Main | Structure | Plant Resources Biodiversity Laboratory

The initiator is Pavel Andreevich Pashkevich, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.

Head of the laboratory - Pavel A. Pashkevich, Ph.D.

Pashkevich Pavel Mikolaevich

Research of plant resources began in the Central Botanical Garden in 1932 in the seed laboratory, which in 1968 was transformed into the laboratory of mobilization of plant resources (1999-2010 the department of mobilization of plant resources), since 2010 - the laboratory. In 2017, the laboratory created a sector of preservation and restoration of plant resources.

In different years, the laboratory was headed by a candidate of biological sciences. E. V. Ivanova (1932-1968), Doctor of Biological Sciences M.A. Kudzinov (1968-1986), Candidate of Agricultural Sciences M.I. Jaroshevich (1986-1993), Candidate of Biological Sciences L.U. Kukharova (1993-2010), doctor of biological sciences, member of the faculty. National Academy of Sciences of Belarus V.U.Tsitok (2010-2018), candidate of biological sciences B.Yu. Anoshka (2018-2021). Since 2021, the laboratory is headed by candidate of agricultural sciences P.A. Pashkevich.

At present, 12 employees work in the laboratory, excluding the sector of conservation and restoration of plant resources, including doctor of biological sciences, member of the faculty. National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, chief researcher U.U. Titok, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor, leading researcher B.Yu. Anoshka, 8 researchers, a junior researcher and a green construction worker.

Main areas of scientific and applied research

  • Development of scientific bases for the introduction of medicinal, pungent-aromatic, fodder, bioenergy, honey-bearing and coloring plants, their rational use.
  • Selection of varieties of medicinal, pungent-aromatic, bioenergy and fodder plants adapted to the conditions of Belarus, development of effective methods and technologies for their processing.
  • Identification and classification of biologically active compounds of plants, studying the dynamics of their accumulation in plant raw materials of medicinal, pungent-aromatic, honey-bearing and dyeing plants.

The most important results of scientific research

  • The scientific basis for the introduction of more than 40 new species of herbaceous plants of the world flora in Belarus has been developed.
  • The collection gene pool of herbaceous medicinal (more than 440 species), spicy-aromatic (more than 130 species), fodder (more than 40 species) plants was significantly replenished, new collections of bioenergetic (more than 10 species), honey-bearing and coloring plants were formed ( more than 50 species). plants.
  • Ecology, biology, patterns of development and adaptation to the conditions of Belarus, prospective rational economic use of introduced medicinal, pungent-aromatic, honey-bearing, fodder and bioenergy plants were studied.
  • Biologically active compounds of introduced plants were identified, the dynamics of their accumulation were studied, and the optimal terms and methods of harvesting plant raw materials of medicinal and spicy-aromatic plants were determined.
  • 22 new varieties of medicinal, pungent-aromatic, fodder and bio-energetic plants have been created, which are distinguished by high productivity and technological efficiency during processing. Technologies for industrial processing of new varieties of medicinal, pungent-aromatic, fodder and bioenergy plants have been developed.
  • 6 technological regulations for the rational and effective use of medicinal, pungent-aromatic, honey-bearing, fodder and bioenergy plants and 12 recommendations for the creation of new drugs of targeted action, food products and biologically active supplements have been developed.

International cooperation

The laboratory is the curator of the international exchange of seeds and planting material with botanical gardens and other botanical institutions of 140 countries.

The laboratory conducted joint research on international projects with the Institute of Chemistry of Plant Raw Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Mongolia, the Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources of the Vietnam Academy of Sciences and Technology, and the Institute of Biology of the University of Latvia.

Patent and license activity

List of copyright certificates for varieties:

  1. Onion panicle 'Belarusian Botanical', certificate No. 0000162 dated 25.01.1995 (Pashina G.V., Kupreenka N.P., Yarashevich M.I., Loban S.Ya.)
  2. Venikova amaranth 'Rubin', certificate No. 0000400 dated 12.29.2001 (Loban S.Ya., Kukharova L.V.)
  3. Dushitsa common 'Greta', certificate No. 0000414 dated 29.12.2001 (Kukharova L.V., Loban S.Ya.)
  4. Yantar pierced by St. John's wort, certificate No. 0000415 dated 12.29.2001 (Kukharova L.V., Loban S.Ya.)
  5. Issop medicinal 'Lazurite', certificate No. 0000416 dated 12.29.2001 (Kukharova L.V., Loban S.Ya.)
  6. Mountain thyme 'Sapphir', certificate No. 0000418 dated 29.12.2001 (Kukharova L.V., Loban S.Ya.)
  7. Multi-eared wrinkled 'Coral', certificate No. 0000421 dated 12.29.2001 (L.V. Kuharova, S.Ya. Loban)
  8. Spotted grasshopper 'Cinderella', certificate No. 0000613 dated 15.01.2004 (L.U. Kukharava)
  9. Melissa medicinal 'Zara', certificate No. 0000998 dated 11.01.2006 (Kukharova L.U., Loban S.Ya.)
  10. Peppermint 'Enchantment', certificate No. 0000999 dated 11.01.2006 (Kukharova L.V., Elyashevich A.V.)
  11. Altei medicinal 'Dawn', certificate No. 0001000 dated 11.01.2006 (Kukharova L.V., Loban S.Ya., Elyashevich A.V.)
  12. Sinyuha blue 'Sinyavochka', certificate No. 0001001 dated 11.01.2006 (L.V. Kuharova, V.S. Linnik, T.K. Gavrylenko)
  13. Wormwood tarragon 'Victoria', certificate No. 0001399 dated 15.01.2007 (Kukharova L.V., Loban S.Ya., Elyashevich A.V.)
  14. Common caraway 'Karona', certificate No. 0001640 dated 08.01.2008 (Kukharova L.V., Dashchinskaya N.V.)
  15. Sarmatian incense 'Piešchota', certificate No. 0001641 dated 08.01.2008 (L.V. Kuharova, T.K. Gavrylenko, A.V. Elyashevich)
  16. Lapchatka straight 'Radiant', certificate No. 0001642 dated 08.01.2008 (L.V. Kukharava, T.K. Gavrylenko, T.M. Karpava)
  17. Amaranth tail 'Prelude', certificate No. 0001644 dated 08.01.2008 (Loban S.Ya., Kukharova L.V., Yarashevich M.I.)
  18. Balsamic tansy 'Aelita', certificate No. 0001962 dated 20.12.2009 (L.V. Kuharova, T.K. Gavrylenko, A.A. Kot)
  19. Venikova amaranth 'Wizard', certificate No. 0002120 dated 12.24.2008 (Loban S.Ya., Kuharova L.V., Yarashevich M.I.)
  20. Amaranth tail 'Zhamchuzhynka', certificate No. 0002121 dated 24.12.2008 (Loban S.Ya., Kukharova L.V., Yarashevich M.I.)
  21. Melissa 'Fantasia', certificate No. 0002128 dated 24.12.2008 (L.V. Kuharova, T.K. Gavrylenko)
  22. Medicinal sage 'Prometheus', certificate No. 0002129 dated 12.24.2008 (L.V. Kuharova, A.A. Kot)
  23. Valeryana lekovaya 'Vydatnaya', certificate No. 0002130 dated 12.24.2008 (L.V. Kuharova, T.K. Gavrylenko, A.A. Kot)
  24. Lapchatka white 'Zaranka', certificate No. 0002236 dated 29.12.2010 (Kukharova L.V., Kot A.A., Makarova A.S.)
  25. Lubistock pharmacy 'Svitanak', certificate No. 0002237 dated 29.12.2010 (Kukharova L.V., Makarova A.S., Savich I.M.)
  26. Seed coriander 'Summer Breeze', certificate No. 0002406 dated 15.01.2007 (L.V. Kuharova, K.I. Ramanovich)
  27. Badan thick-leaved 'Surprise', certificate No. 0002592 dated 30.12.2011 (L.V. Kukharava, N.V. Prokhorenko, T.K. Gavrylenko)
  28. White-seeded amaranth 'Yantar', certificate No. 0002767 dated 29.12.2012 (V.U. Titok, S.Ya. Loban, L.V. Kuharova, B.Yu. Anoshka)
  29. Nutmeg sage 'Surprise', certificate No. 0004429 dated 29.12.2012 (V.U. Titok, L.V. Kukharava, B. Yu. Anoshka, A.A. Kot)
  30. Lavender 'Lazurnaya', certificate No. 0004920 dated 31.12.2013 (V.U. Titok, L.V. Kuharova, T.K. Gavrylenko, B.Yu. Anoshka)
  31. Fennel ordinary 'Pospeh', certificate No. 0004924 dated 31.01.2013 (Kukharova L.V., Titok V.V., Anoshka B.Yu., Kot A.A.)
  32. European swimming pool "Svyatlafor", certificate No. 0005071 dated 31.12.2013 (V.U. Titok, L.V. Kuharova, I.M. Tychyna, B.Yu. Anoshka)
  33. Maroon amaranth 'Raspberry bell', certificate No. 0005078 dated 31.12.2013 (V.V. Titok, S.Ya. Loban, L.V. Kuharova, B.Yu. Anoshka)
  34. Kachim venikava 'Blizzard', certificate No. 0005082 dated 31.12.2013 (V.U. Titok, L.V. Kukharova, T.V. Gil, B.Yu. Anoshka)
  35. Nepalese patchwork 'Zorka', certificate No. 0004670 dated 30.12.2016 (V.V. Titok, L.V. Kuharova, B.Yu. Anoshka, T.V. Gil)
  36. Tapinambur Anastas, certificate No. 0005025 dated 29.12.2017 (N.S. Kuptsov, V.V. Titok, P.A. Pashkevich, Y.G. Popov)
  37. Baikal helmet 'Aleksandr᾿ certificate No. 0005291 dated 29.12.2018 (V.V. Tsitok, L.V. Kuharova, Y.G. Popov, T.V. Gil, L.V. Honcharova)
  38. Lapchatka large-flowered 'Sunnyka', certificate No. 0005295 dated 29.12.2018 (V.V. Tsitok, L.V. Kuharova, T.V. Gil, B.Yu. Anoshka)
  39. Lupine changeable 'Vizent᾿, certificate No. 0005307 dated 29.12.2018 (Kuptsov N.S., Titok V.V., Pashkevich P.A., Kuptsov V.M.)
  40. Echinacea purple 'Zaznoba', certificate No. 0005308 dated 29.12.2018 (A.V. Kruchonak, V.V. Titok)
  41. Arnica mountain 'Hope', certificate No. 0005443 dated 31.12.2019 (A.V. Kruchonak, T.V. Gil, L.V. Kuharova, V.V. Titok)
  42. Tapinambur 'Dominika', certificate No. 0005509 dated 31.12.2019 (Vaityashenko V.S., Tsitok V.V., Pashkevich P.A., Damashkevich M.P.)
  43. Tipinambur 'Bortnikovsky', certificate No. 0005510 dated 31.12.2019 (Pashkevich P.A., Titok V.V., Yarashevich M.I.)
  44. Red velvet amaranth, certificate No. 0005772 dated 12.31.2019 (I.M. Savich, T.V. Gil, V.V. Titok, S.Ya. Loban)
  45. Moldavian snakehead 'Tsmok᾿, certificate No. 0005927 dated 31.12.2020 (I.M. Savich, B.Yu. Anoshka, V.V. Titok, Y.G. Popov, I.M. Tychyna)
  46. Lupine changeable 'Dyr᾿, certificate No. 0005976 dated 31.12.2020 (V.V. Tsitok, P.A. Pashkevich, A.M. Bugrova, B.Yu. Anoshka, N.S. Kuptsov)
  47. White lupin 'Elin, certificate No. 0006281 dated 31.12.2021 (V.V. Tsitok, B.Yu. Anoshka, N.S. Kuptsov, P.A. Pashkevich)
  48. Tailed amaranth 'Autumn blues', certificate No. 0006282 dated 31.12.2021 (I.M. Savich, S.Ya. Loban, V.V. Titok, A.A. Kot)
  49. Nigella seed (Charnuska seed) 'Aleksandryna', certificate No. 0006298 dated 12.31.2021 (Anoshka B.Yu., Tychyna I.M., Savich I.M., Titok V.V., Popov Y.G. )
  50. Tapinambur 'Maiseenkau', certificate No. 0006300 dated 12.31.2021 (V.V. Tsitok, P.A. Pashkevich)

List of patents for inventions:

  1. Patent 17961 of the Republic of Belarus: IPC A 61K 36/14 (2006.1) A 61Р 19/00 (2006.1); date of publication: 28.02.2014 "Balneological remedy and the method of its preparation" together with the employees of the National Research Institute of the National Academy of Sciences (A.A. Morozava, A.D. Navumau, V.U. Titok, L.V. Kuharova, L.A. Stavrovskaya )
  2. Patent 18207 of the Republic of Belarus: IPC A 01H 4/00 (2006.01); date of publication: 30.06.2014 "Method of obtaining callus culture of Adonis vernalis L.". (A.M. Kutas, I.M. Malakhava, A.A. Horatskaya, L.U. Kuharova)
  3. Patent 18207 of the Republic of Belarus: IPC A 01H 4/00 (2006.01); date of publication: 30.06.2014 "Method of obtaining regenerating plants of Adonis vernalis L." (Kutas A.M., Ogorodnik L.Ya., Malakhava I.M., Horatskaya A.A., Kukharova L.U.)
  4. Patent 23846 of the Republic of Belarus: IPC A 61K 36/28 (2006.01), A 61K 36/30 (2006.01), A 61R 17/02 (2006.01); date of publication: 30.08.2022 "Rano-healing gel" .U., Zhavaranak I.P., Yerofeeva A.-M.V.)


According to the results of research, laboratory employees have prepared more than 900 scientific publications and 18 monographs.