Main | Structure | Realization sector | Conducting ceremonial events on the territory of the Central Botanical Garden

Conducting ceremonial events on the territory of the Central Botanical Garden

Participants need:

to hold the celebration

1. Send the application (Appendix 1) by fax 8 (017) 379-15-98 or to e-mail , specifying the date and time of its holding, the number of guests, the planned number of motor vehicles to ensure this event, the contact number of the person responsible for the event on the part of the applicant.

2. Not later than 5-10 working days before the solemn event, it is necessary:

  • confirm the readiness of its implementation and draw up a contract of the established model. To conclude the contract, it is necessary to provide a copy of the passport, indicate the brand and state. number of cars (no more than 3), exact number of event participants.
  • make 100% payment at the Garden's cash desk and present cashier's checks for the amount specified in the contract to the employee of the Garden responsible for holding this event (hereinafter - the responsible employee).

The applicant is responsible for the accuracy of the information on the number of invitees and participants of the event. Purchased entrance tickets are valid for the date of the event and are non-refundable. The cost of holding a solemn event is formed according to the current price lists at the time of the event and includes, among other things:

  • conducting professional photos and videos - 40 rubles;
  • car transport to the agreed place of the event (up to 3 units) - 10 rubles. for each;
  • payment of entrance tickets to the solemn event for all participants - 12 rubles. for each;
  • the duration of the event, including preparatory work, should not exceed 3 hours.

Participants of the solemn event are obliged to observe the established rules of behavior on the territory of the Garden (Appendix 2). Violation of the rules entails material or administrative liability in accordance with current legislation. Those on duty in the garden monitor compliance with the rules of the event. All disputes and disagreements are resolved peacefully or with the involvement of security personnel.



Tel. fax: 379-15-98