Main | Events | "The magic of fairy tales of the peoples of the world and the amazing world of plants of the Central Botanical Garden!"

"The magic of fairy tales of the peoples of the world and the amazing world of plants of the Central Botanical Garden!"

30.10.2018 - 10.11.2018

The exhibition "Living Dragons" is open in the Exposition Greenhouse of Tropical and Subtropical Plants.

The Central Botanical Garden invites you to exciting programs during the autumn holidays! After all, holidays are created to fill you with new bright impressions, play in the fresh air, meet the characters from your favorite fairy tales and cartoons! This time we will go on a journey into the magical world of fairy tales! Every day will be unique, because fairy tales exist in all countries, among all peoples, in all parts of the world! Just like the plants in the botanical garden are collected from all corners of the planet and each of them represents the amazing world of nature and has extraordinary magical properties! In the format of events, guests of the botanical garden will also be able to visit the exhibition of representatives of exotic fauna from all continents "Living Dragons". The exhibition will be interesting for both adults and children. Green iguanas and Cape monitor lizards, Yemeni chameleons will remind you of dragons from fairy tales! Many nations have composed fairy tales and legends about dragons! You can visit one fairy-tale performance about a dragon if you come to the garden during school holidays! We offer exciting, fun and educational programs in the fabulously beautiful landscape of the botanical garden.

We'll let you in on the secret a little and tell you what awaits you:

  • fairy-tale characters,
  • lots of music,
  • theater performances,
  • bubble show,
  • animated game program,
  • master classes,
  • game room,
  • disco,
  • exhibition "Living dragons".

And, of course, every day at 12.30 in the program, a very interesting excursion "In the world of plants". Our journeys begin near the exhibition greenhouse of tropical plants, will take place during the autumn holidays and will take all guests into the world of fairy tales, deciduous, tropical plants and extraordinary fairy tale living dragons!

Fairy tales of the peoples of the world:

  • 10/30 – The world of Slavic fairy tales with Masha and the Bear.
  • 10/31 – Eastern fairy tales with Jasmine and the Shamakhan Queen.
  • 11/01 – Magic fairy tales.
  • 11/02 – Sea fairy tales with Pirates.
  • 11/03 – Northern fairy tales with Queen Elsa and Snowman Olaf.
  • 11/04 – The Tale of the Dragon.

At the end of each program, a "Fairytale Disco" awaits you! We invite everyone – schoolchildren and their parents – to the botanical garden for the autumn holidays! Entrance to the landscape area of ​​the botanical garden is paid. The cost of a full entrance ticket is 7.00 Belarusian rubles. Concessionary ticket is 4.00 rubles for schoolchildren, students, pensioners. Children under 6, large families, conscripts, disabled people of all groups, orphans - admission is free. Information by phone: (017) 292-69-15.