Nikolai Boleslavovich Pavlovsky

Born in 1962 in the village of Budki, Narovlya district, Gomel region. In 1988 he graduated from the forestry department of the Belarusian Technological Institute named after S.M. Kirov.

Work experience:

  • 1988-1989 agronomist
  • 1989-1999 junior researcher
  • 1999-2001 researcher
  • 2001-2005 senior researcher
  • 2006-2008 leading researcher
  • since 2008 head of the laboratory.

In 1999, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Biological characteristics of lingonberry varieties (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.), introduced in the Belarusian Polesie"

Research areas

Testing of introduced varieties of highbush blueberry, common lingonberry and large-fruited cranberry, development and improvement of agrotechnical methods for their cultivation.

Major research results

Scientifically substantiated the prospects of cultivating varietal lingonberry in Belarus. Obtained new data on the adaptive potential of berry plants of the Lingonberry family introduced to Belarus. Identified new introduced varieties of highbush blueberry and common lingonberry that are promising for cultivation in the republic.

Developed and implemented a number of organizational and technical regulatory documents: industry technological regulations for the production of highbush blueberry, technical conditions for planting material of non-traditional berry crops (large-fruited cranberry, highbush blueberry, varietal lingonberry and edible honeysuckle).

Main publications

  1. Pavlovsky, N.B. Rhythms of seasonal growth and development of highbush blueberry varieties introduced in Belarus / N.B. Pavlovsky // Fruit growing. – 2015. – V. 25. – P. 186-195.
  2. Pavlovsky, N.B. Morphological and biological features of the root system of highbush blueberry / N.B. Pavlovsky // Problems of conservation of biological diversity and use of biological resources: proc. III int. scientific-practical. conf. dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of academician N.V. Smolsky, Minsk, October 7-9, 2015 in 2 parts. Part 1 / Nat. Academy of Sciences of Belarus [et al.] , editorial board V.V. Titok [et al.]. – Minsk: Confido, 2015. - P. 450-453.
  3. Paulouski, M. Blueberry Culture in Belarus / M. Paulouski // Acta Hort. - 2014. - Vol. 1, №1017. – P. 159-162.
  4. Pavlovski, N. Estimation of Berry Storage Life of Blueberries Grown in Belarus / N. Pavlovski // International J. of Fruit Science. - 2014. - Vol. 1, №14. - P. 58-68.
  5. Pavlovski, N.B. Resistance to early winter frosts of blueberry varieties introduced in Belarus / N.B. Pavlovsky // Fruit growing. - 2014. - Vol. 26. – P. 248-255.
  6. Pavlovski, N.B. Maximum frost resistance and resistance to recurrent frosts of blueberry varieties introduced in Belarus / N.B. Pavlovsky // Fruit growing. – 2014. – Vol. 26. – P. 256-270.
  7. Pavlovsky, N.B. Systematic position and classification of blueberry varieties of the section Cyanococcus / N.B. Pavlovsky // Fruit growing, 2013. – Vol. 25. - P. 533-543.
  8. Tall blueberry – an innovative premium-class crop / V.V. Titok, [et al.] // Science and innovation. – 2012. – No. 6 (112). – P. 25-27.
  9. Pavlovsky, N.B. Influence of packaging method and storage temperature conditions of highbush blueberry fruits on their storability / N.B. Pavlovsky // Fruit growing. – 2012. - № 23. – P. 328-340.
  10. Pavlovsky, N.B. Evaluation of regenerative capacity of green cuttings of blueberry varieties (Vaccinium corymbosum) introduced in Belarus, introduced in the Belarusian Polesie / N.B. Pavlovsky, O.V. Drozd // Bulletin of the National Academy of Science of Belarus. Series of Belarusian Science, 2011. - № 2. - P. 5-9.
  11. Pavlovsky, N.B. Storage ability of fruits of different blueberry varieties and species introduced in Belarus / N.B. Pavlovsky // Bulletin of the National Academy of Science of Belarus. Series. bіyal. navuk, 2011. - № 4. - P. 15-19.
  12. Pavlovski, N. Influence of Winter Temperatures on the Yielding Ability of Highbush Blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) Cultivars in Belarus / N. Pavlovski // International Journal of Fruit Science. Vol. 10, N 2, 2010. - P. 157-165.
  13. Pavlovski, N.B. Cultivation of highbush blueberries / N.B. Pavlovsky // Organizational and technological standards for the cultivation of vegetable, fruit, berry crops and growing of planting material: Collection of industry regulations / Nat. acad. of sciences of Belarus. In-t sys. res. v agro-industrial complex NAS of Belarus; head of development: V.G. Gusakov [et al.] - Minsk: Belarusian Science. 2010. - P. 375-393.
  14. Pavlovsky, N.B. Effect of mulch layer thickness on weed infestation of highbush blueberry, soil moisture and temperature in the rhizogenesis zone / N.B. Pavlovsky, T.I. Lenkovets // Zemlyabstva i akhova raslin № 4 (71). 2010. - P. 74-77.
  15. Pavlovsky, N.B. Methods of vegetative propagation of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) / N.B. Pavlovsky // Fruit growing. Vol. 22. 2010. - P. 328-340.
  16. Pavlovsky, N.B. Effect of temperature regime on the yield of highbush blueberry varieties (Vaccinium corymbosum) introduced in the Belarusian Polesie / N.B. Pavlovsky // Bulletin of the National Academy of Science of Belarus. Series of Belarusian Science, 2010. - No. 3. - P. 13-18.
  17. Pavlovsky, N.B. Effect of cutting timing on the regenerative capacity of green cuttings of Vaccinium × covilleanum But. et Pl. (V. corymbosum L.) / N.B. Pavlovsky // Bulletin of the National Academy of Science of Belarus. Series of Belarusian Science, No. 2, 2008. - P. 14-19.
  18. Pavlovsky, N.B. Influence of the type of soil substrate and its temperature regime on the regenerative capacity of green cuttings of Vaccinium × covilleanum But. et Pl. (V. corymbosum L.) / N.B. Pavlovsky // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Series. bial. science, No. 3, 2008. - P. 16-19.
  19. Pavlovsky, N.B. Influence of mineral fertilizing of Vaccinium corymbosum L. seedlings on their growth, development and frost resistance / N.B. Pavlovsky // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Series. bial. Sci., No. 4, 2008. - P. 34-38.
  20. Paulouski, M. Influence of terms of cutting as the soil substratum and its temperature conditions on regeneration abilities of green cuttings of Vaccinium corymbosum L. / M. Paulouski // Acta Horticulturae et Regiotecturae. - 2007. - Vol. 10. - P. 73-77.
  21. Pavlovsky, N.B. Influence of humidity and soil type on productivity and water regime of lingonberry variety Koralle / N.B. Pavlovsky, N.N. Ruban // Bull. Nat. Acad. Sci. Belarusi. Ser. bial. Sci., No. 3. - 2006. - P. 89-96.
  22. Pavlovsky, N.B. Cultivated Lingonberry in the Belarusian Polesie / N. B. Pavlovski, N. N. Ruban, Minsk: Tekhnalogiya, 2005. - 230 p.
  23. Pavlovski, N. B. Lingonberry – a Forest Guest / N. B. Pavlovski Minsk: Krasiko-Print 2005. – 64 p.
  24. Pavlovski, N. Phenological Stages of Vaccinium Vitis-idaea Species Development Introduced in Belorusian Polesie / N. Pavlovski, N. Ruban // Plant Genefund Accumulation, Evaluation and Protection in the Botanical Gardens: Intern. Scient. conf. Vilnus, 1-2 July 1999 / Vilnus Univer. Botanical Garden. – Vilnus, 1999. - P. 105-106.
  25. Pavlovsky, N. Fruiting of Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. varieties introduced in Belarusian Polesie / N. Pavlovsky, N. Ruban // Metsanduslikud uurimused, XXX: International Conference “Wild Berry culture: an Western and Eastern experiences” Tartu, 1998. - P. 116- 122.
  26. Pavlovsky, N.B. Variability of fruiting of Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. varieties introduced in Belarusian Polesie / N.B. Pavlovsky, N.N. Ruban // Weight. National acad. science of Belarus. Ser. beat. navuk. № 4. - 1998. - P. 90-97.
  27. Pavlovsky, N.B. Entry into the fruiting stage and productivity of Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. varieties introduced in the Belarusian Polesie / N.B. Pavlovsky, N.N. Ruban // Bulletin of the National Academy of Science of Belarus. Ser. bial. science. № 3. - 1998. - P. 16-21.
  28. Pavlovsky, N.B. Morphological characteristics of the reproductive organs of five introduced Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. varieties / N.B. Pavlovsky // Bulletin of the Academy of Science of Belarus. Ser. bial. science. № 3. - 1997. - P. 15-19.
  29. Pavlovsky, N.B. Morphological characteristics of the aboveground vegetative organs of five introduced varieties of lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) / N.B. Pavlovsky // Vesti Akademii Navuk Belarusi. Ser. bial. sci. № 1. - 1997. - P. 9-15.
  30. Pavlovsky, N.B. Morphological characteristics of the reproductive organs of five introduced varieties of Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. / N.B. Pavlovsky // Vesti Akademii Navuk Belarusi. Ser. bial. sci. No. 3. - 1997. – P. 15-19.
  31. Pauloski, M.B. Ukaranalnasts charanka lingonnits Koralle i ix developed on rose substrates / M.B. Pauloski // News of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Ser. beat. navuk. No. 2. - 1996. – P. 18-25.
  32. Pauloski, M.B. Phenalagic development of lingonberries and pink sarts in Belarusian Palessi / M.B. Pauloski // News of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Ser. beat. navuk. No. 4. 1994. – P. 5-11.