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Research and production department «Biotechnological complex»

Head of the department - vacancy from 05/14/2020.

The department was created in July 2018 through the transformation of the laboratory of clonal reproduction of plants of the CBS, formed in April 2011 on the basis of the sector of clonal micropropagation of plants. Plant clonal micropropagation research began at the Central Botanic Garden in 1990 in the Plant Biotechnology Group, which was transformed into the Plant Clonal Micropropagation Sector in 2003. The group of plant biotechnology (1990-2003), and then the sector of clonal micropropagation of plants (2003-2011) was headed by Dr. Elena Nikolaevna Kutas. The head of the department in the period from 2011 to May 2020 was candidate of science. Alexander Aleksandrovich Veevnik.

Calus culture of spring cinquefoil (Adonis vernalis L.)

Main areas of scientific research and development

  • Development of scientific foundations and ways of practical use of clonal micropropagation of plants. Selection and optimization of the composition of nutrient media for the introduction of explants into sterile culture.
  • Study of the processes of morphogenesis and regeneration on various modifications of nutrient media under in vitro conditions.
  • Structural and functional organization of regenerants during the transition from the conditions of culture vessels to the conditions of the greenhouse and open ground.
  • Creation of knowledge-intensive highly efficient technologies of clonal micropropagation of plants that are of interest to the national economy of Belarus.
Rhododendrons on different modifications of nutrient media

The most important results of scientific research

  • A significant contribution was made to the development of the theoretical foundations of clonal micropropagation of plants in general and, in particular, such valuable crops as bulrushes, lingonberries, lilacs, rhododendrons, and others.
  • The scientific basis for the deposit of the collection of sterile cultures, represented by 30 species and varieties of introduced plants, has been developed.
  • Research conducted on changing the kinetics of growth of a sterile culture made it possible to develop a technology for depositing a collection of sterile cultures, which contributes to increasing the interval between transplants from 6 months to 12 or more instead of 4-6 weeks.
  • Technologies of clonal micropropagation of the introduced varieties of sedum, lingonberry, lilac, rhododendron have been developed, which provide an opportunity to put on an industrial basis the production of healthy, environmentally friendly planting material of these crops and to meet the needs of the national economy of Belarus and other CIS regions affected by the Accident . .
  • The results of experimental studies obtained on induced morphogenesis and regeneration of plants made it possible to create a bank of genotypes, represented by a collection of sterile cultures, which includes more than 30 species and varieties of representatives of seven. Vacciniaceae S.F.Gray and Ericaceae Juss., which serves as one of the ways to preserve plant biodiversity.


More than 160 scientific works have been published based on research materials, including four monographs, one author's certificate, four patents.