants useful for the national economy, the study of lichens and mosses of the aboriginal flora of the BSSR, the hybridization of poplars, the identification of species of woody and shrubby plants for construction, studying the effect of photoperiodism on the growth and development of woody plants. The task was set to publish "Flora of the BSSR" and to create a central herbarium of the BSSR.

Moreover, the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR planned the future activities of the Central Botanical Garden as a leading research center among related institutes of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences (Tsna NANB. Op.1 F. 25, D. 1).

The main activities of the Garden were defined as: formation of collections of woody and herbaceous plants useful for the national economy, research of the flora of the BSSR, introduction and selection of horticultural fruit and berry crops, educational and economic activities, development of the territory allocated for the botanical garden.

Mikhail Petrovich Tomin

To study the flora of the BSSR, the leading botanists of the USSR were invited to work in the Garden: Professor I.R. Vasilkov, M.P. Tomin, A.I. Proskurakov, Doctor of Science B.A. Fedchenko, whom S.P. Melnyk described him as one of the "strongest botanists and florists of the USSR". Help B.A. Fedchenko was necessary both in the preparation of "Flora of the BSSR" and in the formation of the central herbarium, as well as in solving issues related to introduced plants. Professors S.Ya. also worked as authors and consultants of "Flora BSSR". Sokolov, B.K. Shishkin, A.S. Lazarenko.

Young researchers began their professional activities as part of the scientific team of the Central Bank of Ukraine: Ph.D. A.I. Chernyankov, V.F. Kuprevych (later academician, president of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR), N.Dz. Nestyarovich (later Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR), A.B. Yurkov (scientific secretary), M.M. Kupchynov (Department of Dendrology), A.I. Krasnik (dendrologist), P.F. Lysakon (dendrologist), A.Ya. Syubarov (later a well-known apple breeder in the USSR), A.P. Pidaplichka (M.Sc. Department of Living Plants), N.I. Chakalinskaya (greenhouse and dendrology), A.S. Merla.

For the Central Botanical Garden to perform scientific and practical tasks, as well as work related to its design and construction, the first structure of the garden, which includes 5 scientific departments, was developed and approved:

  • Department of flora - general. Prof. A.I. Proskurakov,
  • Department of living plants - general. Prof. Iosif Georgievich Vasilkov,
  • Department of spore plants - general. Professor Mikhail Petrovich Tomin,
  • Department of pomology - general. s.n.s., k.b.n. Alexander Ivanovich Chernyankov,
  • Department of herbarium and botanical museum - general. P.Ya. Vakulin,
Yugenia Uladzimirovna Ivanova (Kushalevich)

A.I. was appointed to be in charge of the school and nurseries of tree and fruit and berry plants. Krasnik.

In 1934, the CBS published the first delectus (Index seminum), in the publication of which Yevgeniya Uladzimirovna Ivanova (Kushalevich) took an active part. The delectus presented 533 species and varieties of plants belonging to 48 families, 231 genera, of which 435 are herbaceous, mainly from aboriginal flora.

According to the work program, a herbarium was formed. Plants were collected not only in the BSSR, but also in other regions of the USSR.

In 1934, the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR summarized the first results of the Central Bank's activities. In the resolution of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR dated 19.12.1934, it was noted that the Central Academy of Sciences of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences has achievements in the development of the territory with permanent collections, in research work, in the extensive exchange of seed material with foreign botanical gardens, in staffing with scientific personnel. Contacts are established and actively maintained with the Botanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Leningrad), with the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, bot. Institute of MSU and others.

The Presidium of BelAN recommended to organize a new experimental department in the Garden. A number of infrastructure development tasks were identified: the construction of the 1st row of greenhouses, a greenhouse, outbuildings, a residential building for workers, a basement for scientific research material, as well as arranging alleys, replacing a rotten part of a wooden fence with a brick fence, etc.

For the successful implementation of the set tasks, on March 23, 1935, the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR adopted a resolution on the separation of the Central Botanical Garden from the Institute of Biology into an independent unit under the Presidium with the aim "that the botanical garden should be gradually reorganized into a "Botanical Research Institute". (The Central Botanical Garden was merged with the Institute of Biology in July 1933). The director of the Garden, S.P. Melnik, was instructed to develop a project for the reorganization of the Garden by October 15, 1935.

The Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR determined the following main research tasks for the Central Research Institute:

  • study of the flora of the BSSR and publication of determinants for it;
  • introduction of plant species and forms from other countries in order to test them to replenish the range of plants suitable for landscaping
  • introduction of medicinal plants, oleanders, honey plants, rubber plants, tannins, fodder plants, food plants, in particular berry plants;
  • introduction into the culture of economic organizations of discovered and tested new plants
  • The task was set to strengthen the work in terms of expanding permanent plantings of woody and flower plants, growing seeds and developing an assortment of plants for greening works in the BSSR, and jointly with the Zonal fruit and berry station, to conduct work on fruit and berry plants as well.

In 1935, the Garden's research program was supplemented with new topics: "Obtaining polyploids in some species of trees", "The influence of photoperiodism on the biological capabilities of some tree species" (responsor, PhD, A.I. Chernyankov), "Phenological observations of some specimens of trees and bushes (A.I. Chernyankov, M.M. Kupchynov), "Effect of fungal infection on the physiological processes of woody species" (V.F. Kuprevich) and "Geobotanical study of virgin lands". The last topic was planned to be carried out jointly with the economic and agro-soil institute (rep. Ya.U. Kushalevich). The theme of identifying rubber-nosed plants among the flora of the BSSR was also approved (rep. M.A. Pisarkova). As part of these studies, work was planned under the leadership of Professor I.R. Vasilkova "Cytological studies of Belarusian and some other representatives of the genera Scorzonera and Taraxacum".

It should be noted that phenological observations of plants began in the Garden in 1935. The first objects were 40 species of woody plants.

In the same year, two dictionaries were compiled in the CBS - on the names of plants (32 pages) and on the organography of plant parts. Their versions were submitted to the Institute of Language and Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR for verification. Dictionaries were necessary in connection with the upcoming edition of "Flora of the BSSR", where names and terms in the Belarusian language were to be used. That is why S.P. Melnik accelerated the work on dictionary versions in every possible way, as evidenced by his letters both to the authors (Prof. Y.I. Praskurakov) and to the Language Institute. (UN A NAN B. Op.1.f. 25, arch.1). By the way, all records in the Central Bank were kept in Belarusian.

Works continued on the development of the territory, cultivation of plants. All this required the performance of numerous economic works: soil and fertilizer preparation, water delivery, seedling cultivation, laying and pouring oil, and many other things.

In 1935, work on the design of the greenhouses of the Garden began. (M.P. Tomin, deputy director, was appointed as the commissioner for communication with the construction management and the state project bureau).

In 1935, A.Ya. was appointed head of the zoology department. Syubarov, who was previously the director of the Belarusian branch of VIR and a teacher of the horticulture department of the Belarusian State Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, which was liquidated in Minsk

In the same year, scientific research on grape cultivation was started. In 1940, they were summarized by agronomist A.U. Mighty in the book "Grape breeding in the conditions of the BSSR".

In the period from 1933 to 1940. the staff of the garden consisted of 30 to 42 people. There was a shortage of scientific personnel, so some staff and laboratory assistants performed research in several departments.

Here is a list of employees of the first team of the CBS:

  • Stepan Pavlovich Melnyk - director, professor
  • Tomin Mikhail Petrovich - us. director, professor,
  • Iosif Georgievich Vasilkov – general. department of living higher plants, professor,
  • Proskurakov Evgeny Ivanovich – general. department of the herbarium, professor,
  • Yurkov Yavsey Borysavich – Senior Doctor of Science, academic secretary,
  • Anton Ivanovich Chernyankov – Ph.D., Ph.D. Department of dendrology (general department of pomology until 1935),
  • Kushalevich (Ivanova) Yevgenia Uladzimirovna – M.Sc.,
  • Kupchynov Nikolai Nikolayevich – M.Sc.,
  • Alexandr Ivanovich Krasnik – M.Sc.,
  • Pisarkova Matrona Alekseevna – M.Sc.,
  • Dmitriy Yakaulevich Vakulin - Director of the Botanical Museum since 1934,
  • Alyaksei Yakhimovich Syubarov - General Lab. Pomolagi since July 1935,
  • Chakalinskaya Natalya Ivanovna - art. laboratory assistant, M.Sc. (general greenhouse, dendrological department). Laboratory assistants: L.M. Balkavets, A.U. Koranovushenka, S.L. Kublanova, I.P. Kazantsava, a druggist (herbarium), M.P. Akhremenko, gardeners, P.P. Pankov, foremen Pshabytka Vatslav Yankovich, Menik Maria Fadeevna, blacksmith Shalim Janka Kastusevich.

Brigade of the area of ​​live flower plants - foreman Viktarovich, Glazyryna, Navitskaya; greenhouses and decorative area - foreman Akhrimenka, Byrasevich N.M., Ignatovich N.I.; dendrological plantings (geographic sectors, avenues, hedges, protective strips) - foremen: art. Lab. Lysakon, gardener Pankov, Shalima N.P., Naumovovich, Pastukhovich, Kozlovsky, Mazheyka N, Mazheyka Fr., Zarovskaya; brigade for the nursery and tree school: resp. Krasnik, foreman Pshabytka and his lieutenant Gohberg, Moiseevich, Markovsky, Magutnaya, Kuzmina, Kristofovich, Kravchenko; Pomology department – ​​Brigadier Maguchi, Pastukhovich, Baranchyk; greenhouse - foreman art. Lab. Chakalinskaya N.I., gardener Akhrimeneka, Ignatovich, Yakusik, Lopatina; Savashchenko managed the work on the farm garden.

List of botanical garden employees 1935-1938

There was no general project for the construction of the Garden in those years. Under the leadership and participation of S.P. Melnyk, only the general scheme of zoning of the territory of the Garden was developed (the plan is the project of the subdivision of the Garden). According to the design of the garden layout, radial alleys diverged from the central circle to the sides, as a result of which the territory was divided into a number of sectors intended for certain geographical areas. Radial lanes were intersected by a snail-like curve, which, in turn, divided the sectors into smaller sections. The scheme was of a sketchy nature, it did not take into account the peculiarities of the area, the topography of the territory of the Garden. As a result, some major roads passed through the most unsuitable areas. There were no instructions on the placement of plants on the scheme, which led to unplanned development of the territory and had a negative impact not only on the appearance of the territory, but also on the location and use of botanical collections, primarily woody plants. Most of the plantings were carried out in a row manner, which gave the Botanical Garden an uncharacteristic appearance of a nursery of forest crops[2].

Schedule of the Garden, prepared under the leadership of S.P. Melnik in 1936

On the scheme of 1936, you can see the parterre and the alleys leading to it, the botanical-geographical sectors of woody and shrubby plants, and the vineyard. This plan resembles the modern layout of the Garden, differing in the number of alleys and the location of individual sectors of the arboretum. Thanks to the explication of 1936 (Tsna NAS B. Op.1.f. 25. D.1.), the species of plants planted on the parterre in those years are known. Instead of the flower beds we are used to today, it was decorated with woody and shrubby plants, although there were also small flower beds on the side lanes of the parterre. In the center of the parterre, a fir was planted, which was framed by circles of fragrant raspberry, white sod, silver loach, Japanese quince, terry-flowered lilac bushes, and white willow. A rather large area was occupied by the work of the wrinkled rose, which is still widely used in landscaping. From other beautiful flowering bushes, the parterre was decorated, spirea medium, carragon yellow. As hedges, we used the western one and the brilliant dogwood.

On the mastered before 1936. the botanical and geographical sectors of Central Asia, North America, the Far East and Europe, as well as a section of collections of useful herbaceous plants, a collection of grapes, a parterre, and a pomological garden were laid on the territory. The mass introduction of plants and the formation of collections began.

The territory of the garden was mastered not only due to the formation of collections, but also mass planting of woody and shrubby plants. Only in 1936, 44 species of plants in 60 samples were planted in the geographic sectors of the arboretum. In the Central Asia sector - 21 species in the amount of 73 plants, in the BSSR sector - 10866 trees, in the Caucasus sector - 10 new species in the amount of 138 plants, in the East Asian sector - 12 species in the amount of 485 plants, in the North American sector - 1513 plants, in Western European - 11 species 3477, in the decorative sector - plants of 3 species in the amount of 605 pcs., and 46 samples in the amount of 336 pcs. By 1936, 78,315 trees were planted on the territory of the Garden (in geographical sectors, avenues, protective strips). trees. In the school of tree-shrub plants, 19 species were grown in the amount of 33,828 pieces. In the nursery ("nursery") - on an area of ​​1.5 hectares, seeds of 1500 species were sown. (Rep. S.P. Melnik, A.I. Chernyankov). A collection of poplars and willows was formed quite quickly (Att. N.D. Nestyarovich).

In 1936, phenological observations were already carried out on 120 species (ref. A.I. Chernyankov). Seed collection of 100 tree and shrub species was planned. We will especially emphasize that among the objects for seed collection there were trees and bushes of ancient parks of Belarus, which at that time apparently kept quite a few exotic species. For this purpose, business trips were carried out to parks in the city of Gorky, Ignatichi, Ravanichi, Chirvony Berag, Shenyany (Att. A.I. Chernyankov) (Op. 25, arch. No. 4). A herbarium of plants of the Belarusian flora was formed. For this, expeditions were planned: "on the routes - Minsk - Buda-Kashalev - Gomel-Chachersk; Minsk - Vitsyebsk - floodplain of Z. Dzvina".

In the same year, a monograph was prepared by A.S. Polyansky "Vegetation of the BSSR".

The collection of the zoology department grew rapidly. Until 1936, it included 150 samples of apple trees, 100 samples each of pears, cherries and cherries, 200 samples of plums, 100 samples of raspberries and blackberries (on an area of ​​0.6 ha), 50 samples of currants (red, white, pink, black). (0.5 ha), 30 gooseberry samples - (0.5 ha), 30 strawberry and strawberry samples. The work of the department until 1935. led by Alexander Ivanovich Chernyankov.

An impressive collection of citrus fruits. At that time, it had more than 50 species and varieties, which can be a matter of pride even today. Some of them are listed (we keep the original names): CitruslimonumRisso-varieties Lisbon, Nova Afonsky, Pavlovsky, Turkish, Dol Brazil; Citruslimonica Tanaka-Otoheit, Khalta, Meera; CitruslimetfaLisso, Citrusmedico (Mopy, DiFerenze, DiCalabria, Ampor); CitrusaurantifoliaSruinyle(Bearsseedlesslime, Perrinelemon, Shiraz), Citrusparadise(grapefruit)(Triumph, MorchSeedless, Duncan); CitrusAurantium(Hamlin,ParsonBrown,GoldNuggetlevel,Pinearple,Kelasursky,Lemansky); .Citrusichongensisfruingle, C. JunosTanuku, C. MitisBlonca, C. japonicumWilld., C. Pouse, C. NutruDaidaiHayatu, C.Coji, Citrussalicifolia, C.mirtifolia, C. kotokoHayutu, LimequotEusti , murai and other introducers.

Until 1936. breeding greenhouses for subtropical and tropical plants were built in the Central Library, which made it possible not only to form collections, but also to cultivate flowers in the autumn-winter period. Moreover, their assortment, judging by the archive materials, was quite diverse, including types that are popular even in our time. So, in the work plan for 1936, the distillation (in 600 pots) and the sale of plants of 13 names were planned. These are daffodils and hyacinths, tulips and primroses, lacfiol and heliotrope, carnations and cyclamen, chrysanthemums and pelargoniums, fuchsias, hydrangea and even daisies. Such a fairly diverse assortment of flowers speaks of the well-developed culture and traditions of floriculture in Belarus (including the tradition of having flowering plants not only in summer).

The diagram of the growth of the number of specimens in the herbarium of the Central Bank of Ukraine in the period 1933-1937

The year 1937 was notable for the fact that the CBS participated in the All-Belarusian Exhibition dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. The exhibition was organized in the Government House on the 2nd floor (Tsna NAS B. Op.1.f. 25, D.1, p.136).

According to archival documents (Tsna NAS B. Op.1.f. 25. D.8. L. 137.), the CBS presented the following exhibits in the form of graphs:

  • Study of the flora of the BSSR. Floristic collections for 1933 – 1937.
  • Seed exchange with botanical institutions
  • Herbarium growth (items and number of herbarium sheets, number of species)
  • New plants being developed in the BSSR
  • Tree planting in botanical-geographical sectors (number of species by year). By 1937, 656 species of woody and shrubby plants were grown in the botanical-geographical sectors, olive groves, mass plantings, and hedges in the CBS in the amount of 164,889 pieces. (Tsna NAS B. Op.1.f. 25. D.8. L.136)
  • Grapes in the BSSR - there are 30 places where grapes are grown in the republic. The main point of the CBS is established in Ragachov.

An important area of ​​activity of the Central Botanical Garden in the pre-war years was the promotion of the achievements of scientists. Scientific employees of the Garden made reports both for the employees of the Central Bank of Ukraine and for the population of the republic. The work programs included reading of reports (including for scientific staff and workers of the Garden), publications in newspapers and magazines, and radio appearances. The topics were very diverse and related not only to private issues of growing a particular plant, but also to general biological issues. For example, in 1937 for the workers of the Garden, director S.P. Melnik made a report on the topic "The origin of life on Earth", professor M.I. Tomin - "Systematics of plants", S.L. Kublanova - "Anatomy of plants", A.U. Kushalevich - "Soil". S.P. Melnik made a report "How to collect and prepare a collection of plants" for the Komsomol members of the university.

Scientific and popular articles were published in republican, district and children's newspapers (Orsha, Gomel, Babruysk, "Pioneer Belarusi", etc.). Thus, in 1937, the articles of M.P. Akhremenko "The device of portraits of fresh flowers in flower beds", "Growing roses in open ground" and "Growing flower seedlings of phlox in greenhouses"; A.V. Magutny - "Culture of lemons in the room", "How to properly lay a greenhouse", A.I. Chernyankov - "About greening works in cities", Professor M.I. Tomin "On the fight against galls", A.I. . . Krasnyk and A.I. Chernyankov "About spring landscaping works in collective farms, state farms and MTS" (Tsna NAS B. Op.1.f. 25. D.8. L.2). The director of the CSB Stepan Pavlovich Melnyk gave a report "On spring plantings of ornamental tree species." General greenhouses N.I. Chakalinskaya presented the article "The corner of living nature at school" to the pioneering newspaper. It reports on the collection of greenhouse plants of the Central Bank of Ukraine. The types of plants that are recommended to be grown in the school are listed: feijoa, camphor laurel, ramie, New Zealand flax, yucca, dracaena, pomegranate, tea bush, cacti (of which there were 30 species in the collection of CBS), etc. (Tsna NAS B. Op.1 .f. 25. D.8.

The results of the 8-year scientific work of the Central Botanical Garden are impressive. 2 volumes "Identifiers of lichens of the BSSR" (Tomin M.I.) and the monograph "Wild fruit and berry plants of the BSSR" (Y. Proskurakov) were published. The first volume of "Flora of the BSSR", "Trees and bushes for green construction of the BSSR" edited by S.Ya. Sokalov, "Identifier of mosses" (A.S. Lazaranka), "Hybridization of poplars" (N.D.) were prepared for printing. Nesterovich), collected materials for the 2nd volume of "Flora of the BSSR". The herbarium of the CBS had 25,790 herbarium sheets of 1,398 species. A botanical museum was created, geobotanical studies of the vegetation of the BSSR were carried out, works on the study of plant physiology, breeding, including rubber-bearing and fruit-berry plants. Dlectus were published, which were sent to 65 countries, a collection of works of the Central Committee of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Plant collections totaling approximately 1,500 species of more than 190,000 plants were collected.

CBS issued delectus, thereby maintaining ties with foreign colleagues. In the delectus of 1938, there were already 634 species and varieties of plants belonging to 77 families and 317 genera.

1938 became a dark page in the history of the CBS. - a wave of repression reached Sad. February 28, 1938. On June 28, the director of the Garden Stepan Pavlovich Melnyk, then already a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, was arrested by the NKVD authorities. S.P. Melnik was rehabilitated on September 30, 1957. [3].

On July 31, 1938, Anton Ivanovich Chernyankov, candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher of the Garden's dendrology department, was arrested. He was sentenced to 3 years of imprisonment in a correctional labor camp by the decision of the Presiding Officer of the meeting of the NKVD of the USSR. Released on July 11, 1942. and was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army. Died at the front on February 4, 1943. Rehabilitated on April 2, 1957. Military tribunal of the Belarusian military district [3].

Unfortunately, documents about the activities of the Garden in the period from 1938 to 1941. few. Of course, January 5, 1938. The Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU criticized the fact that "the garden was laid on bad soil without the basis of its need and a prospective development plan, without a construction plan approved by the government" (NA RB.D. 12322. L. 2-3). After the arrest of S.P. Melnik, by the decision of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR dated March 21, 1938, the Central Scientific Research Center was transferred to the Institute of Biology (Tsna NAS B.F.1, op.1, D.61, p.10-11, l.2-3, 12322). However, already in January 1940, the CBS again received the charter of an independent research institution (NA RB. Op.1. D.14919. L.44; L.145. Protocol 5115, L.6). It is also known that in 1941 the director of the Central Botanical Garden was professor Vasil Tikhanovich Korsakov, and the academic secretary was Alexander Pavlovich Pidaplichka (Handbook of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, arch. no. 770).

A large amount of work was carried out on the development of the territory allocated for the botanical garden. However, the general scheme of the garden, developed in 1932, as noted above, had a number of shortcomings. Therefore, in 1940, on the instructions of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR, a general project for the reconstruction of the garden was developed. It was worked on by a group of specialists and scientific staff of the Botanical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences (BIN): Doctor of Biological Sciences L.I. Rubtsov, S. G. Saakau, architect-artist A. I. Izasimov, architects K. A. Yagorov, engineers M. A. D. Chamadanov, D. I. Alekseev, N. I. Mikhailov. Scientific consultants of the project were professors A.P. Ilinsky, B.A. Fedchenko, S.Ya. Sokalov, N.V. Shipchinsky.

The new project took into account the features of the topography and soils of the Garden, and preserved the existing roads and plantings if possible. Most of the roads were located on areas with lower relief, and the collections - on uplands. This layout provided a better view of the plants for visitors. According to the new project, the territory of the Central Botanical Garden was divided into the following zones:

  • geographic - 13.9 g;
  • forest park - 42 hectares;
  • landscape - 8 hectares;
  • an orchard with a vineyard - 2.45 hectares;
  • upper and lower parterres - 2.45 ha;
  • site of taxonomy - 0.97 ha;
  • square - 9.62 ha;
  • rosary - 0.16 ha;
  • farm plot - 2.51 ha.

The geographical area was divided into sectors: flora of East Asia and the Far East, flora of North America, flora of Europe and Siberia, flora of the BSSR, Crimea and the Caucasus, flora of Central Asia and rock gardens. In addition, a tree nursery with a school and a plot for experimental work were provided in the Garden. Construction of exhibition greenhouses and lakes was planned. Not far from the entrance to the botanical garden, the device of the "upper" flower parterre was planned with an ensemble of fund - exposition greenhouses, a herbarium building with laboratories, as well as fountains, pools, sculptures of prominent people, flower beds, pergolas, lawns. The "lower" parterre, decorated in a regular style, with a fountain and a pool of water in the center, was to complete this composition. The parterre was enclosed by trellises with climbing plants. To the west of the "upper" parterre, it was planned to create a landscape park, which was supposed to serve as a recreation area for visitors, as well as a peculiar exposition of varieties and forms of woody, shrubby and herbaceous plants. In the park, it was planned to create a rosary, a flower exhibition, areas of taxonomy, Darwinism, plant processing. The entire composition was closed by a circular bypass road, which separated the exhibition part of the Garden from the orchard, nurseries, experimental plots and farm yard. Regular and landscape styles were used in the planning of the Garden[2].

Already in 1940. the implementation of a new project began, for which the government of the republic allocated large funds. The replenishment and design of the geographic sectors of the Arboretum and the Forest Park, the construction of which was almost completed before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, proceeded at the fastest pace. Of the 106 hectares allocated for the Garden, by 1940, about 90 hectares were developed. Of them, 42 ha are under the forest park, 8 ha are under the landscape park. All this territory (50 hectares) was occupied by mass planting of woody and shrubby flora of the BSSR. The geographical sectors occupied 13.92 hectares, where 1318 species of tree-shrub plants were planted in the amount of 48568 plants [2]. 3.6 hectares were occupied by greenhouses and gardens. There were up to 650 specimens of fruit and berry plants under the glass. .

4 brick and 2 wooden greenhouses with a total area of ​​about 700 m2, a stable of 190 m2, residential houses for 23 families (14 square meters) were built. haystack - 60 m2, made frames for greenhouses - 300 pairs, carts - 15 pcs., purchased 9 horses (Charkes, Sivak, Krasavets, Gromaboy, Tanketa, Gnyady, Orlyonak).

Official entrance to the Botanical Garden (1938)

Unfortunately, we found only one photo of the pre-war Garden – the entrance to the botanical garden.

Before the Great Patriotic War, the Central Botanical Garden became a large independent research institution. Its structure had 6 laboratories: flora and herbarium, herbaceous plants, woody and shrubby plants, pomology, introduction (living plants of open ground and collections of closed ground) and plant physiology (Handbook of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, arch. no. 770). The staff of the Central Library did a lot of work on the construction and arrangement of the territory, as well as on the formation of collections and scientific research. Geographical sectors and the forest park zone were outlined and allocated, the road network was laid, trees and shrubs were planted according to the new plan, and almost all oil plantations were carried out. About 50,000 trees and shrubs belonging to 1,300 species, varieties and forms have been grown and planted. The collection of lilacs included 30 varieties, roses - 80 types and varieties, greenhouse plants - 26 types of palms, 27 ferns, more than 60 types of cacti and other species in the number of 10 thousand plants. In the Central Botanical Garden, work on the study and introduction of grapes into culture in the BSSR was successfully started, a collection fruit garden was laid with a large number of varieties and specimens of apples, pears, plums, cherries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries. Monographs on the flora and vegetation of the BSSR were published and prepared for printing, the main herbarium of the country was founded, decorative, medicinal and other plants useful for the national economy were studied [4].

Further construction of the garden and the full implementation of the reconstruction plan were interrupted by the war.

1941-1944. Great Patriotic War. The period of occupation and destruction

The central botanical garden functioned during the Great Patriotic War. This is explained only by the fact that the fascist occupiers used it as an auxiliary farm for the cultivation of agricultural products. Scientific activities were stopped, and the garden was subjected to destruction and devastation. Office premises with scientific equipment, archives, library, herbarium, meteorological station, fence were blown up and burned. Most of the woody plants died, the rose garden, the collection of herbaceous plants was completely destroyed. The territory of the Garden was dug with trenches [2] .

By order of the occupation authorities already in 1942. 24 hectares of the territory of the botanical garden, incl. plots with collections of plants were plowed, cleared and set aside for the cultivation of vegetables for the occupants.

The botanical garden has turned into an area with remnants of vegetation, mainly in the forest park area, and oil plantations with trees weakened due to lack of care

According to a preserved archival document, during the war, oats, buckwheat, rye, tobacco, potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, and flower seedlings were grown on the territory of the Garden for the occupiers and for sale. Garden workers also provided services for making flower arrangements and wreaths. Cereal crops (oats, barley, buckwheat, wheat) in 1942. occupied 15 hectares, vegetables (carrots, onions, sorrel, radishes, lettuce, peas, cucumbers, tomatoes) - 30 hectares. According to the documents (Tsna NAS B.A.1. Fund 25, D. 11), in 1942, 10,000 tomatoes, 10,000 cabbages, 5,000 tobacco, and 10,000 flower seedlings were grown and sold. pieces. In 1942, income from the sale of vegetable seedlings and flower products amounted to 40,000 rubles.

Part of the grown agricultural products could be bought by the workers of the Garden, which saved them from starvation. Because already in the first days of the war, some houses were burned, people had nowhere to live, nothing to wear. In 1942, 30,000 tomatoes, 5,000 early cabbages, and 30,000 late cabbages were grown for sale to Garden employees. There are several houses left on the territory of the Garden, in which 23 families of Garden workers lived. They were allowed to keep 16 cows, for which a plot was set aside for grazing. But it was still very difficult to survive. This is evidenced by many documents. One of them is a statement to the director of the Garden of the wife who went to the front of the worker Moiseevich with a request to release her from paying for the apartment, "because the salary is very low", and she has 5 sons under her care (Tsna NAS B.Op.1. F.25. D. 10. L.21).

According to the testimony of Professor M.P. Tomin, who was forced to work in the Garden during the war, in 1943. the reorganization of the garden was carried out. Most of its territory was handed over to the forestry department of the regional commissariat. Only 12 ha with two dilapidated greenhouses were handed over to the General Commissariat, which had a botanical garden at its disposal. Scientific secretary of the Central Botanical Garden in 1947. N.D. Nesterovych wrote that the damage caused to the garden during the years of occupation is so great that it cannot be counted. "Everything that had been collected over the years was destroyed or devalued." The fascists subjected the botanical garden to barbaric destruction, destroying it by 70 percent. They uprooted rare plants and sowed this area with barley and rye. The orchard, dug with trenches, was littered»[4].

According to archival documents (Tsna NAS B. Op.1. F.25. Arch. 12), the total area of ​​greenhouses where tropical and subtropical plants were kept in 1942 decreased from 700 m² to 164 m². Out of 10,000 greenhouse plants, only about 600 were saved by the end of the war! (Thanks to the care of employees P.I. Liavdanskaya and Lapkovskaya and M.I. Tomin).

The number of trees and bushes in the botanical-geographical sector decreased almost twice - from 48,000 to 25,000 plants. The rest was destroyed by order of the occupiers. The number of species in the dendrological collection decreased from more than 1,300 to 200 [2].

During the war, about 30 people had to work in the garden. Among them are Professor Tomin, who at the beginning of the war was on a business trip in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Andrey Uladzimirovich Maguchi (agronomist and horticulturist), Anna Nikifarovna Svientikhovskaya (geobotanist), Zakhar Stepanovich Tarasenko (agronomist-breeder, scientific secretary), A.E. Syubarov. (pomologist), Praskovya Ignatovna Lyavdanskaya (botanist), Olga Kuzminichna Chernyankova (botanist), Pyotr Petrovich Pankov (gardener).

In 1944, by order of the fascist authorities, workers of the Garden were regularly sent to dig trenches (Tsna NAS B. Op.1. F.25. D.№ 24).

Olga Kuzminichna Chernyankova

Employees of the pre-war Garden shared the fate of many thousands of their compatriots [5]. Four employees died at the front. Already in June 1941. the scientific secretary of the Garden, Senior Doctor of Sotr. Yavsey Borisovich Yurkov. Served as a private. He went missing in March 1944 [5]. In August 1944, a worker of the Central Railway Station, Iosif Klimentievich, disappeared. February 4, 1943. died near Leningrad, Ph.D. Anton Ivanovich Chernyankov. Kaval Sadu Mikalai Pavlovich Shalima, who served as a private, died of wounds on December 31, 1944 in the village of Sokoe (Poland), where he is buried[5]. In 1944, Anna Stanislavavna Merla, an employee of the department of decorative plants, ended up in the "Azarichi" concentration camp together with her 10-year-old son. General fought on the 1st Belarusian Front. department of dendrology and scientific secretary of the CBS in 1938-1941. N.D. Nestyarovich.

Zakhar Stepanovich Tarasenko

Some employees of the Garden during the war became partisan liaisons or worked underground. Olga Kuzminichna Chernyankova (M.S.C.S.B. in 1940) was a liaison officer of the special group of the NKGB of the BSSR "Neighbors" in occupied Minsk. On February 2, 1944, she was arrested in Minsk Smolensk SD. She was held in prison, then in the "Trastianets" concentration camp, from where she was taken to Germany. She returned to Belarus in October 1945. Zakhar Styapanovich Tarasenko (b. 1902), the learned secretary of the Garden during the occupation, from 1942 established a connection with the partisan detachment "Local" and "No. 210". In July 1944, he was mobilized in the Soviet of the Red Army, served as a scout. General greenhouse N.I. Chekalinskaya was the liaison of the 1st Moscow special group and the partisan detachment "For the Fatherland" [5].

The fate of other employees of the pre-war Garden is still unknown.

1944-1991. Post-war reconstruction of the Garden

Prosperity and period of stable development
Director of the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR Professor G.F. Zhaleznov and M.Sc. A.S. Merlot examines the germination of seeds. (April 1947)

Immediately after the liberation of Minsk, in July 1944, the work of the Garden resumed. Professor G.F.Zhaleznov, we were appointed as the director. the director is A.I. Krasnik, who worked at the Central Bank even before the war. The first order of the director of the freed garden - to hire 26 employees - dates back to August 1, 1944. MP Tomin is appointed general. department of flora. And on November 28, 1944, P.I. Levdanskaya is appointed general. (semi-ruined) greenhouses. In addition to her, Teslik and Anna Antonovna Moiseevich are working there at this time. In August 1944, Piotr Petrovich Pankov returned to the Garden, and on December 10, 1944, he was appointed to the position of Jr. n. satr. Anna Stanislavavna Merla is enrolled.

Warriors-liberators who took part in the Victory Alley landing (May 1945)

It should be emphasized that in 1944, the Central Botanical Garden was the only botanical-biological scientific institution in the system of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, i.e. the restoration of the Institute of Biology took place later. Therefore, the range of scientific activities of the botanical garden has expanded compared to the pre-war period. From 1945 to 1948 not only departments of flora and herbarium, geobotany, dendrology, pomology, decorative plants and indoor plants, but also new laboratories of hybridization and plant physiology functioned in the structure of the Garden.

In 1945, on the basis of partially preserved manuscripts, the 1st volume of "Flora of the BSSR", "Identifier of Moss of the BSSR" was restored, maps of the distribution of hornbeams and wild fruit and berry plants in the BSSR were compiled, the second volume of "Flora of the BSSR" was being prepared for publication. . .

The research program of 1946 includes the topic "Coniferous BSSR", which is managed by A.I. Krasnik, as well as new topics for the Garden - "Remote hybridization of plants" supervised by academician N.V. Tsytsyn (Moscow) and "Breeding new varieties of begonias and gladiolus" by the method of remote hybridization. Geobotanical studies of the main types of meadows, oaks, and berry trees (blueberries and cranberries) begin. In the same year, the work on the 2nd volume of "Flora of the BSSR" was completed.

In 1946, a section of medicinal plants was established in the Central Botanical Garden (Tsna NAS B Op.1.F.25. D.19), where 58 specimens of 40 species were planted. The documents show that in the same year, the seeds of 20 types of medicinal plants were transferred to the delectus garden, and 75 of them were herbalized. In 1946, under the leadership of A.U. Ivanova was issued the first post-war delectus (list of seeds for exchange). Later, E.V. Ivanova from 1946 to 1968. led all the work of the group of employees on scientific exchange and on the study of useful herbaceous plants.

Work has resumed with fruit and berry crops, including and with grapes. (The Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR adopted a resolution on the development of viticulture in the republic in 1946).

Restoration of grape plantings (1946)

In 1946, research on plant physiology under the leadership of Professor T.M. Godneva.

According to archival documents in 1946 there were 15 scientific workers in the garden, including: doctor of science, academician - 1, member of staff. -1, professor - 1, PhD. – 1, s.n.s.-4, m.n.s.5,

Senior researcher, PhD candidate of science S.D. Georgievsky with the employee of the Botanical Garden T. Kondratsenko at the experienced section of decorative plants (1953)

In May 1947 resumed the work of the Institute of Biology of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR (in 1947, the duties of the director of the Institute of Biology were temporarily performed by the director of the botanical garden, Professor G.F. Zhaleznov). 2 laboratories were transferred from the Central Botanical Garden to the Institute - remote hybridization of plants and plant physiology, as well as the department of geobotany.

The structure of the Botanical Garden in 1947 had the following departments:

  • Flora and herbarium
  • Dendrology
  • Pomology
  • Decorative plants
  • plants of closed ground
  • Systematics of plants
Planting a flower exhibition (1946)

According to the plans of research works for 1947. the main attention was paid to the study of the flora of the BSSR, questions of the biology of the development of the most promising tree-shrub plants and the identification of the most productive grape varieties in the conditions of the BSSR.

A very large amount of work was carried out in parallel with the scientific research work on the restoration of the Garden, putting the territory in order, forming the collections. The production work plan included planting trees and bushes, creating and reconstructing lawns, caring for plantations, repairing and restoring roads, beautifying exhibition areas, collecting seeds, collecting herbarium, updating collection sites, growing collection plants. Only 110,000 flower seedlings were grown and planted on an area of ​​1.5 hectares. A new tree-shrub plant nursery was established on an area of ​​0.75 hectares.

Grape Harvest (1954)

The collection of flowering plants in 1947 was small – 678 names, including annuals - 326, biennials - 45, perennials - 242, onion - 65.

1948 was a turning point in the history of the Garden and marked the beginning of a period of decline. all research staff and partly laboratory staff. The Central Botanical Garden, while maintaining its administrative independence (directorate, accounting, economic and production department), with a small group of junior researchers also moves into the structure of the Institute of Biology in the position of the "Botanic Garden" department without an independent scientific topic. From 1949 to 1951 the department was commanded by Aleksey Viktorovich Miranenko.

This had a detrimental effect on the scientific and industrial work of the Garden, its development. During this period, the botanical garden practically did not develop, it remained without significant transformations. Employees only took care of existing plants, grew flower seedlings and carried out restoration work.

From July 17, 1948, general. the department of ornamental plants was S.D. Georgievsky. Then - from 1948 - A.V. Miranenko. In 1952, General the "botanical garden" sector was appointed by I.M. Rakhtsienko.

A small team carried out land development and restoration works. 3,500 trees aged from 2 to 8 years, grown from seeds sown in 1945-1950, were planted on a permanent site. The collection of useful herbaceous plants included 204 species. Only in the spring of 1953. a plan was drawn up and a section of plant taxonomy was laid out on an area of ​​2.3 ha, destroyed by the fascists during the war. 186 species of medicinal and decorative plants were planted there, including 123 species of legumes and 40 species of herbs. For delectus, seeds of 150 species were collected from the site.

6 thousand plants were grown in closed soil. In 1953, from the greenhouse of the Botanical Institute named after Komarova (Leningrad), 90 new names of plants were obtained, and 23 new species were grown from seeds.

The cemetery covered 12 hectares, where 76 varieties of plums (434), 63 varieties of cherries (242 trees), 52 varieties of cherries (213), 9 varieties of grapes (136), 40 varieties of strawberries grew. , gooseberry 69 varieties (569 plants).

Until the mid-1950s, the restoration of the Garden from wartime destruction continued. Neither funds nor labor resources were enough to carry out such a large volume of work. The Garden didn't even have a good fence. In 1953, 594 m of stone fence was built, and its total length reached only 2941 m. Economically, by 1953, an official pavilion (60m2) was built, which housed the office, the botanical museum, and received visitors. A dilapidated greenhouse with an area of ​​82 m2 was repaired and put into operation. Under these conditions, work on growing new plants and collecting seeds was carried out (on a small scale). Thus, in 1953, seeds of 50 species of woody plants were collected, 10,000 seedlings of flower plants were grown in greenhouses, a herbarium of 100 species was collected, 100 trees and bushes were planted, and 3,000 cuttings were planted for rooting. In 1954, the project of arrangers was completed (Tsna NAS B. Op.1.F.25. D. 64).

The staff of the Botanical Garden during this period consisted of 50 people: 6 scientific employees (including A.S. Merla, P.I. Liavdanskaya, N.I. Chakalinskaya who worked in the pre-war years), senior and junior laboratory assistants - 7, gardeners -7, production workers and service personnel - 24, administrative and economic workers - 6 people. In the spring-summer season, 50 - 60 seasonal workers were also recruited. But this amount was not enough for replenishment, and most importantly, for the contents of the collections and the territory of the Garden in proper order.

On August 21, 1951, in the Decree of the CM of the BSSR "On measures to restore the Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR", it was noted that "the botanical garden is in a very run-down state." Because of this, on May 30, 1952. The Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR makes a decision on the separation from the Institute of Biology of the Botanical Garden with a staff of 51 people, as well as the departments of woody plants, pomology, ornamental horticulture and protected soil, introduction and acclimatization with a staff of 12 people and the creation of the Main Botanical Garden on their basis. (ON RB. F.4, Op.81.D.592.L.24,26.).

Mykolai Vladislavovich Smolsky

In the middle of the 50s, the times of change came. September 8, 1955. a scientist-botanist, an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Tajik SSR Mykolai Vladislavovich Smolsky, who managed the Center for 21 years, was appointed to the position of director of the Garden. From that time, the revival and prosperity of the Garden, its development and establishment as a leading research institution of experimental botany begins.

The task was set to give impetus to the development of the Garden, which within the Institute of Biology was very weakly developed both as a garden and as a scientific unit, i.e. all trained specialists were transferred to the Institute of Biology. It was not by chance that Nikolay Vladislavovich Smolsky was appointed director. This talented scientist and practitioner was a student and colleague of Academician Nikolay Ivanovich Vavilov. Belarusian by nationality, a native of Narowli, Gomel region, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, in the post-war years, Nikolai Vladislavovich headed the All-Union Research Institute of Dry Subtropics in Dushanbe, engaged in the introduction and selection of subtropical crops in the wet and dry subtropical zones of the USSR; president and academician - secretary of the Department of Natural Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Tajik SSR.

With his characteristic energy and enthusiasm, Mykola Vladislavovich begins the radical reconstruction and construction of the Garden. His activity was fully supported by Vasyl Feofilovich Kuprevych, who was the president of the Academy of Sciences of the BSR in 1952-1969.

During his years of work, he carried out its large-scale reconstruction, significantly updated the structure of scientific units and strengthened their personnel. It was during this period that the main collection funds of plants of open and protected soil were formed, a number of scientific directions in the field of introduction, acclimatization, selection, ecology of useful plants, green construction, nature protection and reproduction of natural resources of Belarus were developed, and the Botanical Garden itself became one from the best gardens of the USSR. On the initiative of Nikolai Vladislavovich, who at that time was the deputy chairman of the Council of Botanical Gardens of the USSR, new species and varieties of decorative, medicinal, fodder and technical plants were put into practice, and a rational network of state reserves and natural monuments was organized in the republic. In 1978, he was awarded the State Prize of the BSSR for his experimental studies of natural plant complexes in the protected areas of Belarus, an honored scientist of the BSSR (1972). As a true scientist, he considered the establishment and development of the Central Botanical Garden to be the main task of his life. He generously gave all his strength, knowledge, creative talent to this beloved creature, raised a whole galaxy of followers and students equally devoted to science.

Much thanks to Nikolai Vladislavovich, who brilliantly combined a great scientist and a practical farmer, today the Central Botanical Garden is a leading institution in the field of experimental botany not only in Belarus, but also among the countries of Eastern Europe.

Mykolaj Vladislavovich built a work on the "Vavila" school. In order to form collections, expeditions were sent to different parts of the USSR to supply new species of plants to the Garden. Thanks to the great experience of N.V. Smolsky in the field of introduction and rational use of plant resources, formation and maintenance of plant collections, the work of the Garden has been significantly intensified. Nikolay Vladislavovich formed the national scientific school for introduction. According to his decision, auxiliary laboratories for in-depth study of the biochemical composition of plants, agrochemical analysis of soils, as well as a plant protection group were created. The Central Botanical Garden acquired a structure, areas of scientific activity, formed modern collections.

The collection of plants was replenished quickly. If in 1955 it had 3,000 names of plants, then already in 1957 - already 5,600. The collection of tree and shrub plants included 800 names of plants, floral and decorative - 1,825, greenhouse - 1,084, fruit - 582 varieties, medicinal plants - 62. , plants of 220 names were collected on the taxonomic section. Special attention was paid to roses, the number of varieties of which reached 765. Collections of other flower crops were noticeably replenished: there were 227 varieties of dahlias, 363 gladiolus varieties, 212 tulips, 99 varieties of phloxes, 170 annuals, 10 - 44 varieties of irises. Collections of decorative plants new to the republic were established - rhododendrons, rare perennials, clematis, gerberas.

The seed exchange activity with botanical gardens has been activated. In 1957, the garden delectus offered seeds of 529 species and varieties of plants.

N.V. Smolsky included in the scientific research plan the topic of developing the scientific foundations of the reconstruction of the Garden. The result was the creation of an exposition of roses, a garden of dahlias and gladiolus, and the formation of a garden of continuous flowering began. During this period, on the initiative of Nikolai Vladislavovich, scientific relations with the botanical gardens of the USSR and foreign countries were strengthened and took on a planned character. With the help of city organizations, significant work is being carried out on the improvement of the Garden and the creation of artistic decoration of botanical expositions. A guide to the Garden is published. The Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR was the first of the botanical gardens of the academies of sciences of the Union republics to be opened for workers to visit in 1957, which gave a great scope to its scientific and educational activities and the introduction of achievements in the cultivation and use of plants. This Garden was visited by about 8,000 people.

The main entrance to the botanical garden, 1961 (project by architect G.V. Sysoev)

In 1956, a project for the further development of the botanical garden was developed. He assumed the construction of another entrance to the Garden - from the side of maple alley. By this time, the main entrance to the Garden had already been designed and built according to the project of architect G.V. Sysoev.

According to the work plan for 1957, expositions of "Belarusian flora", Far Eastern and East Asian, North American, European, Siberian, Caucasus and Crimea, Central Asia, as well as a rock garden and a landscape-decorative park were developed. A large volume of work on mass planting of trees and bushes was carried out in the forest park part of the garden, in geographical sectors. The result of the intensification of scientific research and establishment of the Garden was the decision of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR in December 1957 to separate the botanical garden from the system of the Institute of Biology with the status of a research institute under the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR and assigning it the pre-war name "Central Botanical Garden". 1, Op..1. D. 825.L. At the same time, the Presidium approved a new regulation on the scientific activity of the Garden, indicating the following priority issues: 1) issues of introduction and acclimatization of plants new to the BSSR, 2) identification of new types of plant raw materials for the needs of the national economy and health care, 3) study of useful plants of the local flora , 4) development of scientific foundations for greening of cities and industrial centers of the BSSR, 5) conducting scientific and educational work in the field of botany and promotion of achievements of agrobiological science, 6) introduction of new useful plants into practice.

A new structure of the Central Bank was also approved:

  • Department of introduction and acclimatization of plants;
  • Department of ornamental plant growing;
  • Department of green construction;
  • Department of plant raw materials and plant chemistry;
  • Seed laboratory;
  • Plant Protection Group;
  • Museum and herbarium;
  • Enhancer of plant reproduction;
  • Excursion office.

Further activity of the Garden takes place in accordance with the set tasks. The introduction of plants, especially ornamental, technical, fodder, food-flavored, and vitamin plants, increased significantly. In the same year, in connection with the significant replenishment of the collection fund of ornamental plants, N.U. Smolsky decided to divide the collections into the following separate crops (Tsna NAS B.F.1, Op.1. D. 113): dahlias (270 varieties), irises (136), tulips (237), hyacinths (16), gladiolus (535), lilies (27), peonies (10), phlox venikava (115), daffodils (75), cannas (21), perennials (225), annuals (330), biennials (8 names). >

Mykolai Vasilievich Shkutko, Alexander A. Chakhovsky, M. Smilen, S. Kaurav, Yevgeny Zakharovich Babareka

N.V. Smolsky activates the training of scientific personnel, develops a plant introduction school. A graduate school is opened, the first enrollment of which was 5 people (Tsna NAS B. F.1, Op.1. D.114). The team of the laboratory of the introduction of woody plants is increasing with the arrival of young employees: Yevgeny Zaharavich Babareka, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Chakhovsky, Mykolai Vasilevich Shkutko, Yevhen Ilyinichny Orlyan, who made a significant contribution to the formation and research of tree-shrub plant collections. Ya. Z. Babareka and A. A. Chakhovski subsequently defended their candidate's theses, and M. V. Shkutko defended their candidate's and doctoral theses. In the laboratory of introduction and selection of ornamental plants, work began. of science satr. The love of Pavlovn Husarov - after the curator of collections of open and protected ground roses, art. laboratory assistant - Ivan Yahimovich Batianovsky (rhododendrons, the main flower exhibition), st. laboratory technician Varvara Minauna Khatko (dahlias, perennials) and others. florist specialists who became famous in the republic.

In connection with the fact that the general plan for the reconstruction of the Central Railway Station, developed in 1940, was not implemented due to the war, there was a need to develop a new project. In 1957-1962. it was carried out by the "Belgovsproekt" institute. According to this project, a part of the forest park zone was included in the arboretum, the area of ​​some geographical sectors and the landscape park was increased, and an exposition of floral and decorative plants was allocated. Part of the territory of the orchard has been transferred to experimental plots. It was planned to create an artificial reservoir for the display of aquatic and coastal vegetation, display of decorative plants - rosary, syringarium, dahlia garden, flower combination garden, onion garden, parterres, pergolas, etc.; as well as a systematic section of the Belarusian flora.

It was planned to create a greenhouse and a pre-greenhouse area for summer expositions of tropical and subtropical plants.

In 1958, the following structural units were formed in the Garden: the department of ornamental plant growing with a group of green construction, dendrology, fruit growing, taxonomy, horticulture, plant protection group (junior scientist, satr. N.L. Lasinskaya and laboratory assistant Kurtser N.M.), excursion bureau (junior scientific satr. Plavnik D.D.) Work on accumulating collections and beautifying the territory continued. G.U. goes on an expedition to collect Central Asian flora. Pashina (University of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus. F.1. Op.25.Arch.113). M.V. Smolsky and his employees bring scenic tulips from an expedition to Tajikistan, which are used in the breeding of domestic varieties of tulips (Kudravtsava, Bibikova). The lilac collection, which includes 74 varieties, was quickly replenished. Much attention was paid to the formation of a landscape park, as a model of garden and park art. In just one year, 217 lilac bushes, 40 jasmine bushes, 50 Buldanezh viburnum, 16 other species in the amount of 1800 plants were planted there. In order to expand the collection of roses, mass pruning was carried out. Up to 500 m2. increased the area of ​​flower beds and beds on the parterre, up to 0.1 ha of flower beds on the walnut grove. 68,000 plants were planted there, including 60,000 annuals, 6,500 perennials and bulbs, 1,500 biennials.

Central parterre (early 60s)

8 thousand m of road network is being profiled and put in order. 5,000 labels are installed at all botanical sites (Tsna NAS B.F.1. Op.25.D. 114).

The collection of floral and decorative plants during this period increased to 3000 items. For the first time in Belarus, domestic varieties of gladioli and dahlia were bred using the hybridization method.

Specialists of the Garden developed a new excursion route for the "Landscape Exhibitions" exposition, where 10,500 gladioli, 3,500 dahlias, 6,500 tulips, 4,700 hyacinths, 1,900 daffodils, 3,000 white lilies, 300 multi-colored lilies, bulbs, 50,000 annuals, 30,000 biennials and perennials, 3,000 irises and 2,000 phloxes.

Flower exhibitions (early 60s)

Great attention was paid to the promotion of scientists' achievements. For these purposes, the Central Bank of Ukraine handed over 1,687 samples of new species and varieties of plants to schools and other organizations.

In the late 1950s and early 1960s, the lack of a fence, which delayed the construction of greenhouses and the administrative building, remained a problem for the Central Bank. The conservatory was needed as soon as possible, i.e. the useful area of ​​five greenhouses (one of them underground) was only 284 m2. The height and area of ​​the greenhouses did not meet the plants' needs for normal growth and development. Due to the old nature of these premises, it was not possible to maintain the required temperature, which negatively affected the preservation of the collection. In 1958, the collection of tropical and subtropical plants of the Central Bureau of Plants was quite large - 1,334 species from 495 genera from 113 families in the number of 6,000 plants. The cactus, lily, and myrtle families were the most diverse. A large amount of work was carried out on the number of plants. In 1960, s.n.s. worked in the greenhouse. Lagun L.M., M.Sc. Lyavdanskaya P.I., Tsiaslianok L.S. Despite the complexity of maintaining the collection, a quite large (3600m2) summer exhibition of greenhouse plants (1017 species from 369 genera in the number of 4040 plants) was arranged near the greenhouse, which were exhibited according to the geographical principle. Plants of Australia and New Zealand were represented by 31 species from 20 genera in the number of 140 plants, Southeast Asia - by 402 species from 150 genera in the number of 1450 plants, Central and South America - by 210 species and varieties from 127 genera in the number of 800 plants; Mediterranean - 100 species and varieties from 67 genera in the amount of 850, Cacti and succulents - 600 plants of 224 species, forms from 85 genera, in the corner of indoor plants 50 species and varieties from 20 genera. In addition to them, 20 species, forms and varieties of ampelous and creeping plants (100 pieces) were exhibited. Collection plants of greenhouses were also exhibited at the city flower exhibition held in August 1958 in Minsk (UN A NAS RB. F.1. Op. 25. Arch. 113).

Works on studying the experience of garden and park construction in Belarus have been started at the CBS since its organization. These works, interrupted by the war, were continued in the late 1940s and early 1950s by S. D. Georgievskii and E. V. Ivanova. The task was to identify the best examples of the planning of gardens and parks, to determine their dendrological composition, to identify the nurseries of the most valuable species and varieties for use in the practice of green construction of the BSSR, as well as to outline the parks to be protected as monuments of horticultural art. V.G. Antipov, A.A. Chakhovskii, N.V. were involved in this work. Shucka. 200 garden and park facilities were surveyed. U.G. Antipov later published a monograph on the parks of Belarus.

In this period, the staff of the botanical garden developed a master plan for greening the industrial area of ​​the Minsk Automobile Plant (V.G. Antipov), assisted in the drawing up of the greening project of the experimental quarter in Minsk, carried out comprehensive studies to establish the reasons for the death of pine trees in the park them Chalyuskintsev (A.K. Churilov, L.P. Smalyak, M.M. Kupchynov, V.G. Antipav, etc.). Under the leadership of Academician N.A. Dorozhkin began studying the landscape composition of diseases and pests of introduced plants, and developing measures to combat them (S.V. Garlenko, N.L. Lasinskaya, etc.).

By 1960, the Garden's collection of plants increased almost three times compared to 1955, reaching 7,000 items, which made the Central Botanical Garden one of the largest botanical gardens of the USSR. It should be emphasized that already in this period, thanks to N.V. Smolsky, the topic of scientific research was focused on the needs of the national economy of the republic, and the achievements of scientists were put into practice.

CBS senior employee Anna Stanisslavovna Merla (right) and art. laboratory assistant V. Korbut on the hybridization of gladiolus
<В>The results of the work of the Sadu team were marked with medals and diplomas of the VDNG of the USSR. The most interesting hybrid forms of garden selection were exhibited in 1963 at the VDNG of the USSR and were awarded 1st degree certificates. One of the oldest employees of the Garden, Ph.D. Ph.D. Anna Stanislavavna Merlot was awarded a bronze medal for breeding promising forms of gladiolus and dahlias, for creating a collection of gladiolus (500 varieties), phlox (115 varieties), peonies (20 varieties), lilies (30).

In October 1964, the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR approved a new direction of research for the CBS - nature protection. N.V. Smolsky headed the Committee on Nature Protection under the Council of Ministers of the BSSR.

The leadership of the country and the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR deservedly appreciated the contribution of the Central Botanical Garden to the development of scientific research in the field of introduction and protection of nature, educational activities. By the decision of the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Science and Technology No. 72 of November 16, 1967, the status of a research institute was extended to the CBS. Then, in December, the structure and scientific directions of laboratory work are approved. The change in the status of the Garden was an organized design and recognition of its general growth as a scientific institution.

In the mid-1970s, the structure of the Garden was finally formed, which has practically not changed to this day. It included 7 laboratories:

  • Laboratory of mobilization of plant resources
  • Laboratory of introduction of woody plants
  • Laboratory of introduction and selection of ornamental plants
  • Laboratory of plant chemistry and technology of plant raw materials
  • Laboratory of Physiology of Endurance and Nutrition of Introductors
  • Plant Protection Group
  • Laboratory of Ecology and Nature Protection
Scientific secretary of the CBS from 1969 to 1984. Pavel Yakaulevich Petrovsky, laureate of the State Prize

and 4 scientific and auxiliary units (scientific library, photo laboratory, herbarium of introduced plants, excursion office). The plant protection team worked efficiently, its employees daily inspected the collections of flower and tree crops, identifying diseases and damage to plants by pests at the earliest stages, which made it possible to prevent their spread. The agrochemical group monitored the content of chemical substances in the soil of collection sites and greenhouses, giving recommendations for applying fertilizers based on their results.

The team at that time had 97 people, including 2 doctors of science. 20 candidates of sciences. It should be noted that N.V. Smolsky selected employees (both scientific and technical personnel) to work in the Garden very strictly. People indifferent to the Garden, plants, and the results of their work did not stay here. That's why professionals who are in love with their work, who keep the traditions of the "Vavila school" founded by Nikolai Vladislavovich Smolsky, worked at the Central Bank of Ukraine. That is why the Central Bank developed steadily, achieved great success thanks to the formed team, many of whose employees have worked in the Garden for 30-40 years or more.

By the end of the 1970s, the collection fund of the CBS reached 9,000 titles. In this period, for the first time in the republic, an introductory test and determination of the prospects of industrial cultivation of large-fruited cranberries began at the Central Bank of Ukraine (Ph.D. M.A. Kudzinov, PhD student J.K.Sharkovsky). Physiological studies of introduced plants are expanding. Research on the gas-absorbing capacity and gas resistance of plants begins (Ph.D. N.V. Getko, PhD student S.A. Sergeichyk).

Raisa Pavlovna Ditlov - general. photo laboratory of the Central Central Bank

The photo laboratory, created in the 1960s, played a significant role in the life of the CBS. Her work was led and organized by the talented photographer-artist Raisa Pavlovna Ditlova. She created a photo chronicle of the Garden. Almost all books, dissertations and reference books were illustrated with her photographs. Thanks to R.P. With Ditlova, we can find out what the Garden was like a few decades ago, see the faces of our colleagues.

In 1972, he was awarded an Honorary Certificate of the Supreme Soviet of the BSSR for his achievements in scientific, scientific and educational work and in the construction of the Garden of the CBSS. 7 scientific employees of the Garden were also awarded honorary diplomas of the Supreme Council of the BSSR.

Yugen Antonovich Sidarovich

In 1976, N.V. Smolsky passed away suddenly. To the post of director of the Central Bank of Ukraine was appointed Candidate of Science, after Doctor of Science, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR Yevhen Antonovich Sidarovich. On his initiative, research in the field of ecological physiology of plants is being expanded and deepened at the CBS. For these purposes, in 1977, the laboratory of ecological physiology of plants was created, which was headed by Ya.A.Sidarovych. Work continues on the main theme of the Garden - the introduction and selection of species and varieties promising for the national economy of the republic. Research in the field of medicinal horticulture is expanding, a collection of sea buckthorn forms from various regions of the USSR is being formed. The results of introductory studies were actively assimilated in the national economy of the republic. An assortment of decorative plants and lawn grasses for the landscaping of Minsk, an integral system of protection of urban green spaces from pests and diseases were developed (S.V. Garlenko, Ph.D.). The purposeful study of the dendroflora of the republic's parks has been resumed (A.T. Fedaruk, Ph.D.).

It was during this period that the scientific foundations of the industrial cultivation of large-fruited cranberries in Belarus were developed at the CBS. This work was carried out by employees of the newly created laboratory for the introduction of berry cultures.

In 1975-1978. in the Garden, a modern introductory nursery was built with a stationary greenhouse of 1000m² and a fogging installation for conducting research work and mass propagation of valuable woody and shrubby plants. This made it possible to speed up and significantly increase the volume of work on the introduction of the most valuable introducers into the greening of the republic.

For the cycle of works on the experimental study of natural plant complexes of protected areas of Belarus in 1978, the collective of employees of the Central Bureau of Statistics N.U. Smolsk (posthumously), A.A. Boyka, A.A. Sidorovich was awarded the State Prize of the BSSR in the field of science and technology. According to the results of research only for 1975–1978. 11 monographs and 369 articles were published, 6 applications for alleged inventions were submitted, and 6 hybrids of tulips, gladiolus, gerbera, and lilac selected by the Central Bureau of Statistics were submitted for state testing. In 1979, 4 varieties of lilac selected by the CBS (V.F. Bibikova) were included in the International Register of Varieties.

On the basis of a comprehensive study of the adaptive potential and biochemical evaluation, an assortment of new decorative, medicinal and spicy-aromatic plants (M.A. Kudzinov, L.V. Kukharova) and new fruit and berry plants (A.A. Chakhovsky, I .M. Garanovich, D.K. Shapiro) for cultivation in the conditions of Belarus, which became the foundation for the development of domestic floriculture, medicinal plant growing and non-traditional fruit growing.

During this period, 5 employees of the Central Bank received the degree of PhD, 2 received doctorates.

Achievements in the field of introduction and varietal study of floral and decorative plants were marked with a diploma of the 1st degree, 4 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze medals of the international flower exhibition "Flora Olamauts-77", a diploma of the 11th degree of the VDNG of the USSR. Employees of the Central Bank were awarded 1 gold, 6 silver, and 15 bronze medals of the USSR Academy of Sciences, a gold medal for exhibited dahlias at the international flower exhibition in Erfurt (GDR), a silver medal at the flower exhibition in Stuttgart (Germany).

During this period, more than 800 types and varieties of floral and decorative plants were put into practice, a fund of hybrids of decorative plants was created, which includes 4,200 numbers, a method of tulip selection was developed using flavonoid compounds during hybridization, which allow to increase the setting of seeds and the viability of flowers. <. /p>

The most important sources of the formation of collections of living plants were the exchange of seeds and living plants from the botanical gardens of the world, as well as expeditionary collections of plants in the places of their natural growth. Expedition fees are important in the formation and replenishment of collections. Therefore, botanists of the Garden made annual expeditions to collect seeds and planting material in the regions of the Far East, the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin, Altai, Pamir-Alai, the Caucasus, Crimea, the Carpathians, the plains of the Balkhash region, the Danube Delta, and the Baltic coast. Thanks to expedition collections, it was possible to introduce a variety of sea buckthorn forms directly from the places of natural growth into the Garden, such valuable plants as Manchurian aralia, Eleutherococcus, Korean cedar pine, Tien Shan spruce, Manchurian apricot, Gray pink tulips, Kos cyclamen, etc. During this period, a collection of 89 species of protected flora of Belarus was formed.

In 1980-1985 together with the continuation of research in the field of introduction, where the CBS was the main organization, research in new directions - biotechnology and biological monitoring - began.

New fodder plants, including Eastern galega, the expediency of using it in fodder production in the republic was substantiated. The successful implementation of biological monitoring was facilitated by the creation of a system of automated collection and analysis of primary information with the help of a micro-computer in the Central Central Bank.

CBS carried out important work on the selection of an assortment of halophytes for the biological reclamation of salt dumps of the "Belaruskali" association, as well as woody and shrub species for the creation of protective forest strips around salt dumps and sludge storage facilities.

According to the results of research carried out in the laboratory of environmental physiology, maps of man-made pollution of forest ecosystems of Belarus with compounds of sulfur and heavy metals were created, and recommendations were developed to reduce the effects of man-made factors on forest plantations of Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Work was actively carried out to increase the sustainability and optimization of the state of urban green spaces. Achievements of the Central Bank of Ukraine in the field of environmental protection were awarded medals named after G. Mendel Academy of Sciences of Czechoslovakia.

CBS exhibits in the field of introduction and variety study of floral and decorative plants for 1980-1985. awarded with 67 medals, incl. 23 medals of the international exhibition "Flora Olamauts", including 7 gold, 8 silver, 8 bronze medals (participants - L.P. Husarova, A.I. Mankevich, E.A. Burova).

Since 1986, the CBS has been involved in the implementation of the state program to minimize the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. The main researches were carried out in the laboratory of plant ecology under the supervision of Dr. A.U. Boyka, as well as in the laboratories of environmental physiology, the introduction of woody plants, and the introduction of fruit and berry plants. As a result of the implementation of 18 topics of the AGNTP "Minimization of the Consequences of the Accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant", the impact of various levels of radioactive pollution on the accumulation of radionuclides in the wood and fruit of various wild and cultivated plants was established, the prospects were assessed and the technology of growing representatives of the seven species was developed. Aralia (Aralia, Eleutherococcus) to obtain radioprotective drugs.

1992-2012. - adaptation to new socio-economic conditions

In the first half of the 90s of the last century, in the conditions of the financial crisis and the collapse of the economy (during the transition of the Republic of Belarus to state independence), the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus managed to preserve the scientific team without significant losses, to preserve unique collection funds of plants, especially subtropical and tropical flora, at a high level to perform a large amount of scientific research. This was a great merit of the director of the Central Bank of Ukraine. National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Ya.A. Sidorovich. Within the structure of the Garden, a thematic group of biotechnology was organized under the leadership of Dr. A.M. Kutas, who started research on microclonal reproduction of valuable plants (rhododendrons, cranberries, tall sedum, lilac, gerbera, etc.).

In connection with the decrease in basic funding, laboratories are actively involved in the execution of commissioned works. Scientific and technical projects in the line of "Ginseng cultivation", "Prene-aromatic plants", "Cranberry cultivation", "Brusnitsa" appeared as major orders. As a result of their implementation, technologies for growing new berry crops for Belarus were created and improved - large-fruited cranberries, lingonberries, ginseng, 5 types of spicy aromatic plants. About 50 compositions of herbal teas, soft drinks and table wines have been developed.

Vladimir Nikolayevich Rashetnikov

In 1997, the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus appointed a corresponding member, after the academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Vladimir Mykolaevich Rashetnikov, as the director of the CBS. Assessing the real state of affairs in the organization, V.M. Rashetnikov realized that it is impossible to solve the problems of the Garden accumulated over many years without state support. To solve this problem, on the initiative of V.M. Rashetnikov in 1999 was invited to the Garden by the President of the Republic of Belarus A.R. Lukashenka. This event was historic in the life of the collective, determined its further fate and development for many years.

In order to fulfill the tasks during the visit of the Head of the State, the most important for the Central Bank of Belarus were adopted and implemented the resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus "On the approval of the program of reconstruction of the objects of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus", "On the announcement of collection funds of living plants and herbarium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus as a scientific object, "On the approval of the State Program for the Creation of the National Genetic Fund of Economic Plants", the Central Botanical Garden was declared a National Monument of Nature The garden received the status of a monument of landscape architecture of the 2nd half of the 20th century

Research and innovation work, replenishment of the gene pool has significantly intensified.

Through exchanges with foreign botanical institutions, targeted expeditions and business trips over the past 15 years, more than 15,000 taxa of the world's flora have been brought to the primary introduction test, from which ornamental, pungent-aromatic, pungent-aromatic, plants. than 1,200 names, which created a significant reserve for enriching the cultural flora of Belarus.

The topic of scientific research of almost all structural divisions has expanded.

In the laboratory of introduction and selection of ornamental plants, studies of the cultural flora of ornamental herbaceous plants of Belarus have been started, work on the introduction of ornamental plants of aboriginal flora has been developed, on the development of methods for monitoring the state of botanical collections. The laboratory of the introduction of woody plants began to assess the condition of the dendroflora of the ancient parks of the republic, and was included in the implementation of the tasks of the state programs "Phytopreparations" and "Fruit growing". In the laboratory of mobilization of plant resources, responsible research was carried out on the development of technologies for the industrial cultivation of medicinal and spicy-aromatic plants, on the introduction of energetic plant species. The laboratory for the introduction of fruit and berry plants has concentrated its scientific potential on the development of the industrial culture of the tall bulrush.

Employees of the laboratory of phytopathogenic organisms revealed patterns of structure formation and studied the biological features of phytopathogenic organisms of introduced plants in the green areas of the regional centers of Belarus, developed and implemented an integral system of protection of plants from diseases and pests in greenhouses and heat.

In recent years, the Laboratory of Environmental Physiology, together with the Laboratory of Chemistry and Technology of Plant Raw Materials, have been researching the prospects of using seven plants. heather during the reclamation of developed peat deposits.

In recent decades, breeding research has expanded significantly. Along with floral and decorative plants, selection programs include medicinal and aromatic plants, beautiful flowering shrubs. With the use of various selection and genetic methods, a national selection fund of decorative and economically useful plants was created, more than 70 new varieties were bred and entered into the State Register. CBS has become the country's leading scientific and practical center for the selection of decorative, medicinal and aromatic crops.

In 1998, the Institute of Experimental Botany named after V.F. Kuprevych Laboratory of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Director V.M. Rashetnikov, Ph.D.). The staff of this laboratory included 26 employees, including V.N. Rashetnikov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, and V.L. Kaler, candidates of biological sciences A.U. Spiridovich, A.P. Bulka, T.I. Fomenka, I.I. Poromchik, R.A. Nenadavich, L.U. Goncharova; candidates of technical sciences A.M. Skokov, Ya.A. Horadetska. Continuing and developing the research of its own biochemical school, the main areas of scientific activity of this laboratory were problems of biochemistry of biologically active substances of representatives of local and introduced flora, biochemistry and physiology of differentiation and dedifferentiation of plant cells and tissues, proteomics and epigenetics. Successful scientific and innovative activity of the laboratory was combined with active training of highly qualified personnel. In the period 1999-2009. defended their PhD theses A.B. Ulasova, A.U. Chizhik, A.A. Kuzaukova (Lyanets), V.Ts. Vasilevka, N.Yu. Karoleva, A.R. Shutova, P.S. Shabunya, A.U. Bashilov.

Creative and personnel growth of the laboratory (more than 35 employees), its productive work in the field of priority areas of scientific and scientific and technical activity, active international cooperation provided the basis for the transformation of the laboratory into the department of biochemistry and biotechnology of plants, which in 2009 the laboratory of applied biochemistry (head of PhD A.U. Spiridovich), the laboratory of cellular biotechnology (head of PhD T.I. Famenko) were formed. The department is headed by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician V.N. Rashetnikov, who was awarded the title "Honored Scientist of the Republic of Belarus" in 2008.

Currently, the department is developing work in the field of biotechnology, including the creation of new forms of plants by methods of modern cell technologies, as well as microclonal reproduction of economic plants. Proteomic analysis of cells and their compartments, molecular genetic passporting of collection funds, research of biologically active natural compounds for the creation of biocorrectors and antioxidant complexes of a new generation are actively developing.

Together with the organizations of the Department of Agrarian Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, new types of non-alcoholic and tea drinks, fruit and vegetable preserves, dressings, juices have been developed using local spicy and aromatic raw materials, which have high biological value and are able to replace imported counterparts.

Developments of the Central Botanical Garden are the scientific basis for the development of green construction, many branches of industry, forestry and agriculture. New species and varieties of ornamental plants (including selections of the Central Bureau of Statistics) selected by the Central Bureau of Investigation as a result of a comparative comprehensive assessment are included in the state register of the Republic of Belarus. Their implementation in the practice of greening allowed many objects of green construction in Belarus, having a national flavor, to meet the best European standards of greening and optimization of the ecological environment. Amateur floriculture, which is actively developing, receives an updated range of modern decorative plants.

For 2001-2011. The Central Bank has completed a large volume of works on the reconstruction of the main infrastructure facilities. The garden turned into a large construction site. Research and production greenhouses have been reconstructed, an exhibition greenhouse, limonarium, a greenhouse for microclonal reproduction of plants, a reconstructed lake complex, a modern road and trail network have been improved, a large amount of work on the improvement of the territory has been completed, and work on the reconstruction of farms has been started. , tuber storage, administrative building, etc.

In 2008, the National Academy of Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus was included in the state research and production association "Scientific-Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Bioresources", in the same year the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus developed and approved the Concept of Comprehensive Development of the National Academy of Sciences for 2008-2015. plan of activities for its implementation.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Titok

In 2009, the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus appointed Dr. Uladzimir Uladzimirovich Titko. Large-scale reconstruction of Central Bank facilities continues, information and exhibition activities are expanding significantly.

The Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus today is one of the leading institutes of a biological profile in the Republic of Belarus. The scientific and scientific and technical activities of the Central Botanical Garden are aimed at solving the urgent problems of agriculture, forestry, housing and communal services, pharmaceutical and food industry, nature management and environmental protection, bioenergy. CBS has a high scientific and technical potential, a modern research base, experimental equipment, which allows to carry out comprehensive scientific research in the main areas of activity at a high level, to successfully carry out innovative activities, and to train scientific personnel. Scientific schools of plant introduction (academician N.V. Smolsky), ecological physiology of plants (member-correspondent of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus A.A. Sidarovich), biochemistry and biotechnology of plants (academician V.M. Rashetnikov, member) continue to work successfully at TBS National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Zh.A.

The structure of the botanical garden has 10 scientific divisions, the sector of educational work, economic and engineering service, accounting and planning and financial management, personnel department. Now about 250 people work in the garden. The number of workers performing scientific research and development is 190, including 118 researchers, including 1 academician, 2 corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 7 doctors of science and 37 candidates of science.

CBS was the main implementing organization of the Reconstruction Program of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for 2007-2013, 2 sub-programs of 2 state programs, Branch Scientific and Technical Program "Introduction and Greening" for 2011-2015, carries out research in within the state programs of scientific research, participates in the implementation of the state programs "Gene Fund", "Fruit Breeding", "Import Substitution", the State Program of Integrated Development of Pripyatskyi Palessia, 3 state scientific and technical programs, etc. CBS annually executes 15-18 projects under grants of the Belarusian Republican Fund for Fundamental Research, more than 30 economic agreements and contracts with enterprises and organizations of Belarus, with foreign firms and organizations.

CBS has created a stable base in the scientific and practical spheres of activity. The active work of the CBS in the field of plant introduction ensured the creation of a valuable gene pool of ornamental and economically useful introduced plants in the amount of more than 10,000 names, which is widely used in the national economy. Individual collection plants are unique and are available in no more than two or three botanical gardens of the world. An inventory and state registration of botanical collections from 32 names was carried out. Selection work has been activated. Extensive biochemical and genetic engineering research, included in fundamental and scientific and technical programs. Capital construction and reconstruction of basic infrastructure facilities continues. Science-intensive works in the field of green construction are carried out, including at the most important objects of national importance. Central Bank participates in the greening of parade grounds of regional and district centers, enterprises and organizations of Belarus.

International cooperation is expanding and strengthening. Every year, garden employees go on foreign business trips and expeditions to acquire new genetic material of plants, participate in joint research, conferences, and also to undergo internships. Joint scientific projects are carried out with scientific organizations of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Hungary, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Mongolia, etc. Established business contacts with botanical gardens of Great Britain, specialized firms in Germany. A significant event for the post-Soviet space was the creation of the Association of Botanical Gardens of Russia and Belarus in 2008.

Prospects for the further development of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for the nearest future are determined by the Concept of Integrated Development of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for 2008-2015. The concept provides for the preservation of continuity in the study of the biological diversity of the natural flora of Belarus and foreign flora, in the development of problems of introduction and acclimatization of plants, scientific foundations and technologies of rational use of plant resources, in the development of breeding works, in ensuring replenishment, proper preservation and documentation. their wide use for demonstration, educational and recreational purposes.

Implementation of these provisions will be carried out on a modern scientific and innovative technological basis, which should ensure an increase in the level of scientific and scientific and practical activity of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, its inclusion among the leading botanical gardens of the world, its transformation into a unique natural and plant complex of national importance.

  1. Nesterovych, M.Dz. Introduction of trees and shrubs for 40 years of the Belarusian SSR//Science in Belarus for 40 years. Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the Belarusian SSR. Minsk, 1958. P. 191-200
  2. Smolski, M.U. Central Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR // Science in the Belarusian SSR for 40 years. Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the Belarusian SSR. Minsk, 1958. P. 238-251.
  3. Takarov, N.V. Names returned. Employees of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus who suffered during Stalin's repressions (edited by Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus A.S. Makhnach). Minsk: Science and Technology, 1992. 120 p.
  4. Nestyarovich, N.Dz. Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the Belarusian SSR//Nature. 1947. #10
  5. N.V. Tokarov Military destinies. Employees of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus are participants of the Great Patriotic War (edited by Academician M.A. Barysevich). Minsk: Science and Technology, 1995.89 p.