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Laboratory of decorative horticulture

The head of the laboratory is Uladzimir Ivanovich Torchik, Doctor of Biological Sciences.

Sector of decorative horticulture was created in 2006 on the basis of the thematic group at the laboratory of the introduction of woody plants. Since August 1, 2017, the sector has been transformed into a laboratory. Now the laboratory has 4 employees (1 Doctor of Science), including 1 researcher, 1 leading agronomist and 1 graduate student.

Main areas of scientific research and development

  • Estimation of the regeneration potential of decorative garden forms that are difficult to reproduce vegetatively in the annual cycle of development; Finding methods that increase the effectiveness of implementation and vaccination. Improvement of technologies of vegetative propagation and growing of planting material of promising cultivars.
  • Identifying the adaptation possibilities of ornamental woody plants when growing in a limited volume of soil substrate and improving the technology of growing planting material with a closed root system.
  • Formation of the gene pool of new decorative garden forms of woody plants based on the phenotypic variability of seed offspring and vegetative clones of spontaneous somatic mutations.
  • Development of assortments, agrotechnical methods of cultivation and scientific justification of the compositional use of woody plants in various methods of container gardening and garden and park construction.
  • The most important results of scientific and scientific and technical activities

    • A new methodical approach to identifying promising woody plants for green construction is substantiated, based on taking into account the genotypic features of growth and development of garden forms of species, the most stable in the conditions of Belarus, which ensures a reduction in the terms of their primary introduction by 5-6 years. < /li>
    • 2 collections were formed: "Ornamental garden forms of woody plants", which includes 192 cultivars and "Spontaneous somatic mutations and decorative forms of woody plants selected by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus", which includes 19 decorative forms of common pine, 5 European fir, 1 p. Korean fir, more than 120 seedlings of Scots pine with pronounced dwarf growth and 42 vegetative clones of 9 native and introduced tree species, including 28 Scots pine, 10 European spruce, 1 Scotch fir, dry.
    • Optimal parameters of exogenous abiotic (microclimate, substrate, concentration and exposure of growth regulators) and endogenous biotic (degree of stem weaning, organic and forced rest of the queen) factors that determine the success of rhizogenesis in stem cuttings of more than 100 cultivars have been established.
    • Proposed method of accelerated production of new forms of plants with pronounced dwarf growth on the basis of spontaneous somatic mutations of the "witch's broom" type, detected in stands of coniferous species of the republic.
    • Developed a promising assortment for mobile forms of greening in urban conditions, for industrial interiors and gardens on the roofs of high-rise buildings and agrotechnical methods of maintaining woody cultivars in containers, which include obtaining the initial planting material, content and rules for combining plants taking into account their allelopathic activity and growth intensity.

    The most important results of innovative activity (implementation)

    8 technological regulations have been developed for the reproduction and cultivation of planting material of decorative garden forms of woody plants, which are introduced at the enterprises of the Ministry of Forestry and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. More than 100,000 seedlings of decorative plants with a closed root system were grown.


    Number of scientific publications over the last 5 years: 26 in total, including: monographs - 2, articles - 19, of which 16 are included in the list of publications of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.

    1. Torchyk V.I., Khalapuk G.A. Introduction of Pseudotsuga Menzies (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) in the conditions of Belarus / Minsk: Belarus. science, 2013. - 119 p.
    2. V. I. Torchyk. Image garden-variety forms of conifers introduction in republic of Belarus/ Journal of Botany. 2014, Vol. VI. - #1(8). P. 130-135.
    3. V. I. Torchyk, Holopuk G.A.. Phenotypic variability of Douglas fir. 21, No. 2(50). P. 261-267.
    4. Torchyk V.I., Kondratov A.U. Viability of pollen of spontaneous somatic mutations of Korean fir (Abies koreana Wils.) and Banks pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Ser. biology of science 2016, No. 2, p. 22-26.