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The main results of scientific and applied research of the laboratory of the introduction of woody plants

An estimate of the current state of approx. 500 ancient parks of Belarus.

The lilac collection, which includes about 200 taxa, has been replenished and updated. The prospect of using landscape lilac in landscaping has been proven.

A range of wood introducers has been developed for the greening of individual regions and the country as a whole. Technologies of reproduction and cultivation of planting material of introducers have been developed and optimized.

As a result of active introductory work carried out by the laboratory, one of the largest arboretums in the country was created. On the basis of the analysis of the floristic wealth of the most important botanical-geographical areas of attraction and primary testing in local conditions of new species of woody plants, a rich gene pool of about 2.5 thousand taxa has been created for further introductory study.

Theoretical and practical prerequisites for extensive induction work have been developed, the essence of which is to prepare an answer to the following questions: what species, forms and varieties can be recommended for direct use or as source material for selection; what are the useful substances and in what quantity are they contained; what is their bioecology, which is the scientific basis of agro-cultivation; what are the ways of their economic development and prospects for the development of new branches of plant growing.

Identified sources and ways of introduction of woody plants to Belarus. The most effective methods of generic complexes and climatic analogues for the introduction of woody plants in Belarus have been proven.

Developed theoretical propositions about the influence of the geographical origin of plants on their seasonal development, productivity, etc. The theoretical justification of the influence of exogenous factors in the area of ​​introduction on the growth and development of plants, their winter hardiness, is given, and the main patterns of adaptation during introduction in Belarus are revealed.

The introduction of woody plants is based on phenotypic adaptive variability and its possibilities are determined by the genotype of the introducer, which has developed in the ecological and geographical conditions of its homeland. The selection of the most suitable genetic forms in the landscape area and the mother population, which is as close as possible to the place of introduction in terms of environmental conditions of growth, is of decisive importance for the success of the introduction.

A.A. Chakhovski was engaged in the study of the introduction of beautiful flowering bushes, agrotechnics of their reproduction and cultivation at the National Academy of Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences. and Orlyan A.I. A collection of tavolga - 87 species and forms, jasmine - 37, lilac - 25, weigela - 15, daisia ​​- 21, rhododendron - 38 species, etc.

New varieties of beautifully blooming shrubs have been created: Kuril tea - Blush; weigela - Romance, Aquarius, Tatiana, Fireworks, Chakhovsky's Legacy, May Scent, Pink Cloud, Dawn; henamelesa - Large-fruited, Autumn. In 2015, a variety of lilac - Minskaya Prazazhunya and Kuril tea - Snyazhynka were included in the regional register. Racoco lilac and Montmartre violet are being competitively tested.

Research in this direction is currently aimed at obtaining own varieties of tavolga, weigela, Kuril tea, etc. (Makedonskaya N.V., Bulyka S.Ya.).

120 species of conifers from 7 floristic regions of the Holarctic kingdom were subjected to a multi-year introduction test in the conditions of Belarus (N.V. Shkutko). Based on the long-term study of conifers in the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, in other arboretums of the republic and ancient parks, the most decorative and resistant species were selected and recommended for wide use in green construction.

A large collection of angiosperms was created (Chakhovski A.A.). The peculiarities of individual development, winter resistance of woody introducers, patterns of fruiting were studied in detail. A lot of attention was paid to the study of the morphological features of fruits and seeds, the time of collection and sowing qualities of the seeds of introduced trees and shrubs, including a number of angiosperms - by A.A. Chakhovsky, fruit and berry plants - by I.M. Horanovich, T.V. Shpitalna. /p>

Comprehensive study of introduced deciduous woody plants, their condition and behavior in local conditions made it possible to identify foci promising for further introduction. These are primarily the Manchurian, Japanese-Korean, Appalachian, Central European and Central Tienshan provinces. Central China and Sicana-Yunnan Provinces, the Altai-Sayan mountain system and the mountainous regions of the Caucasus are also of some interest as foci of introduction.

N.V. Shkutko, A.D. Antonyuk studied seed biology and seed properties of coniferous introducers. On the basis of the conducted research, it is possible to start the organization of seed production of valuable coniferous exotics on the basis of existing plantings in gardens, parks and forest cultures.

The results of long-term ecological and biological studies of a number of wild fruit and berry plants introduced from the natural flora served as a prerequisite for scientifically based proposals for the development of a new branch of plant growing in the republic - medicinal horticulture. New and promising fruit and berry crops have spread in recent years not only in experimental but also in industrial horticulture.

Researches in the field of medicinal horticulture are summarized in books by A.A. Chakhovsky, D.K. Shapiro, I.I. Chakalinskaya, and A. Babarek.3. "Black-fruited rowan, sea buckthorn and other promising fruit and berry plants", "Prospective fruit and berry plants", I.M. Horanovicha, T.V. Shpitalnay. "The role of intraspecific variability and peculiarities of the ontogenesis of woody plants during introduction to Belarus", as well as in numerous articles.

The scientific basis of the introduction of sea buckthorn was developed, the main patterns and mechanisms of adaptation were studied, the technology of reproduction and plantation processing was mastered, polymorphism was studied, varietal studies were conducted, methodological aspects of breeding in the republic were developed (I.M. Horanovich New plants for gardening. , 1987; Horanovich I.M. This complex work made it possible to organize selection studies on obtaining resistant in local conditions and high-yielding varieties on the basis of chemical mutagenesis. The adaptation possibilities of different populations, morphogenesis of sea buckthorn seedlings were also studied (Spitalnaya TV). p>

Long-term studies of the biomorphological features of plants of five climate types of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) - Baltic, Danube, North Caucasus, South Caucasus and Siberia when introduced in the conditions of Belarus have shown that the polysyllabic nature of plant morphogenesis at all stages of ontogenesis is inherent in this matter.

Sea buckthorn, as a species as a whole, uses, along with phenotypic variability, the potential of genotypic variability to adapt to the conditions of the introduction area, which is manifested both in the first and subsequent generations of the species. The unity and polymorphism of the latter are determined by the presence of similar biomorphological features of individual forms of different climate types, while the totality of these features differ in all generations. At the same time, the level of variability of these characteristics within climate types is much weaker than between individual climate types.

The screening of collections of introduced woody plants showed the presence of a significant gene pool of such plants in the country. An assortment that includes hundreds of names of introduced woody plants that can be used for the production of medicinal products has been identified. Among them is a large group of pharmacopoeial and, especially, folk medicine plants. Studies on dogwood culture are summarized in the monograph "Introduction of modern dogwood (Cornus mas. L.) of Ukrainian selection in the conditions of Belarus." - Plural: Belarus. science, 2012. - 163 p.

State programs "Fruit growing" and "Phytopreparations" are being implemented in the country, which serves as a basis for increasing the production of new valuable food products and medicinal products. The laboratory is a co-executor of the mentioned programs. Published monographs: Chakhovski A.A. "Eleutherococcus, Aralia and other new for Belarus medicinal plants with radioprotective action", I.M. Horanovich. "New plants for gardening in Belarus" and "Alyapikha", I.M. Horanovich, Z.A. Rupasova, V.A. Ignatsenko. "Biochemical composition of rare horticultural crops in the conditions of Belarus", I.M. Garanovich, T.U. Shpitalnaya. "The role of intraspecific variability and features of the ontogenesis of woody plants during their introduction into Belarus".

Study of the biochemical composition of the fruits of non-traditional horticultural crops - a separate unit of research together with the laboratory of plant biochemistry (correspondent member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, doctor of biological sciences, professor Z.A. Rupasova). A whole series of monographs on this aspect has been published, one of the latest is "Biochemical composition of the fruits of less common horticultural crops in Belarus". - Plural: Belarus. science, 2014. - 315 p.

The first syringarium in Belarus was established in the Central Bank of Ukraine in 1932-1933. on an area of ​​0.4 ha with 30 varieties. The collection of lilacs in landscape, varietal and hybrid diversity is at the level of the latest achievements in breeding and includes about 200 taxa. The study of the lilac collection for several decades (Bibikova V.F., 1965, 1972; Burova E.A., 1990, 1991; Makedonskaya N.V., 1998) showed that in most varieties of lilac, their development in the conditions of Minsk is well coordinated. with local climatic rhythms. Landscape lilacs are actively researched (Bulyka S.Ya.). Developed and implemented industry guidelines for their use. In order to increase the production of seedlings, to heal and restore the collection, the method of tissue culture has been mastered and is actively used (Brel N.G., Makedonskaya N.U.).

The results of long-term tests made it possible to determine individual differences in the viability of pollen of 329 species of deciduous and coniferous introducers belonging to 32 families and 58 genera (L.U. Kravchenko).

Questions of adaptogenesis of woody introducers are central to laboratory introduction studies.

The long-term study of introduced woody plants made it possible to select and recommend new highly decorative species and forms of trees and bushes for wide use in the green construction of the republic, to develop assortments of plants for greening Minsk and the republic as a whole (I.M. Horanovich "Decorative gardener". - Mn.: Technology, 2005. - 348 p.).

One of the areas of scientific activity of the laboratory is the development of the assortment, the study of the ecological and biological features of plants and the preparation of recommendations for the creation of gardens on roofs (Torchik V.I. Gardens on roofs. Mn.. 1988.). The research conducted in this field allowed us to move on to solving the issues of growing woody plants of the temperate zone for the purposes of phytodesign.

The methodology for assessing the cultural-historical and landscape-decorative significance of ancient parks has been developed. 509 objects were examined. About 140 of the most significant parks of national importance have been allocated. More than 200 estates can be transformed into tourism centers of local significance. About 200 taxa of introducers have been identified, which are of interest as the breeding ground for the most resistant and productive clones. The composition of the pathogenic mycoflora includes 167 pathogens. 46 types of pests were identified. The concept of a modern approach to the reconstruction of the ancient parks of Belarus has been developed.

The results of scientific research at our own production base in the form of a 4.5-hectare nursery are actively being put into practice.

Experimental studies have been completed and bioecological and agrotechnical bases for accelerated cultivation of valuable planting material of introduced woody plants in polyethylene greenhouses have been developed. The possibility of using herbicides in nursery farming has been studied.

Vegetative propagation of valuable woody exotics by green cuttings using artificial fog and growth substances is effective. The development of the scientific basis of reproduction and optimal conditions for the accelerated cultivation of planting material involves the use of rhizogenesis stimulators, humates, PABA, film-forming polymers, different lighting conditions, and the container method of cultivation (I.M. Horanovich, A.D. Antonyuk, T.V. I. Shpitalnaya. P.). The assimilation of container culture was started in the laboratory under the leadership of N.U. Shkutko. in the 80s. The developed technology includes selection of substrates, container sizes, assortment, watering rates, use of fertilizers, etc. Recommendations on this problem were developed and put into practice (I.M. Horanovich, N.V. Makedonskaya ". - Mn.: Law and Economy, 2006. - 241 p.

Thus, a complex botanical-systematic and ecological-biological study of introduced woody plants in the conditions of the republic was carried out.

Analyzing the results of the introduction of woody plants in Belarus, it can be seen that the growth of the collections was ensured mainly due to the attraction of representatives of the flora of the Circumboreal, East Asian and Atlantic-North American regions.

Introduced trees and shrubs are becoming more widespread in the cultural flora of the republic. The attraction of new species and the organization of their primary testing should continue in the future, because the introduction resources of a number of geographical areas (the Far East, the Caucasus, North America, etc.) are still far from being fully used. In addition, the demands of the national economy are growing, attitudes towards breeds are changing, which makes it necessary to attract more and more new species and forms of plants. Attention in the introduction work should now also be focused on the selection and reproduction on a production scale of those introducers that have shown high resistance and productivity during the primary test, valuable for economic quality purposes.

In 2011 - 2015 completed research on a number of projects:

DNTP "Natural resources and the environment", the task "Develop and implement the technology of phytoremediation of dewatered sewage sludge storage facilities in order to minimize their impact on the environment".

Technologies for creating and maintaining protective strips on dams and in the sanitary zone of muddy ponds and platforms have been created.

Overgrowth of straw mats in the coastal zone

Technology of accelerated overgrowth of muddy ponds by mulching the surface with inert materials has been developed.