Main | Structure | Sector of landscape architecture and phytodesign

Sector of landscape architecture and phytodesign

The head of the sector is landscape designer Alena Genadzevna Puzankevich. The sector of landscape architecture and plant design (until 2010 – office) was created in 2000 under the leadership of G.S. Valitskaya. Works in the field of landscape architecture and phytodesign were started in 1975 with participation in an experiment to create gardens on the roofs of 16-story buildings of the Vostok-1 neighborhood, the author of which was the honored architect of the BSSR Georgy Vasilyev Sysoev. Creative work of botanical garden employees N.V. Shkutko, L.A. Kirilchik, G.S. Valitskaya. was marked by patents for inventions. Employees of the landscape group in the research and production department, and earlier - the gardening group, over the years have developed landscaping projects for the territories of scientific and state institutions, industrial complexes, urban areas, parks, parks of Belarusian cities, agro-industrial complexes, educational institutions, territories of embassies and residences. . , some of which are implemented. Since 2015, the sector has been headed by A.G. Puzankevich.

Main areas of activity

  • Designing objects of green construction and landscape design.
  • Research and analysis of advanced trends in landscape architecture and plant design, as well as historical heritage in the field of garden and park art.
  • Development of design projects for new thematic expositions on the territory of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
  • Development of projects for landscape organization of the territories of industrial and agro-industrial complexes, agro-towns, territories of administrative buildings.
  • Annual preparation of the project of seasonal design of the territory of the Central Botanical Garden.
  • Development of projects of internal landscaping and "Winter Gardens" of large public buildings and structures.
  • Works in the field of phytodesign of public buildings.
  • Design projects of small gardens.

The most important experimental and design developments

Designing of new thematic expositions within the framework of the development concept of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus as a monument of landscape architecture and a unique object of nature:

  1. The concept of creation and preparation of project documentation for the new thematic exposition "Regular garden named after Zhilibera, combined with the exposition-collection of climbing plants";
  2. Design project of the Berso pavilion for exhibiting climbing plants;
  3. The concept of creation and preparation of project documentation for the new thematic exposition "Garden of mosses and lichens";
  4. The concept of creation and preparation of project documentation for the new thematic exposition "Garden of beautiful bushes".

Designing of new thematic expositions within the framework of the development concept of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus as a monument of landscape architecture and a unique object of nature:

  • "Japanese Garden"
  • "Garden of stones";
  • "Flower fields";
  • "Labyrinth".
  • Technologies of clonal micropropagation of the introduced varieties of sedum, lingonberry, lilac, rhododendron have been developed, which provide an opportunity to put on an industrial basis the production of healthy, environmentally friendly planting material of these crops and to meet the needs of the national economy of Belarus and other CIS regions affected by the Accident . .
  • The results of experimental studies obtained on induced morphogenesis and regeneration of plants made it possible to create a bank of genotypes, represented by a collection of sterile cultures, which includes more than 30 species and varieties of representatives of seven. Vacciniaceae S.F.Gray and Ericaceae Juss., which serves as one of the ways to preserve plant biodiversity.

The most important practical developments

  • The project of creating a Winter Garden and interior landscaping in the "Palace of Independence" building. Implementation of the project.
  • The project of interior landscaping of the "Minsk Zoo Exatorium".
  • Project of internal greening of the National Library of Belarus (NBB).
  • Greening project of the Exhibition Greenhouse of the National Academy of Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
  • Development of the concept of landscape organization of the territory of the "Ecotechnopark" in the Pukhovitsky district of the Minsk region.
  • Projects of landscape organization of the territories of agro-towns: JSC "Zhuravlinae" and JSC "Aychyna" of Pruzhan district, Brest region.
  • The project of landscape organization and reconstruction of green spaces of the Svetlagorsk plant "Khimvalakno", the project of landscape organization of the territory of the sewage treatment plant in Babruysk, the project of landscape organization of the territory of the fruit growing institute.
  • Greening of the territory of the presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the inner yard of the Belarusian State University, the territory of the "Belaruskaliy" JSC, the territory of the "Mir" and "Belovezhsky" state farms, the inner yard of "Minskexpo", the territory of the main building of the BDPA, the territory of the "Triple" company, etc. .

Since 2016, work has been carried out within the framework of the activities of the subprogram "Development of the state scientific institution "Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" for 2016-2020." on the task "Development of the concept and technical documentation for the creation of a rock garden as a local landscape exposition of mountain flora".

List of publications

  1. Valitskaya, G.S., Puzankevich A.H. "Development of the theoretical and practical foundations of the creation of a new thematic exposition in the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus "Regular Garden named after Zhiliber" within the framework of the concept of development of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus as a monument of landscape architecture and a unique object of nature" // Materials of the International Conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk "Introduction, preservation and use of biological diversity of the world's flora". Part 1, 2012, – P. 494;
  2. Valitskaya, G.S., Galubkov V. "On the creation of a garden of mosses and lichens in the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" // Abstracts of reports of the international scientific conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the Central Botanical Garden, Minsk, 2002. , – P. 29;
  3. Valitskaya, G.S. "Modern trends in the design of expositions and collections of botanical gardens and their problems." // Abstracts of the reports of the international scientific conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the CBS, Minsk, 2002, - pp. 28–29.