Tatiana Vladimirovna Kurlovich

Born on January 6, 1955 in the village of Khotynichi, Gantsevichi district, Brest region. In 1977 she graduated from the biology department of the BSU named after V.I. Lenin.

1977-1978 - teacher at the Oshmyany special school for the deaf.

1978-1980 - biology and chemistry teacher at the Zadubenskaya 8-year school in the Gantsevichi district.

1980-1985 - engineer at the laboratory for the mobilization of plant resources of the Central Botanical Garden.

1985-1989 - junior researcher at the laboratory for the introduction of fruit and berry plants of the Central Botanical Garden.

1989-1999 - researcher at the laboratory for the introduction of fruit and berry plants of the Central Botanical Garden.

1999-2001 - senior researcher at the laboratory for the introduction of fruit and berry plants of the Central Botanical Garden.

2001-2003 - chief agronomist at the Doctor Sharets farm, Baranovichi district, Brest region.

2003-2004 - agronomist, Eden LLC, Moscow.

2006-2008 - acting head of the laboratory for the introduction and technology of berry plants, Central Botanical Garden.

2008-2013 - head of the Central Botanical Garden sector.

Since 2013 - leading researcher, Central Botanical Garden.

On May 16, 1988, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic: "Biological characteristics of highbush blueberry and prospects for its introduction in Belarus."

Research areas

Introduction, introduction into culture, development and improvement of technology for propagation and cultivation of berry and ornamental plants of the Heather family.

Major research results

Introduction of highbush blueberry into culture and development of its vegetative propagation methods, creation of Belarusian heather varieties.


1987: Bronze medal of the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements for achievements in the development of the national economy of the USSR.

1988: Diploma of the 2nd degree of the BSSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements for the development of agrotechnical methods for growing blueberries tall.

Main publications

Monographs and reference and information publications:
  1. Kurlovich TV, Bosak VN Tall blueberry in Belarus. Minsk, "Belarusian science", 1998. - 175 p.
  2. Kurlovich TV Lingonberry, blueberry, cranberry, bilberry. Moscow, Publishing House of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. - 2005. - 126 p.
  3. Kurlovich TV Cranberry, blueberry, lingonberry. Moscow, "Publishing House of Niola-Press". - 2007. - 207 p.
  4. Kurlovich TV, Pavlovskaya AG Cranberry at the dacha. Minsk, IOOO "Krasiko-Print", 2009. - 64 p.
  5. Kurlovich TV Heather Garden in Landscape Design. Moscow, Publishing House "Kladez-Buks", 2011. - 144 p.
  6. Kurlovich TV, Gavrikov AV Lingonberry, Cranberry, Red Cranberry. Varieties, Planting, Care. Moscow, Publishing House "Kladez-Buks", 2011. - 64 p.
  7. Kurlovich TV, Gavrikov AV Blueberry and Bilberry. Varieties, Planting, Care. Moscow, Publishing House "Kladez-Buks", 2011. - 64 p.
  8. Kurlovich TV Large-fruited Cranberry in Belarus. Introduction and variety study. Collection of articles. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. – 2014. – 84 p.
  9. Kurlovich T.V. Blueberries on your plot. Minsk, Krasiko-Print, 2014. – 80 p.
  1. Kurlovich T.V. (Kononovich). Biological features of highbush blueberry and prospects of its introduction in Belarus. Abstract of Cand. Sci. (Biol.) Dissertation. Novosibirsk. 1987. 16.
  2. Kurlovich T.V. Study of highbush blueberry varieties in the conditions of the Belarusian Polesie. Status and prospects of development of rare horticultural crops in the USSR, Proceedings of a scientific conference, Michurinsk, VNIIS. 1989. - P. 104-106.
  3. Kurlovich T.V. Introduction of highbush blueberry in the Belarusian Polesie. The role of botanical gardens in the protection and enrichment of the flora. Proceedings of a scientific and practical conference, Kyiv: KSU, 1989. - V.1. - P. 51.
  4. Kurlovich T.V. Phenorhythmics of highbush blueberry in the Belarusian Polesie. Ecological properties of lingonberry berry plants in nature and culture. Proceedings of the international scientific conference, Riga, 1989. - P. 59-60.
  5. Kurlovich T.V. Biological features of highbush blueberry and prospects for its introduction in Belarus. Collection of scientific papers "Lingonberry in the USSR. Resources, introduction, selection", Novosibirsk, 1990. P. - 268-273.
  6. Comprehensive system for protecting industrial plantations of large-fruited cranberry from the most dangerous phytopathogenic organisms and weeds. Recommendations. Minsk, 1997. – 84 p.
  7. Pavlovsky N.B., Kurlovich T.V., Pavlovskaya A.G. Influence of the temperature factor of the winter period on the yield of blueberry varieties introduced in the Belarusian Polesie. Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference. Gomel, 2008. – P. 285-291.
  8. Kurlovich T.V. Habitus and yield of mature plants of varietal blueberries in the reproductive phase of ontogenesis. Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference "Experience and prospects of blueberry cultivation in Belarus and adjacent countries", Minsk, July 17-18, 2014. – 2014. - P. 49-56.
  9. Kurlovich T.V. Productivity and morphological features of fruits of varietal large-fruited cranberry. Bulletin of UNN. - No. 3 (3). - 2014. - P. 58-62.
  10. Kurlovich T.V. Form diversity of common heather (Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull) - the basis for Belarusian varieties. Proceedings of the III-rd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems of Conservation of Biological Diversity and Use of Biological Resources" dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of Academician N.V. Smolsky, Minsk, October 7-9, 2015. - Part 1. 2015. - P. 420-424.
  11. Kurlovich T.V. Fruiting periodicity of varietal blueberries in the reproductive phase of ontogenesis. Proceedings of the III-rd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems of Conservation of Biological Diversity and Use of Biological Resources" dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of Academician N.V. Smolsky, Minsk, October 7-9, 2015. - Part 1. 2015. - P. 417-419.