Main | Events | Festive ball for the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus "Blooming Rose Garden"

Festive ball for the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus "Blooming Rose Garden"

03.07.2017 - 03.07.2017

The blooming of the decorative rose collection in the botanical garden is one of the most significant and favorite events for Minsk residents and guests of the capital. Roses appeared on Earth much earlier than people and after many centuries, they won the symbol of the "Queen of Flowers". The rose was admired, its beauty was sung by poets, myths, legends, romances were composed about it. The aromas of these extraordinary plants give birth to dreams and harmony in the soul, ignite love and joy in life. The rose collection in the botanical garden has been known since the creation of the garden. In 1941, it numbered 80 species and varieties. During the Great Patriotic War, many rose varieties perished. The restoration of the collection was resumed only by 1950. This year, the Central Botanical Garden celebrated its 85th anniversary. Thanks to the many years of dedicated work of its employees, the garden has become the pearl of the capital, its decorative plant collections, including roses, are the national treasure of the Republic of Belarus. The peak of the flowering activity of the rose collection falls on the beginning of July, and the employees of the botanical garden present roses - as a gift to all Minsk residents and guests of the capital for the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus. The botanical garden invites its visitors to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of luxury, beauty and harmony of these magnificent rose garden plants, feel like a participant in the rose ball, admire climbing roses, polyanthus, floribunda and grandiflora, standard, tea, hybrid - more than three hundred varieties in total. The elegance, variety of colors and shapes are truly inexhaustible and conquer the hearts of flower growers and rose lovers. Traditionally, as part of the event, participants of the rose festival will meet with the curator of the collection. All comers will be able to receive detailed consultations right on the territory of the rose garden from 12.00 to 13.00 and from 13.30 to 15.00. Professional guides will conduct excursions around the rose garden and other natural objects. Excursion groups are formed on the territory of the rose garden from 14.30 to 15.30. A grand performance of the symphony orchestra of the Belteleradiocompany will create a festive mood and a real ball. The performance of the waltz of flowers, tango, polonaise by the artists of the dance group to the music of the orchestra and the invitation of visitors to dance - this is an enchanting ball among magnificent nature and roses. On the site near the exposition greenhouse, visitors will be able to participate in various master classes:

  • Perfume workshop of Vlad Rekunov: personal compositions. Capital perfumers will help weave fragrances exclusively for you! For example, rose, jasmine and earthy bitterness - components consonant with the botanical garden! Aromas reflect the world of inner culture, harmony and sensuality.
  • Rose oil and other essential oils in cosmetics and for daily use.
  • Summer makeup "in pink style" from Mary Kay.
  • Rose boutonnieres and souvenirs of applied art.
  • Exhibition and sale of souvenirs from artisans.

Master classes for children:

  • "Rose for memory" - sand drawing.
  • We paint toys, play interactive games, photo zones.


  • 13:00 - Opening of the program, congratulations to everyone on the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus. The floor is given to the curator of the rose collection. Invitation to a tour of the rose garden at 2:30 p.m.
  • 1:30 p.m. – Performance by the Symphony Orchestra of the Belteleradiocompany of the Republic of Belarus. Part I. Conductor Vladimir Ovodok. Performance by the soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Belarus Margarita Levchuk.
  • 2:30 p.m. – Beginning of the tour of the rose garden (groups are formed near the pool on the territory of the rose garden).
  • 2:40 p.m. – Presentation of fragrances (Workshop of Vlad Rekunov).
  • 2:50 p.m. – Performance by the Symphony Orchestra of the Belteleradiocompany of the Republic of Belarus. Part II. Conductor Vladimir Ovodok. Performance by the artists of the dance studio “La Camargo” and a dance master class for visitors.
  • 15:45 – Final, III part of the performance of the symphony orchestra of the Belteleradiocompany of the Republic of Belarus.
  • 16:30 – End of the event.

Entrance to the landscape area of ​​the botanical garden is paid - 6 Belarusian rubles - for all categories of citizens. Children under 6 years old, disabled people of all groups, large families, orphans, conscripts - free of charge. Information by phone +375 17 292-69-15.