Main | Structure | Department of Horticulture and Park Construction

Head of the department - Natalya Mikhailovna Glushakova

Glushakova Natalia Mikhailovna

The gardening group was organized in 1975 under the leadership of candidate of biological sciences L.A. Cyrillic. After it was headed by L.P. Husarov. In 1989, on the basis of the horticulture group, a research and production department was created under the leadership of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences I.Ya. Batianovsky, and then from 1994 – A.I. Alyakhna. Since 2000, the department has been reorganized into the garden and park construction sector under the leadership of candidate of agricultural sciences M.M. Vechari and landscape architecture bureau (head - G.S. Valitskaya), and since 2006 - in the department of gardening and garden and park construction under the leadership of V.A. Romanchuk. Since June 2016, the department has been headed by N.M. Glushakov.

The purpose of creating the unit was to carry out a complex of greening works on the territory of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: a landscape park, a central parterre, entrance and production zones, several main alleys and other objects. The forces of the department carried out the cultivation of planting material of flowering plants and some types of conifers and beautiful flowering bushes for the performance of works on economic contractual topics, the objects of which were the territories of sanatoriums and children's institutions, administrative, industrial and public institutions. The scientific topics of the department were determined by research works in the direction of selection and introduction of rhododendron culture (I.Ya. Batianovsky, A.K. Zlotnikov), roses (L.P. Husarova, G.F. Zhuravkina, M.P. Belaya), gerbera. . (N.M. Glushakova, G.Ch. Shamshur), citrus fruits (A.I. Alyakhna, I.Yu. Zakharov). For many years, agronomists N.I. worked in the group. Gurskaya, T.U. Loika, S.P. Torchyk, V.I. Famich, J.K. Garbuzava, G.M. Pundis, N.M. Hadika, A.I. Nekrashevich.

Currently, 16 people work in the department: leading agronomist (A.D. Asipuk), agronomist (N.Ya. Prakhorchyk), 1st category agronomist (A.M. Lavnikovich), landscaping technician (M.A. Birulya). ), laboratory technician of the 1st category (T.Yu. Khamenka), plant care workers (A.V. Shulyak, V.V. Shushuev, I.Ya. Yemalyanov, G.G. Pliska, L.A. Brish, Kostyukevich U.I.) and cleaners of the territory (A.I. Samsanenko, I.I. Sidorov, I.V. Pashkevich, I.D. Medzvedev).

Main areas of activity

  • Study of the current and promising range of flower crops used in landscaping;
  • Growing of planting material for floral and decorative decoration of the territory of the Central Botanical Garden and NAS of Belarus;
  • Development and improvement of technologies for growing planting material of annual and perennial flower crops;
  • Annual implementation of projects of seasonal floral and decorative decoration of the territory of the Central Botanical Garden;
  • Seasonal work on lawn care, tree-shrub and flower arrangements;
  • Sanitary and landscape felling;
  • Care for the lake complex;
  • Implementation of a complex of economic and auxiliary works during cultural mass and educational events;
  • Participation in landscaping works when creating new expositions and flower beds;
  • Implementation of a complex of greening works on economic contractual topics at the objects of the Republic of Belarus.

Key performance results

  • Every year, the employees of the department grow 30-35 thousand pcs. seedlings of annual flower crops, and in the future, the entire complex of works on planting and caring for them is carried out in the Central Botanical Garden and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
  • Cleaning of the landscape park with an area of ​​10.2 hectares is underway.
  • Greening works were carried out during the creation of a number of objects: "Academics' Alley", "Ecological-Mythological Trail", "Cosmonauts' Alley", "Reconstruction of the Beehive Area", etc.
  • Assistance is provided in conducting educational cultural and mass events.