Main | Events | Author's course "Garden in your home"

Author's course "Garden in your home"

05.11.2022 - 12.11.2022

Modern trends in interior design increasingly involve the use of exotic plants. Many, both professionals and amateurs, want to "settle" exotic "green friends" in their home or apartment. But it is known that tropical and subtropical plants are capricious, often requiring special conditions of maintenance and special agricultural technology.

The Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus invites senior researcher Valentina Nikolaevna Chertovich, the most famous specialist in interior landscaping in the country with invaluable experience working with indoor plants, to the author's course.

The author's course consists of a series of classes, each of which includes both theory and practice.

Theoretical part:

  • will reveal basic knowledge on the chosen topic,
  • involves detailed answers to questions of interest,
  • introduces the range of plants for interior landscaping.

 Practical part:

  • visiting a closed greenhouse plant fund,
  • mastering the skills of forming highly decorative plant groups,
  • application of plant combination rules in interior landscaping.

November 5, 2022 at 11:00

"Interior landscaping of residential premises"

The lesson includes:

  • The history of the penetration of tropical flora plants into Europe;
  • Rules for the selection and placement of plants in living spaces;
  • Excursion to a closed greenhouse fund. Introduction to tropical herbaceous plants.

November 12, 2022 at 11:00

"Interior landscaping of office premises"

The lesson includes:

  • The emergence of the first collections and the emergence of the flower business;
  • Features of selection and techniques for interior landscaping of office premises;
  • Excursion to a closed greenhouse fund. Introduction to tropical woody plants.

Gain unique knowledge in the field of interior landscaping!

Duration of each lesson is 2 hours

Groups are formed by prior appointment by phone:

+375 29 320 17 17; +375 17 379 69 15.

The cost of the lesson with a visit to the stock greenhouse is 10 rubles.

An additional fee is charged for an entrance ticket to the botanical garden:

Full - 10 rubles.

Concessionary - 5 rubles.

More details by phone:

+375 29 320 17 17

+375 17 379 69 15