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Preventive project "Minsk - a healthy city"

Preventive project "Minsk - a healthy city"

In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to public health and disease prevention. As part of this trend, the preventive project "Minsk - a healthy city" began its implementation in 2019. Its goal is to turn the capital into a city of health. It is aimed at improving the general health of city residents, preventing diseases and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

The project developed a set of activities aimed at improving public health:

  • lectures, trainings and seminars (held for all age groups on various topics - on healthy eating, physical activity, prevention of infectious and non-infectious diseases and other aspects of health);
  • cooperation with educational institutions (the project actively interacts with educational institutions to introduce health-saving practices into the daily lives of students);
  • support for the health of older people (the project organizes special programs for older citizens, including physical education classes, social events and specialist consultations);
  • promoting a healthy lifestyle, sports events and other initiatives (the project helps disseminate information about the importance of physical activity, healthy eating, giving up bad habits and taking care of your health);
  • creating a health-saving environment (the project supports public-private partnerships to create a favorable environment that promotes health city ​​population);
  • creation of green areas and parks (the project aims to create a comfortable urban environment, including the improvement of parks, alleys, bicycle paths and recreation areas);
  • prevention of chronic diseases (the project actively informs the population about the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity and other chronic conditions);
  • cooperation with medical institutions (to exchange experiences and implement best practices in healthcare).

Currently, the project continues to actively develop, covering more and more aspects of the health of city residents. The city of Minsk strives to become not only an economic and cultural center, but also a place where caring for the health of each resident becomes a priority. The Minsk - Healthy City project continues to inspire residents to an active lifestyle and care for their physical and psychological well-being.