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School holidays in the Botanical Garden

02.11.2021 - 07.11.2021
The Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus informs that the following excursions for children will be held during the school holidays:Excursion "Evergreen Plants of Our Garden". During the excursion, schoolchildren will learn that it is not only the Christmas tree that is "the same color in winter and summer". They will get acquainted with numerous plants that, thanks to an amazing feature, do not shed their leaves throughout the year. They will see a variety of shapes and colors of leaves that have woven a wonderful unfading carpet by winter. And the employees of the botanical garden will answer the eternal questions "how" and "why?" this happens in nature, how evergreen plants differ from wintergreens.

Time: from November 2 to 5, by appointment. - 10:00; - 11:00; - 12:00; - 13:00.

For children of primary and secondary school age. Excursion "Lichenology for Beginners". During the excursion-lesson, you will get acquainted with the amazing world of lichens. You will see them in nature with your own eyes, get acquainted with herbarium samples of species diversity characteristic of our republic, learn about the species listed in the Red Book of Belarus. A fascinating journey will allow you to get answers to the questions: Why are they called "pioneers"? Do lichens grow in Antarctica? Or, have they been in outer space? Can lichens leave us without pears, apples, cherries, sweet cherries and other delicious things? What is their taste or color, are they edible? Do fashionistas use them? Can a doctor prescribe them for us? What does their presence or absence in our ecosystems mean? You will also take part in an experiment to identify lichen flora species using simple chemical reactions, learn how to herbarize them and create your own collection. 

Time: from November 2 to November 6, by appointment. - 10:00; - 11:30; - 13:00. Age category: schoolchildren in grades 4-8, groups of up to 15-17 people. 

Excursion "The Fascinating World of the Tropics and Subtropics in the Exposition Greenhouse". The excursion introduces unusual and amazing plants of the deserts, Central and South America, Australia, Southeast Asia and the Mediterranean countries, plants of savannas and monsoon forests, as well as plants of coastal zones. Duration of the excursion - 30 - 40 minutes. 

Time: any day, by appointment. 

Excursion "World of Citrus Plants". The excursion is held in a unique and the only citrus greenhouse in Belarus - a lemonarium. The world of sunny fruits and the indescribable aroma of lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits will leave an indelible impression for a long time. Duration of the excursion is 30 minutes. 

Time: any day, by appointment. 

Pre-registration by phone +375 17 292 69 15.