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"From Winter to Spring"

10.02.2018 - 11.02.2018

The State Scientific Institution "Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" invites you to visit the cultural, educational and exhibition event "From Winter to Spring" - a winter marathon of flowering and non-flowering exotic plants from the Central Botanical Garden collection.

The exhibition is open: from February 10 to March 11, 2018, daily from 10:00 to 17:00 (closed on Monday). It's February on the calendar, but spring has already come to the Botanical Garden! The time when feelings awaken along with nature, when you rejoice in simple little things, when you want bright colors to replace the dark gray everyday life! We invite friends to the spring carnival of flowers! We offer you to become a participant in a real flower marathon from winter to spring. The exhibition will open with expositions of epiphytic ferns, a range of crotons and blooming orchids from the collection fund of the botanical garden. They will be joined by rare specimens from private collections and hybrids of Western European selection. The exposition of orchids will decorate the exhibition with its diversity and luxury of color. The exhibition will feature a variety of slipper orchids (paphiopedilums and phragmipediums), precious orchids (macodes, anoectochilus, ludisia), various phalaenopsis, cambria, zygopetalum, cattleya, cymbidium. Only at the exhibition in the botanical garden can you get acquainted with blooming orchids that exude the finest aromas of vanilla, lily of the valley, caramel. By International Women's Day on March 8, the exposition will be replaced by a multi-species exhibition of hyacinths and tulips. Tulips of six garden classes: Darwin hybrids, Triumph tulips, Fringed, Double late, Parrot and Lily-flowered tulips (120 varieties). Visitors will be delighted by a rainbow of hyacinth colors: white, blue, pink, lilac, red. Spring is coming. Make way for spring! As part of the exhibition, on weekends, from 13.00 to 14.00, various interesting master classes and consultations from scientific staff on agricultural technology and growing orchids and other plants presented at the exhibition will be held.

In March, along with master classes, there will be a series of lectures on the most relevant topics that are currently the trend of the season, for flower lovers and summer residents.

March 3, 2018 at 11:00"Medicinal plants in the botanical garden collection"; March 10, 2018 at 11:00 "Blueberries at the peak of popularity"; March 17, 2018 at 11:00 "Roses - style and interior of the landscape"; March 24, 2018 at 11:00 "We graft, cut and protect citrus fruits". On the eve of the holidays: Valentine's Day and March 8, at the exhibition you can buy live cut flowers of orchids, tulips, tulips in pots and orchid seedlings from the collection of the botanical garden. Those who froze in the February cold, on the way to the botanical garden, will be warmed by a cup of hot tea and invigorated by the aroma of essential oils. On the weekend of February 10, 11, 17, March 3, 4 the following are organized: - tasting of tea on medicinal, spicy and aromatic herbs from the collection of the botanical garden; - presentation of aromas of essential oils. After visiting the exhibition, you will tune in to spring, get valuable experience in growing orchids and other plants, talk to the scientific staff of the botanical garden, a lot of positive and spring mood awaits you. We invite Minsk residents and guests of the capital to visit the Central Botanical Garden, its exhibitions and displays. Entrance to the landscape area of ​​the botanical garden is paid - 6.00 Belarusian rubles. Information phone number: 292-69-15.