Main | Structure | Laboratory of the introduction of woody plants | Research and production sector of plant reproduction

Research and production sector of plant reproduction

The head of the sector is Bulak Alesya Genadevna. As an independent division, the introductory nursery was set aside in October 2013, its basis is the collection "Woody-shrub plants (nursery)", the curator of which is a candidate of biological sciences. Tamara Vasilievna Shpitalnaya, who headed this sector in the period 2013-2017.

Formation of the arboreal plant nursery began at the same time, woody plants occupied 2.7 ha, the fruit nursery - 1.0 ha. The plan for the introduction of woody plants, developed by A.L. Novikov, was implemented in 1934 thanks to the mass sowing of seeds (292 samples), which gave 4 thousand plants. To fulfill scientific and practical tasks in the field of introduction of woody plants, a nursery and schools of decorative woody and fruit and berry plants were allocated. More than 30,000 plants of 19 species were grown in the school department, and 1,500 specimens were grown in the nursery. Under the leadership of Doctor of Biological Sciences, head of the laboratory N.U. In 1978, a new introductory nursery with stationary greenhouses and artificial fog installations was built, which made it possible to speed up the production of seedlings. By 1990, a wide collection of conifers was formed: more than 30 specimens of western thuja, 13 of common fir, 17 of juniper, etc. Decorative trees, shrubs, deciduous and coniferous species of the world flora, as well as non-traditional fruits were attracted. Planting material of tree-shrub plants was obtained through exchange with botanical gardens of Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova, Holland, Poland, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, USA, Canada, China, and was also brought from expeditions. In different years, the collection funds of the introductory nursery were supervised by N.V. Shkutka, A.A. Chakhovsky, Y.Z. Babareka, I.M. Horanovich, U.I. A torch. Employees of A.I. worked most efficiently. Orlyanya, A.D. Antonyuk, M.U. Shuravka, V.A. Lipnitsky. In 2013, a separate collection of tree-shrub plant nursery was allocated, the curator of which is T.V. Hospital. The nursery unites 4 departments, where the collection fund is concentrated: areas for selection work, vegetative reproduction, container cultivation, school department. The collection fund includes decorative forms of coniferous and deciduous trees and bushes, non-traditional fruit and berry plants. Shrubs are more fully represented in the collection - 72 percent, deciduous trees account for 25 percent, vines - 3 percent. The collection funds of the nursery include about 700 taxa. The collection includes rare forms and varieties of Canadian spruce (Picea glauca S. Brown) 'Maigol', 'Piccolo', 'Laurin', prickly spruce (Picea pungens Engelm.) 'Erich Frahm', 'Omega', 'Oldenburg', ' Wald-brunn', 'Glauca Globosa', 'Hoopsi', common spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst) 'Olendorffii', 'Virgata', 'Pendula major', Serbian spruce (Picea omorika (Pancic) Purk. ) 'Pendula', 'Nana', balsamic fir (Abies balsamea Mill.) 'Karel', 'Nana', Korean fir (Abies koreana E.H.Wilson) 'Molli', 'Hortmans silverlock', 'Oberon', western thuja occidentalis L .) 'Danica Aurea', 'Globosa Aurea', Lawson's cypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (A. Murray) Parl.) 'Diks Weeping', 'Blue Rububery', 'Green Pilar', 'White Wonder', 'Killer ', pines mountain pine (Pinus mugo Turra) 'Jacodsen', 'Ophir', 'Peterle', 'Laurin', 'Carstens Wintergold', Columnaris', small-flowered pine (Pinus parviflora Siebold & Zucc.) 'Negishi 'Glauca', 'Blauer Engel ', black pine (Pinus nigra J.F.Arnold) 'Oregon Green', 'Helga', Weymouth pine (Pinus strobus L.) 'Pendula', 'Macopin', 'Densa Hill', various types of juniper (Juniperus): Chinese (J . chinensis L.), common (J. communis L.), coastal (J. conferta Pari.), horizontal (J. horizontalis Moench), medium (J. x media van Melle), Cossack (J. sabina L.), scaly J. squamata Buch.-Ham., rocky J. virginiana L.). A large collection of non-traditional horticultural crops has been collected: edible honeysuckle (Lonicera caeruleo L.) - 23 varieties, mountain ash (Sorbus oucuparia L.) - 10 varieties, common viburnum (Viburnum opulus L.) - 7 varieties. A comprehensive test of 14 varieties of common dogwood (Cornus mas L.) of Ukrainian selection was carried out - Lukyanovsky, Vladimirsky, Vydubetsky, Yevgenia, Radast, Elena, Grenader, Korolavy Marko, Delicate, Exotic, Mykolka, Elegant, Large-fruited, Firefly. Rosehip varieties Peremago, Rukh, Globus are included in the State Register of varieties and tree-shrub breeds of the Republic of Belarus and are recommended for industrial cultivation. The accumulated gene pool of fruit and berry plants made it possible to develop a new scientific direction for Belarus - medicinal horticulture.