Main | Structure | Laboratory of the introduction of woody plants | List of main publications of the Laboratory of Introduction of Woody Plants

List of main publications of the Laboratory of Introduction of Woody Plants

  1. A range of decorative tree and shrub plants for green construction in Belarus. Mn., 1997.
  2. Bibikov Yu. A. Introduced creeping woody plants for vertical greening in the BSSR: autoref. diss. Ph.D. biology of science Mn., 1962.
  3. Biochemical composition of the fruits of less common horticultural crops in Belarus. Mn.: Belar. Science, 2014. - 315 p.
  4. Babarek Y. Z. Hawthorn. Mn., 1974. - 224 p.
  5. Goranovich I. M. Wooden introducers for the pharmaceutical industry of Belarus. Directory. Mn.: Law and Economy, 2007. - 88 p.
  6. I. M. Horanovich. Woody plants for medicinal gardening of Belarus. Mn., 1998.
  7. I.M. Oblyapikha Horanovich. Mn., 1992.
  8. Goranovich I. M. Center guide. bot garden of NAS B Mn.: Technology, 2001, 33 p.
  9. I. M. Horanovich, V. G. Grinkevich. Assortment of woody plants for shady areas in the conditions of Belarus. - Minsk "Law and Economy", 2010. - 19 p.
  10. I.M. Goranovich, N.V. Makedonskaya, A.A. Chakhovski, L.U. Kravchenko. Introductory studies of woody plants at the National Academy of Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Minsk: JSC "Law and Economy", 2006. - 64 p.
  11. I.M. Goranavich, N.V. Makedonskaya.Technological techniques in nursery breeding and green construction of Belarus. Minsk: JSC "Law and Economy", 2006. - 241 p.
  12. Goranovich IM, Rupasova ZHA, Ignatsenko VA. Biochemical composition of raw materials of rare horticultural crops in Belarus. Mn.: Law and Economy, 2007. - 136 p.
  13. Horanovich, I.M. Ornamental horticulture: Ref. manual / I.M. Horanovich; of science ed. V.M. Rashetnikov. - Mn.: Technology, 2005. - 347 p.
  14. Goranovich, I.M., Shpitalnaya T.V. The role of intraspecific variability and peculiarities of the ontogenesis of woody plants during their introduction into Belarus (on the example of buckthorn). - Minsk: Law and Economy, 2010. - 249 p.
  15. Trees and bushes, roses and heather (ed. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR N. V. Smolskyi). Mn., 1968.
  16. Woody plants of the Central Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR (ref. ed. N. D. Nestyarovich). Mn., 1982.
  17. Introduced trees and shrubs of Belarus (under the editorship of academician of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR N.D. Nestyarovicha), volumes 1-3. Mn., 1959-1961.
  18. Catalogue of woody plants of the main collection funds of Belarus. Mn.: Law and Economy, 2013. - 134 p.
  19. Nestyarovich N. Dz. Acclimatization of woody plants in green construction and forestry of the BSSR. Mn., 1950.
  20. Nestyarovich N. Dz. Introductory areas and woody plants for green construction of the BSSR. Mn., 1982.
  21. Nestyarovich N. Dz. Fruiting of introduced woody plants in BSSR. Mn., 1955.
  22. Nestyarovich N.D., Dzyarugina T.F. Woody plants and soil moisture. Mn., 1969.
  23. Nestyarovich N. D., Margailik G. I. The effect of light on woody plants. Mn., 1969.
  24. Nestyarovich N. D., Chakalinskaya N. I. Cones and seeds of conifers of the Belarusian SSR. Mn., 1953.
  25. Nestyarovich N.D., Chakalinskaya N.I., Sirotkin Yu.D. Fruits and seeds of leafy woody plants. Mn., 1967.
  26. New plants for horticulture in Belarus. Mn., 1987.
  27. Sidarovich A.A., Shkutko N.V., Chakhovski A.A. Assortment of trees and bushes for green construction of the Belarusian SSR and recommendations for growing planting material. Mn., 1982.
  28. Torchyk U. I. Cedar needles in Belarus. Mn., 1993.
  29. Fedaruk A. T. Woody plants of gardens and parks of Belarus. Mn., 1980.
  30. Fedaruk A. T. Introduced trees and shrubs of the western part of Belarus. Mn., 1972.
  31. Fedaruk A. T. Experience of introduction of woody deciduous plants in Belarus. Mn., 1985.
  32. Chakhovsky A. A. Ecological and biological basis of the introduction of woody plants in Belarus. Mn., 1991.
  33. Chakhovsky A. A., Orlyana Y. I. Weigel in Belarus. Mn., 1993.
  34. Chakhovsky A. A., Orlyana Y. I. Honeysuckle culture in Belarus. Mn., 1989.
  35. Chakhovsky A. A., Orlyana E. I. Tavolgi in ornamental gardening. Mn., 1985.
  36. Chakhovsky A. A., Orlyanya E. I., Burova E. A. and others. Beautiful flowering shrubs for gardens and parks. Mn., 1988.
  37. Chakhovsky A. A., Shapiro D. K., Chakalinskaya I. I. and others. Promising fruit and berry plants of Belarus. Mn., 1986.
  38. Chakhovsky A. A., Shapiro D. K., Chakalinskaya I. I. and others. Black-fruited rowan, sea buckthorn and other promising fruit and berry plants. Mn., 1976.
  39. Chakhovsky A. A., Shkutko N. V. Decorative dendrology of Belarus. Mn., 1979.
  40. Shkutko N. V. Conifers of Belarus: Ecological and biological studies. Mn., 1992.
  41. Shkutko N.V. Coniferous plants in the green construction of Belarus. Mn., 1975.
  42. Shkutko N. V. Conifer exotics of Belarus and their economic value. Mn., 1970.
  43. N.V. Shkutko, A.A. Chakhovski, L.A. Kirilchik. and others. Assortment of tree, shrub, flower and lawn plants for landscaping in Minsk. Mn., 1975.

Scientific articles:

  1. I.M. Goranovich, M.M. Rudevich, A.V. Arkharov, A.D. Blinkovskii. Assessment of the state of tree plantations of the palace-park ensemble "Mir". Journal of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Biological Sciences Series, 2015.
  2. I.M. Goranovich Features of greening of regional centers of Belarus. Science and Innovation, 2015.
  3. I.M. Horanovich, M.M. Rudevich. The current state of greening in large cities of Belarus. Herald Kaz. Well. Ser. ecological 1, 2 (43), 2015.
  4. I.M. Goranovich, T.V. Shpitalnaya. Useful introductions. Science and Innovation, 2015.
  5. I.M. Goranovich, T.V. Shpitalnaya. Cultures of medicinal horticulture in Belarus. Agrobiodiversity for improving nutrition, health and health, 2015.
  6. Safronova G.V., Garanovich I.M., Aleshchankova Z.M. The effect of microbial preparations on the growth and development of ornamental woody plants. Microbial Biotechnology: Fundamental and Applied Aspects, 2015.
  7. I.M. Horanovich, M.M. Rudevich. Gene pool of the arboretum of the Central Academy of Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Altai Botanical Garden. "Actual issues of preservation of biological diversity. An Introduction to Plants", Reader, 2015.
  8. V.U. Titok, I.M. Horanovich, V.M. Rashetnikov. Peculiarities of the landscape and decorative decoration of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Landscape architecture in botanical gardens and arboretums: Materials of the VII International Scientific Conference, Yaroslavl, 2015.
  9. I.M. Horanovich, N.V. Makedonskaya, T.V. Shpitalnaya, M.M. Rudzevich, V.G. Grinkevich. Gene pool of wood introducers of the Central Academy of Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Problems of preservation of biological diversity and use of biological resources. Materials of the III International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of Academician N.U. Smolsky, Minsk, 2015.

Textbooks, study guides, collections of works, reference, encyclopedic publications:

  1. I.M. Horanovich, M.M. Rudevich. Recommendations for the use of decorative qualities of the fruits of woody introducers in green construction. Minsk: Law and Economy, 2015.
  2. I.M. Goranovich, V.G. Grinkevich. Technological regulations for growing hydrangeas. Law and economy, 2015.
  3. I.M. Goranavich, T.V. Shpitalnaya, V.G. Grinkevich. Technological regulation of magnolia seed propagation. Law and economy, 2015.
  4. Rupasova J.A., Garanovich I.M., Shpitalnaya T.V. Scientific substantiation of the range of rare fruit crops for amateur horticulture in Belarus: practical recommendations. Law and economy, 2015