Main | Structure | Industry laboratory of introduction and technology of non-traditional berry plants | List of main publications of the laboratory of introduction and technology of berry plants

List of main publications of the laboratory of introduction and technology of berry plants

  1. Drozd, O.V. Morphological features of flowers of highbush blueberry varieties introduced in the Belarusian Polesie / Drozd O.V. // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Series of Belarusian Sciences, 2016. - No. 1. - P. 17-22.
  2. Drozd, O.V. Morphometric features of leaves of highbush blueberry of different varieties introduced in Belarus / O.V. Drozd, N.B. Pavlovsky // Fruit growing: scientific tract. / RUE "In-t ploddstva"; editorial board: V.A. Samus (editor-in-chief) [and others]. - Samokhvalovichi, 2015. - Vol. 27. - Pp. 196-205.
  3. Kurlovich T.V. Lingonberry: Cultivation as an alternative to harvesting raw materials in natural habitats// T.V. Kurlovich, Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Medicinal Plant Growing: from Past Experience to Modern Technologies", Poltava, May 2015. - 2015. - Pp. 118-122.
  4. Kurlovich T.V. Form diversity of common heather (Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull) - the basis for Belarusian varieties// T.V. Kurlovich, Proceedings of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems of Conservation of Biological Diversity and Use of Biological Resources" dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of Academician N.V. Smolsky, Minsk, October 7-9, 2015. - Part 1. 2015. - P. 420-424.
  5. Kurlovich T.V. Periodicity of fruiting of varietal blueberries in the reproductive phase of ontogenesis// T.V. Kurlovich, Proceedings of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems of Conservation of Biological Diversity and Use of Biological Resources" dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of Academician N.V. Smolsky, Minsk, October 7-9, 2015. - Part 1. 2015. - pp. 417-419.
  6. Rupasova Zh.A., Reshetnikov V.N., Vasilevskaya T.I., Krinitskaya N.B., Bubnova A.M., Pavlovsky N.B., Pavlovskaya A.G., Kurlovich T.V., Pinchukova Yu.M. Transformation of the biochemical composition of Vaccinium corymbosum L. fruits during storage at low positive temperatures depending on the genotype and hydrothermal regime of the season // Zh.A. Rupasova, V.N. Reshetnikov, T.I. Vasilevskaya, Krinitskaya N.B., A.M. Bubnova, N.B. Pavlovsky, A.G. Pavlovskaya, T.V. Kurlovich, Yu.M. Pinchukova, Fruit growing: collection. scientific works/ RUE "Institute of Fruit Growing" - Samokhvalovichi, 2015.- Vol. 27. - Pp. 308-326.
  7. Kurlovich T.V. Phenorrhythmics of cultivated native heather species under different illumination conditions//Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific Conference "Regulation of Plant Growth, Development and Productivity", Minsk, October 28-30, 2015. - 2015.- Pp. 65.
  8. Pavlovsky, N.B. Rhythms of seasonal growth and development of highbush blueberry varieties introduced in Belarus / N.B. Pavlovsky // Fruit growing. - 2015. - Vol. 25. - Pp. 186-195.
  9. Pavlovsky, N.B. Morpho-biological features of the root system of highbush blueberry / N.B. Pavlovsky // Problems of conservation of biological diversity and use of biological resources: Proc. III int. scientific-practical. conf. dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of academician N.V. Smolsky, Minsk, October 7-9, 2015 in 2 parts. Part 1 / Nat. Academy of Sciences of Belarus [et al.] , editorial board V.V. Titok [et al.]. - Minsk: Confido, 2015. - P. 450-453.
  10. Kurlovich T.V. Large-fruited cranberry in Belarus. Introduction and variety study. - T.V. Kurlovich, Large-fruited cranberry in Belarus. Introduction and variety study. Collection of articles. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. – 2014.- 84 p.
  11. Kurlovich T.V. Blueberries on your site // T.V. Kurlovich, Minsk, Krasiko-Print, 2014. – 80 p.
  12. Kurlovich T.V. Highbush blueberry: biological characteristics and medicinal properties// T.V. Kurlovich, Proceedings of the III International scientific and practical conference "Medicinal plant growing: from past experience to modern technologies", Poltava, May 2014. - 2014. - P. 122-126.
  13. Kurlovich T.V. Habitus and yield of mature plants of varietal blueberries in the reproductive phase of ontogenesis// T.V. Kurlovich, Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference "Experience and prospects of blueberry cultivation in Belarus and adjacent countries", Minsk, July 17-18, 2014. - 2014. - P. 49-56.
  14. Kurlovich T.V. Introduction of representatives of the heather family (Ericacea) in the Belarusian Polesie// T.V. Kurlovich, Proceedings of the international scientific conference "Current state, development trends, rational use and conservation of biological diversity of the plant world", Minsk-Naroch, September 23-26, 2014. - 2014. - P. 337-340.
  15. Kurlovich T.V. Productivity and morphological features of fruits of varietal large-fruited cranberry// T.V. Kurlovich, Bulletin of NNSU. - No. 3 (3). - 2014. - P. 58-62.
  16. Kurlovich T.V., Pavlovskaya A.G. Morphological features of large-fruited cranberry varieties of the collection of the Central Botanical Garden of the NAS of Belarus// T.V. Kurlovich, The state and prospects of using non-timber forest resources: a collection of articles (Proceedings of the international scientific conference, Kostroma, September 10-11, 2013). - Pushkino: VNNILM, 2014. - P. 92-97.
  17. Paulouski, M. Blueberry Culture in Belarus / M. Paulouski // Acta Hort. - 2014. - Vol. 1, №1017. – P. 159-162.
  18. Pavlovski, N. Estimation of Berry Storage Life of Blueberries Grown in Belarus / N. Pavlovski // International J. of Fruit Science. - 2014. - Vol. 1, №14. - P. 58-68.
  19. Pavlovsky, N.B. Resistance to early winter frosts of blueberry varieties introduced in Belarus / N.B. Pavlovsky // Fruit growing. - 2014. - Vol. 26. - Pp. 248-255.
  20. Pavlovsky, N.B. Maximum frost resistance and resistance to recurrent frosts of blueberry varieties introduced in Belarus / N.B. Pavlovsky // Fruit growing. - 2014. - Vol. 26. - Pp. 256-270.
  21. Pavlovsky, N.B. Results of the introduction of highbush blueberry in Belarus / N.B. Pavlovsky // State and prospects for the use of non-timber forest resources: Proc. int. sci. conf. Kostroma, September 10-11, 2013 - Pushkino: VNNILM, 2014. - P.116-121.
  22. Kurlovich T.V. Features of cultivation and medicinal properties of large-fruited cranberry // T.V. Kurlovich, Proceedings of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Medicinal Plant Growing: from Past Experience to Modern Technologies", Poltava, May 2013. - 2013. P. 51-54.
  23. Kurlovich T.V., Pavlovskaya A.G. Comparative assessment of large-fruited cranberry varieties (Oxycoccus macrocarpus Ait.) introduced in the Belarusian Polesie // T.V. Kurlovich, A.G. Pavlovskaya, Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Varieties and Technologies for Intensive Gardens", Orel, July 15-18, 2013. -
  24. Pavlovsky, N.B. Systematic position and classification of blueberry varieties of the Cyanococcus section / N.B. Pavlovsky // Fruit growing, 2013. - V. 25. - P. 533-543.
  25. Kurlovich T.V. Prospects for the introduction of representatives of the Ericacea family in Belarus// T.V. Kurlovich, Proceedings of the International Conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, part 1, Minsk, June 19-22, 2012. - 2012. P.172-176.
  26. Kurlovich T.V., Pavlovskaya A.G. Fruiting of new varieties of large-fruited cranberry (Oxycoccus macrocarpus Ait) introduced in the conditions of the Belarusian Polesie // T.V. Kurlovich, A.G. Pavlovskaya, Proceedings of the International Conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, part 1, Minsk, June 19-22, 2012. - 2012. Pp. 176-180.
  27. Kurlovich T.V., Pavlovsky N.B. Primary results of the introduction of representatives of the Ericacea family in the conditions of the Belarusian Polesie // T.V. Kurlovich, N.B. Pavlovsky, Proceedings of the International Conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, part 1, Minsk, June 19-22, 2012. - 2012. Pp. 180-183.
  28. Kurlovich T.V. Influence of weather conditions during the flowering period of large-fruited cranberry (Oxycoccus macrocarpus Ait.) on its productivity // T.V. Kurlovich, "Productivity of Cultivated Plants Depending on Weather Conditions" Collection of Papers Based on the Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Novosibirsk, July 2012. - 2012. Pp. 275-278.
  29. Pavlovsky, N.B. Non-traditional Fruit Growing Crops in the Collections of the Central Botanical Garden of the NAS of Belarus / N.B. Pavlovsky, T.V. Kurlovich // Central Botanical Garden of the NAS of Belarus: Conservation, Study and Use of the World Flora V.V. Titok [et al.]; edited by V.V. Titok, V.N. Reshetnikov. - Minsk: Belarus. navuka, 2012. - Ch. 7. - Pp. 146-162.
  30. Tall blueberry is an innovative premium-class crop / V.V. Titok, [et al.] // Science and Innovation. – 2012. – № 6(112). – P. 25-27.
  31. Pavlovsky, N.B. Influence of the packaging method and temperature conditions of storage of highbush blueberry fruits on their storability / N.B. Pavlovsky // Fruit growing. – 2012. - № 23.– P. 328-340.
  32. Kurlovich T.V. Heather garden in landscape design// T.V. Kurlovich.- M., publishing house "Kladez-Buks", 2011. – 144 p.
  33. Kurlovich T.V., Gavrikov A.V. Lingonberry, cranberry, red bilberry. Varieties, planting, care.// T.V. Kurlovich, A.V. Gavrikov.- M., publishing house "Kladez-Buks", 2011. – 144 p.
  34. Kurlovich T.V., Gavrikov A.V. Lingonberry, cranberry, red bilberry. Varieties, planting, care.// T.V. Kurlovich, A.V. Gavrikov.- M., publishing house "Kladez-Buks", 2011. – 144 p. "Kladez-Buks", 2011. - 64 p.
  35. Kurlovich TV, Gavrikov AV Blueberries and bilberries. Varieties, planting, care.// TV Kurlovich, AV Gavrikov. - M., Publishing House "Kladez-Buks", 2011. - 64 p.
  36. Kurlovich TV Heather Garden// TV Kurlovich - School of Florist, No. 3 (12) - 2011.
  37. Kurlovich TV Formation of the generative sphere in large-fruited cranberry (Oxycoccus macrocarpus Ait.) when laying plantings by cuttings// TV Kurlovich, Proceedings of the Fifth International Scientific Conference "Biological Diversity. Introduction of Plants. (November 15-17, 2011, St. Petersburg). – 2011. – P. 301-304.
  38. Kurlovich T.V. Composition and Ecological-Cenotic Features of Weed Flora of Cranberry Plantations // T.V. Kurlovich, “Weeds in a Changing World: Current Issues in the Study of Diversity, Origin, and Evolution,” I International Scientific Conference, St. Petersburg, December 6-8, 2011. – 2011. – P. 154-157.
  39. Pyatnitsa F.S., Kurlovich T.V. Prevention of the Spread of Quarantine Weeds in Belarus// F.S. Pyatnitsa, T.V. Kurlovich, "Weeds in a Changing World: Current Issues in the Study of Diversity, Origin, and Evolution", I International Scientific Conference, St. Petersburg, December 6-8, 2011. - 2011. - P. 267- 271.
  40. Pavlovsky, N.B. Evaluation of the regenerative capacity of green cuttings of blueberry varieties (Vaccinium corymbosum) introduced in Belarus, introduced in the Belarusian Polesie / N.B. Pavlovsky, O.V. Drozd // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Series of Belarusian Science, 2011. - No. 2. - P. 5-9.
  41. Pavlovsky, N.B. Dwellability of fruits of different blueberry varieties and species introduced in Belarus / N.B. Pavlovsky // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. science of Belarus. Ser. beat. Navuk, 2011. - No. 4. - P. 15-19.
  42. Kurlovich T.V., Pavlovsky A.G., Pavlovsky N.B., Pyatnitsa F.S. “Blueberries: variety of species” /Minsk, “Krasiko-Print”, 2010.- 79 p.
  43. Kurlovich T.V. Prospects for the introduction of representatives of the Ericacea family in Belarus// T.V. Kurlovich, Proceedings of the International Conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, part 1, Minsk, June 19-22, 2012. - 2012. P.172-176.
  44. Kurlovich T.V., Pavlovskaya A.G. Fruiting of new varieties of large-fruited cranberry (Oxycoccus macrocarpus Ait) introduced in the conditions of the Belarusian Polesie // T.V. Kurlovich, A.G. Pavlovskaya, Proceedings of the International Conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, part 1, Minsk, June 19-22, 2012. - 2012. Pp. 176-180.
  45. Kurlovich T.V., Pavlovsky N.B. Primary results of the introduction of representatives of the Ericacea family in the conditions of the Belarusian Polesie // T.V. Kurlovich, N.B. Pavlovsky, Proceedings of the International Conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, part 1, Minsk, June 19-22, 2012. - 2012. Pp. 180-183.
  46. Kurlovich T.V. Influence of weather conditions during the flowering period of large-fruited cranberry (Oxycoccus macrocarpus Ait.) on its productivity // T.V. Kurlovich, "Productivity of Cultivated Plants Depending on Weather Conditions" Collection of Papers Based on the Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Novosibirsk, July 2012. - 2012. Pp. 275-278.
  47. Pavlovsky, N.B. Non-traditional Fruit Growing Crops in the Collections of the Central Botanical Garden of the NAS of Belarus / N.B. Pavlovsky, T.V. Kurlovich // Central Botanical Garden of the NAS of Belarus: Conservation, Study and Use of the World Flora V.V. Titok [et al.]; edited by V.V. Titok, V.N. Reshetnikov. - Minsk: Belarus. navuka, 2012. - Ch. 7. - Pp. 146-162.
  48. Tall blueberry is an innovative premium-class crop / V.V. Titok, [et al.] // Science and Innovation. – 2012. – № 6(112). – P. 25-27.
  49. Pavlovsky, N.B. Influence of the packaging method and temperature conditions of storage of highbush blueberry fruits on their storability / N.B. Pavlovsky // Fruit growing. – 2012. - № 23.– P. 328-340.
  50. Kurlovich T.V. Heather garden in landscape design// T.V. Kurlovich.- M., publishing house "Kladez-Buks", 2011. – 144 p.
  51. Kurlovich T.V., Gavrikov A.V. Lingonberry, cranberry, red bilberry. Varieties, planting, care.// T.V. Kurlovich, A.V. Gavrikov.- M., publishing house "Kladez-Buks", 2011. – 144 p.
  52. Kurlovich T.V., Gavrikov A.V. Lingonberry, cranberry, red bilberry. Varieties, planting, care.// T.V. Kurlovich, A.V. Gavrikov.- M., publishing house "Kladez-Buks", 2011. – 144 p. "Kladez-Buks", 2011. - 64 p.
  53. Kurlovich TV, Gavrikov AV Blueberries and bilberries. Varieties, planting, care.// TV Kurlovich, AV Gavrikov. - M., Publishing House "Kladez-Buks", 2011. - 64 p.
  54. Kurlovich TV Heather Garden// TV Kurlovich - School of Florist, No. 3 (12) - 2011.
  55. Kurlovich TV Formation of the generative sphere in large-fruited cranberry (Oxycoccus macrocarpus Ait.) when laying plantings by cuttings// TV Kurlovich, Proceedings of the Fifth International Scientific Conference "Biological Diversity. Introduction of Plants. (November 15-17, 2011, St. Petersburg). – 2011. – P. 301-304.
  56. Kurlovich T.V. Composition and Ecological-Cenotic Features of Weed Flora of Cranberry Plantations // T.V. Kurlovich, “Weeds in a Changing World: Current Issues in the Study of Diversity, Origin, and Evolution,” I International Scientific Conference, St. Petersburg, December 6-8, 2011. – 2011. – P. 154-157.
  57. Pyatnitsa F.S., Kurlovich T.V. Prevention of the Spread of Quarantine Weeds in Belarus// F.S. Pyatnitsa, T.V. Kurlovich, "Weeds in a Changing World: Current Issues in the Study of Diversity, Origin, and Evolution", I International Scientific Conference, St. Petersburg, December 6-8, 2011. - 2011. - P. 267- 271.
  58. Pavlovsky, N.B. Evaluation of the regenerative capacity of green cuttings of blueberry varieties (Vaccinium corymbosum) introduced in Belarus, introduced in the Belarusian Polesie / N.B. Pavlovsky, O.V. Drozd // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Series of Belarusian Science, 2011. - No. 2. - P. 5-9.
  59. Pavlovsky, N.B. Dwellability of fruits of different blueberry varieties and species introduced in Belarus / N.B. Pavlovsky // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. science of Belarus. Ser. beat. Navuk, 2011. - No. 4. - P. 15-19.
  60. Kurlovich T.V., Pavlovsky A.G., Pavlovsky N.B., Pyatnitsa F.S. “Blueberries: variety of species” /Minsk, “Krasiko-Print”, 2010.- 79 p.
  61. Kurlovich T.V. Forest berries in the garden // Your garden. Special issue.- M., 2005.- 32 p.
  62. Pavlovsky, N.B. Cranberry variety in the Belarusian Polesie / N.B. Pavlovsky, N.N. Ruban, Minsk: Tekhnalogiya, 2005. - 230 p.
  63. Pavlovsky, N.B. Cranberry - forest guest / N.B. Pavlovsky Minsk: Krasiko-Print 2005. - 64 p.
  64. Pavlovsky, N.B. Assessment of regenerative capacity of different cranberry varieties introduced in Belarus / N.B. Pavlovsky // Berry growing at the modern stage. Volume 15, Samokhvalovici, 2004.
  65. Ruban N.N., Volodko I.K., Pavlovsky, N.B. Efficiency of application of roundup against gooseneck in cranberry culture / N.N. Ruban, I.K. Volodko, N.B. Pavlovsky // Agriculture and Ahova Raslin. No5, 2003.
  66. Pavlovsky, N.B. Regenerative capacity of cranberry cuttings of some newly introduced varieties / N.B. Pavlovsky // Botanical gardens: the state of the prospects of preservation, study, use of biological diversity of the plant world: materials International. scientific. Conf. Minsk 2002.
  67. Pavlovsky, N.B., Ruban N.N. Cranberry variety in the Belarusian Polesie / N.B. Pavlovsky, N.N. Ribbon. Minsk: Tekhnalogiya, 2000. - 230 s.
  68. Ruban N. and Kurlovich T. Productivity of nectar of Oxycoccus macrocarpus // Problems of ration utilization and reproduction of berry olants in boreal forests on the eve of the XXI century.- Glubokoye-Gomel, 2000.- P, 210 214.
  69. Kurlovich T.V. Phenorhythmics of high-growing blueberries // Vesci NAS Belarus. Ser. blood. skills. - 1999.-No 4. - S.10-12.
  70. Kurlovich T.V., Ruban N.N. Blueberries tall: medicinal and preventive properties of fruits and their processing for storage // Spicy-aromatic and medicinal plants: prospects of introduction and use. Minsk, 1999.- S. 57-58.
  71. Pavlovski, N. Phenological stages of Vaccinium vitis-idaea species development introduced in Belerusian Polesie / N. Pavlovski, N. Ruban // Plant genefund accumulation, evaluation and protection in the botanical gardens: Intern. Scientist. conf. Vilnius, 1-2 July 1999 / Vilnius Univer. Botanical Garden. - Vilnius, 1999. - P. 105-106.
  72. Ruban N.N., Kurlovich T.V. Effect of ammonium sulfate on the yield of coarse-grained cranberries// Vesci NAN Belarusi. Ser. blood. skills. - 1999.-No 1. - S.5-10.
  73. Ruban, N., and T. Kurlowicz. Large-fruited cranes in Belarus// Cultivation of beets and cranes. Skierniewice? 1999/- S. 99-102.
  74. Kurlovich T.V., Bosak V.N. Blueberries grow tall in Belarus. Mn., 1998. - 175 s.
  75. Ruban N.N., Kurlovich T.V. Cranberries on the estate plot. M.,1998. 48 p.
  76. Volodko I.K., Kurlovich T.V., Ruban N.N. Blueberry in the garden plot. Minsk, 1998.- 48 p.
  77. Kurlovich T.V. Reasons for the failure of highbush blueberry culture and the possibilities of overcoming them // Heat-loving crops (grapes, walnuts, apricots, peaches, etc.) in the northern regions of horticulture. - Samokhvalovichi, 1998.- P.54-55.
  78. Pavlovsky, N.B. Climatic aspects of the introduction of Western European lingonberry varieties in Belarus / N.B. Pavlovsky, N.N. Ruban // Heat-loving crops (grapes, walnuts, apricots, peaches, etc.) in the northern regions of horticulture: Proc. int. sci. Pinsk, 3-5 Sep. 1998 BelNII fruit. AAN RB. – Samokhvalovichi, 1998. - P. 56-58.
  79. Pavlovsky, N. Fruiting of Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. varieties introduced in Belarusian Polesie / N. Pavlovsky, N. Ruban // Metsanduslikud uurimused, XXX: International Conference “Wild Berry culture: an Western and Eastern experiences” Tartu, 1998. - P. 116- 122.
  80. Pavlovsky, N.B. Variability of fruiting of Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. varieties introduced in Belarusian Polesie / N.B. Pavlovsky, N.N. Ruban // Weight. National acad. science of Belarus. Ser. beat. navuk. No. 4. - 1998. – P. 90-97.
  81. Pavlovsky, N.B. Entry into the fruiting stage and yield of Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. varieties introduced in Belarusian Polesie / N.B. Pavlovsky, N.N. Ruban // Weight. National acad. science of Belarus. Ser. beat. navuk. No. 3. - 1998. - P. 16-21.
  82. Sidorovich E.A., Ruban N.N., Volodko I.K., Galynskaya N.A., Zhukovets E.M., Korovchenko S.V., Kurlovich T.V., Zelenkevich A.V. and others. Integrated system for protecting industrial plantations of large-fruited cranberry from the most dangerous phytopathogenic organisms and weeds (recommendations). - Minsk, 1997. - 84 p.
  83. Pavlovsky, N.B. Morphological characteristics of the reproductive organs of five introduced varieties of Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. / N.B. Pavlovsky // Vesti Akademii Navuk Belarusi. Ser. biyal. nauk. № 3. - 1997. - P. 15-19.
  84. Pavlovsky, N.B. Morphological characteristics of the aboveground vegetative organs of five introduced varieties of lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) / N.B. Pavlovsky // Vesti Akademii Navuk Belarusi. Ser. biyal. nauk. No. 1. - 1997. – P. 9-15.
  85. Pavlovsky, N.B. Morphological characteristics of the reproductive organs of five introduced varieties of Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. / N.B. Pavlovsky // News of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Ser. beat. navuk. No. 3. - 1997. – P. 15-19.
  86. Pauloski, M.B. Ukaranalnasts charanka lingonnits Koralle i ix developed on rose substrates / M.B. Pauloski // News of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Ser. beat. navuk. № 2. - 1996. - P. 18-25.
  87. Kurlovich T.V. Highbush blueberry - a novelty for amateur gardeners// Domashnyaya Gazeta "Toloka", - 1996.- № 6.- P. 6.
  88. Kurlovich T.V. Highbush blueberry (varieties)// Khozyain, 1996.- № 6. P. 8-9.
  89. Kurlovich T.V. Reproduction of blue berries// Khozyain, 1996.- № 6. P. 8-9.
  90. Ruban N.N., Kurlovich T.V., Volodko I.K. Results of the study of the use of herbicides on cranberry and lingonberry plantings// Problems of production and processing of rare fruit and berry crops. - Minsk, 1996. Pp.41-43.
  91. Ruban N.N., Kurlovich T.V. Results of the study of blue honeysuckle in the Belarusian Polesie// Ibid., pp.67-69.
  92. Pavlovski, M.B. Phenological development of lingonberries of different varieties in the Belarusian Palesse / M.B. Pavlovski // Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Series of biennial sciences. No. 4. 1994. - P. 5-11.
  93. Kurlovich T.V., Ruban N.N. Collection of lingonberries of the Gantsevichi scientific and experimental base of the Central Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR // Ecological and biological study of berry plants of the Lingonberry family and experience of mastering their industrial culture in the USSR. - Gantsevichi, 1991. - 90-92.
  94. Kurlovich T.V., Ruban N.N. Reproduction of highbush blueberry// Information leaflet of BelNIINTI. – Minsk, 1990. – 4 pages.
  95. Kurlovich T.V., Ruban N.N. Highbush blueberry in the backyard (growing guide). Minsk, 1990.- 8 pages.
  96. Kurlovich T.V. Biological features of highbush blueberry and prospects for its introduction in Belarus// Lingonberries in the USSR. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1990. – Pp. 268-273.
  97. Kurlovich T.V., Ruban N.N. Highbush blueberry in the backyard (growing guide).- Minsk, 1990. – 28 pages.
  98. Kurlovich T.V. Study of highbush blueberry varieties in the conditions of the Belarusian Polesie// The state and prospects for the development of rare horticultural crops in the USSR. - Michurinsk, 1989. - pp. 104-106.
  99. Kurlovich TV Introduction of highbush blueberry in the Belarusian Polesie// The role of botanical gardens in the protection and enrichment of the flora. - Kyiv, 1989. - Vol. 1. - P. 51.
  100. Kurlovich TV Morphological features of fruits of varietal blueberries during their introduction in the Belarusian Polesie// Theoretical and applied carpology. - Chisinau, 1989. - P. 94.
  101. Kurlovich TV Phenorhythmics of highbush blueberry in the Belarusian Polesie// Ecological properties of lingonberry berry plants in nature and culture. – Riga, 1989.- P.59.
  102. Shapiro D.K., Vasilevskaya T.I., Kononovich T.V., Prilishch N.P., Gorbatsevich V.I. Highbush blueberry is a promising crop // Fruit and vegetable farming. - 1987. - No. 6. - P.21-23.
  103. Kurlovich (Kononovich) T.V. Biological features of highbush blueberry and prospects for its introduction in Belarus // Abstract of thesis. diss. for the job application uch. Art. Ph.D. biol. Sciences.- Novosibirsk, 1987.- 18 p.
  104. Sidorovich E.A., Kurlovich T.V., Ruban N.N. Plantation cultivation of highbush blueberry on reclaimed peatlands of the Belarusian Polesie// Vesti AN BSSR. - Series. s-kh. nauk, 1987. Vyp. 4. Pp. 66-69.
  105. Kudinov M.A., Kononovich T.V., Ruban N.N. Highbush blueberry in the Belarusian Polesie// Information leaflet of BelNIINTI. - Minsk, 1986.- № 57. - 4 p.
  106. Kononovich T.V. Highbush blueberry// Booklet of VDNKh, 1986. 1 p.
  107. Kononovich T.V. Results of a three-year study of highbush blueberry in the Belarusian Polesie// Young scientists - forestry. – Kaunas-Girionis, 1985.- P.67.
  108. Shapiro D.K., Kudinov M.A., Narizhnaya T.I., Kononovich T.V., Starkova N.Yu. Biochemical assessment of blueberry fruits grown in the Belarusian Polesie//Plant resources. 1984.- Issue 3.- P.119-124.
  109. Kudinov M.A., Kononovich T.V. Highbush blueberry – a new fruit and berry crop for Belarus // Problems of food and forage use of secondary forest resources. Krasnoyarsk, 1983. P.60.