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Science Festival

07.09.2019 - 07.09.2019

On September 7, the Science Festival will be held in Minsk for the second time. The event will traditionally be held on the territory of the Central Botanical Garden with the comprehensive support of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The Festival is being prepared by a team of organizers from among young scientists of the Academy of Sciences, which makes its format unique. The guys strive to draw attention to modern scientific achievements and popularize science, knowing how it works from the inside. The first Science Festival in 2018 was well received by visitors, participants, and the media. The festival brought together more than 7,000 guests and 40 participants. The organizers strive to make the Second Science Festival even larger. During the year, the team carefully selected participants and worked out the program for each of the zones. The final program of the event is full of popular science lectures. There will be four lecture platforms at the Festival:

  • in the first, lecturers from the Eclab project will talk about the evolution of communities, the development of urban space and biotechnology, and the Scientist Tribune lecture hall will present a series of lectures on electricity and space;
  • in the second, there will be a block of short speeches from TEDxYouth@BSULyceum and a block of lectures related to chemistry;
  • in the third, the well-known Minsk lecture projects Massaraksh and Science Outside of Itself will tell guests of the Science Festival about new technologies in various fields from genetics to food packaging;
  • in the fourth, there are lectures united by medical topics, here you can learn about space medicine, vaccinations, stem cells, and also argue with representatives of the NatiVita Pharmaceutical Company about the extremes of a healthy lifestyle and biohacking.
  • Compared to last year, the number of participants in the Robots and Technologies zone has increased significantly. There are robotics schools with master classes in programming, engineering and robotics, startups, and the Bytespace retro computer museum. The participants will also include the STEP Computer Academy with a prize IT quest and cosplay, the School of Digital Technologies with the production of engineering night lights with the Science Festival logo, which you can take away with you, ITeen Academy of the High-Tech Park Educational Center with a "Pilot School" and drone flights. There will also be a concentration of many contests and competitions: laser tag on robot cars, Kinect (fencing), VR shooter, etc. Startups will demonstrate their developments: Robatznetwork will show the game Space Invaders to explain the principle of operation of swarm algorithms, Skiniver will tell how to check the health of the skin using AI with a smartphone, Quali.Me will offer to take a real public test of knowledge in mathematics. Of course, the zone will feature 3D printers, robot samples, even 3D printed robots, as well as a robotic mobile platform for rehabilitation and independent movement (WOEX). The program of the Robots and Technologies zone was formed with the support of the Education for the Future Association and the Science Around Us Foundation. One of the largest sites will be the entertainment zone of the Festival, it includes scientific shows, expositions and master classes from science museums: Quantum, Elemento, EXPIREMENTus and the Smart Minsk project. Elemento will present an interactive scientific performance Alice in the Land of Electricity to the guests, Quantum will hold master classes on human anatomy, and the Smart Minsk project will teach how to play on fruits and conduct its labs on physics, chemistry and medicine. This year, right at the event, you can play Brain Ring or intellectual games in the format of quests with logical riddles and puzzles. The chemical company "DOW" will be holding master classes and demonstrations throughout the day, telling about chemical processes. The "World of Classics" project will hold its master classes, the project representatives will explain the physics of music and tell amazing facts about the structure of musical instruments. Foreign guests will also take part in the event: good friends of the Minsk Science Festival - the All-Russian Science Festival NAUKA 0+ will present a site dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the creation of the periodic table, where they will show the "Chemical Bar" and various versions of the periodic table created in the studio of Artemy Lebedev. The Information Center for Atomic Energy will present an interactive performance "Sounds of Construction" and more than 20 activities telling about the nuclear industry in science. An important part of the Science Festival will be sites dedicated to the popularization of a careful attitude to nature. The exhibition and forum "Green Tourism in Belarus" will tell about specially protected natural areas and ecological tourism, the organization "APTUS batskaushchyny" will show how to become a friend of birds and will organize a real photo hunt. A special place in the program of the event is occupied by the site where universities will be represented. Leading universities will talk about the most interesting specialties and present student scientific developments. The exhibition of developments of the NAS of Belarus promises to surprise guests: with samples of modern selection and microclones of trees, an art-therapeutic laboratory and a book cafe, tastings, an archaeological museum, DNA portrait compilation, phototherapy and photostimulation, thermal imaging photography, a test drive of small electric transport and much more. The children's playground is organized by the "Little Party" project. You can have a snack in the street food area from the organizers of the festival series. The Science Festival will be held from 12:00 to 20:00 in the Central Botanical Garden (metro station "Park Chelyuskintsev"). Everyone is invited to the Festival, tickets are 5 rubles. You can buy a ticket on the event website: or by following the link Free admission for preschool children.