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The main results of scientific and applied research of the Laboratory of Biodiversity of Natural Resources

Acute-aromatic and medicinal plants of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

One of the directions of the laboratory's research is currently the introduction, selection, development of separate methods of growing technology and issues of practical application of spicy aromatic and medicinal plants, including ginseng, with the aim of creating a raw material base as the basis of an effective and sustainable of pharmaceutical development. , food, meat-dairy and other industries.

Collection expositions of aromatic and medicinal plants were created in 1984 under the leadership of M.A. Kudzinova. The most direct participation in their creation was taken by L.U. Kukharov, and in the bookmark of the section of medicinal plants - M.S. Bareish. At different times, employees - G.U. Pashina, V.S. Linnik, T.A. Lapko, T.U. Samsonova and others. Collections of aromatic and medicinal plants stood out from the general display of the primary introduction of useful plants in 1980. Their total area is about two hectares.

The problem of introduction of valuable plants for Belarus is particularly urgent because a limited number of useful plants from the group of medicinal and spicy-aromatic plants grow in the natural conditions of our republic. And at the same time, it should be emphasized that the domestic and foreign pharmacopoeias include hundreds of medicinal products made on the basis of plant raw materials. In global practice, a harmonious system of phytotherapy was formed, based on the use of the experience of medicine of various peoples, existing medical-philosophical platforms (alopathic, homeopathic, naturopathic, Ayurvedic), modern scientific achievements of phytopharmacy and phytopharmacology. Accumulated rich and significant experience in the use of herbal medicines. Herbal preparations are used for infectious and parasitic diseases, in oncology, for mental and nervous disorders, for diseases of the endocrine system, allergic diseases, disorders of nutrition and metabolism, for diseases of the blood, hematopoietic system and hematopoietic organs, immune disorders, diseases of the digestive organs, genitourinary system, skin, musculoskeletal system and connective tissue.

To date, a collection of aromatic and medicinal plants has been created in the laboratory of biodiversity of plant resources, which includes more than 500 species and varieties belonging to 40 families. It is represented both by flora taxa of Belarus and foreign flora. They are distributed by families as follows: Lamiaceae - 62 species; Asteraceae - 43; pink (Rosaceae) - 38; celery (Apiaceae) - 19; Ranunculaceae - 14; legumes (Fabaceae) - 12 and 1-5 species from other families. The formation of the collection was and is currently taking place at the expense of species brought from various floristic areas and geographical regions. The largest number of them is concentrated in the countries of the Mediterranean Sea, Eastern Asia, the Caucasus, the Far East and other regions.

About 59% of spicy and medicinal plants are brought to Belarus from the Mediterranean. These are Hyssopus officinalis L., Salvia officinalis L., Artemisia abrotanum L., Ammi visnaga (L.) Lam., Foeniculum vulgare Mill., Artemisia maritima L., Borago officinalis L., Melissa officinalis L., Lavatera thuringiaca L. , Thymus vulgaris L., Salvia sclarea L. and others. These species, despite their southern origin, successfully grow in Belarus in open ground, in open sunny places. Most of them go through a full cycle of development and self-seed.

About 25% of the total number of introducers was attracted from the European-Siberian region (according to Zhukovsky). This is Artemisia austriaca Jacg., Tanacetum boreale Fisch. еxDC., genus Dracocephalum L. and others. Practically all these species have found a second home in Belarus: they go through a full cycle of development and have a high reproduction potential. Exceptions are wormwood, which reproduces vegetatively, but the seeds hardly set.

About 15% of medicinal and aromatic species were introduced from Eastern Asia. These are Achillea filipendulina Lam., Ferula assa-foetida L. Balsamita major (L.) Desf. and others.

The flora of the Caucasus is of special interest in terms of species diversity. From this region introduced species of the genus Nepeta L., Achillea L., Pyrethrum Zinn. And it will be necessary to attract a number of species of medicinal and spicy plants, since the natural flora of this region is quite rich in useful species.

When introducing plants into new soil and climatic conditions, much attention was paid to the research of the biology of the species, the requirements for growth conditions, without which it is impossible to determine the level of success of the introduction, the development of separate issues of agro-technology taking into account different agro-climatic zones and processing of raw materials. In order to achieve the set goal, it was supposed to solve the following tasks: to study the seasonal rhythm of growth and development of plants in culture, morphometric indicators and seed germination of local and foreign reproduction, methods of reproduction (seed and vegetative), resistance to diseases and pests, age and seasonal dynamics and active substances ; to determine the optimal terms of harvesting medicinal raw materials and the longevity of species in culture.

Currently, on the basis of raw materials cultivated by the garden of aromatic and medicinal plants, in-depth studies of the biological and biochemical features of the most valuable of them are being conducted. The development of the scientific basis of their reproduction, the study of adaptation possibilities in new conditions, the creation of seed and uterine plots, the preparation and supply of raw material samples for biochemical studies, as well as to doctors, biologists and biotechnologists for the development of medicines and food additives.

On the basis of spicy-aromatic plants, Belkharchprom has developed: flavored herbal teas for therapeutic and preventive purposes for all population groups; flavored soft drinks with the use of spicy-aromatic grass; fruit-based cocktails; dry seasonings and food additives; flavored fruit and berry wines, which are made on the basis of apple juice, using herbal infusions as flavoring agents; flavored mineral water; dry seasonings for meat and fish dishes; several compositions of spices for sausage production, which can successfully replace imported ones.

The laboratory, together with Belbiapharma industry research institutions and other medical institutions, researched and developed new formulations of biologically active supplements (BAD) based on local medicinal raw materials for the prevention of thyroid diseases, which supplement the comprehensive maintenance of those who lack in ordinary food. - active elements in an easily digestible form, do not have side effects on the body during long-term use, are affordable and competitive on the market among drugs of this class.

As promising plants for the production of dietary supplements, the following were taken: oleander, echinacea, mullein, bougainvillea, rosehip fruits and others.

On the basis of the gene pool of the botanical garden, new medicinal forms and drugs were developed: antioxidant, anti-anemic, immunomodulatory, tonic, hepatoprotective, antimicrobial, etc. actions. The production of preparations includes thick-leaved badan, basil, oregano, St. John's wort, hyssop, coil, lemon balm, peppermint, various wormwood, chamomile, valerian, pyrethrum balsamic, fennel, ginseng tincture and others.

Joint studies were conducted on the content of flavignans in various morphological groups of milk thistle seeds, which have a hepatoprotective effect. A drug with a sedative effect based on the raw material blue cyanobacteria has been developed and a patent has been obtained, as well as research is being carried out with milk thistle, milk thistle, and others.

Raw materials are necessary for the production of the above-mentioned products. In farms, mainly in Brest and partly in Vitebsk and Minsk regions, mother plantations were established. In total, in the Republic directly with our participation and with our seeds and seedlings, nursery and raw material plantations were established on more than 800 hectares. Plantation of raw material plantations was carried out in accordance with the developed recommendations "Agrotechnics for the processing of spicy-aromatic and medicinal plants promising for use in the food industry", for approximately 20 types of the most popular medicinal and spicy-aromatic plants.

Based on the collection gene pool of medicinal and spicy-aromatic plants, species were classified according to economically useful characteristics. According to the conducted literature review [6-31], the collection gene pool of medicinal and spicy-aromatic plants of the Biodiversity Laboratory of Plant Resources is divided into the following groups according to their useful properties: medicinal, food, fodder, perfumery, tanning, honey-bearing, technical, insecticidal, poisonous.

Fig. 1. Classification of species of medicinal and spicy-aromatic plants according to economic and useful properties

The groups with the largest number of species are medicinal (159 species), food (91 species), honey-bearing (82 species) and decorative (108 species). In the medicinal group, representatives of the family Lamiaceae Lindl. make up 24% or 38 species, Asteraceae Dumort – 21% (33 species), Apiaceae Lindl. and Rosaceae Juss. 9% of 14 species. As for edible plants, species of the family Lamiaceae Lindl are represented by a large landscape diversity. - 32% (29 species) and Asteraceae Dumort 18% (16 species). Of the honey plants, the most numerous - 43% or 35 species is also the family LamiaceaeLindl., which also occupies a leading position among decorative introducers - 27% (29 species). The resource groups are poisonous, phytoremedial and raticidal mollicia and are represented by a total of 22 species. Among them are poisonous - 18, phytomelioration - 2 and raticidal - 2.

Medicinal plants are classified by groups of diseases: cardiovascular, endocrine system (thyroid gland and diabetes), respiratory and cold organs, prostate gland, musculoskeletal system, kidneys and urinary tract, digestive system, immunomodulating.

Fig. 2. Classification of types of the collection gene pool by use in the treatment of certain groups of diseases.

The largest number of introduced species are part of medicinal products for the treatment of diseases of the digestive system (82), respiratory organs and colds (68), cardiovascular system (39). The number of species for the treatment of diseases of the endocrine system - the thyroid gland and the prostate gland is small and is represented by 6 and 5 species, respectively.

The range of use of introducers of the families Asteraceae Dumort, Boraginaceae Juss., Lamiaceae Lindl., Rosaceae Juss., Apiaceae Lindl. the most extensive. Among them are representatives of the genus Inula L., Arnica L., Atractylodes DC (sem. Asteraceae Dumort), Lithospermum L. (sem. Boraginaceae Juss.), Salvia L., Lavandula L., Stachys L., Thymus L. (sem. Lamiaceae Lindl.), Filipendula Mill., Fragaria L. (family Rosaceae Juss.), Angelica L., Foeniculum Mill. (seven. Apiaceae Lindl.). It also shows the use of introducers in official and non-traditional medicine.

The most important results of development are the new varieties of medicinal and aromatic plants created in the laboratory. Among them, the Sarmatian frankincense "Piešchota" variety, the common caraway "Korona" variety, the medicinal lemon balm "Zara" variety, the medicinal valerian variety "Vydatnaya" and the "Aelita" balsamic tansy variety. The created varieties are characterized by high productivity indicators and, accordingly, find demand and practical use in production.

Developments of the National Academy of Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on medicinal and spicy-aromatic plants served as the basis for the creation of the State Program "Development of the raw material base and processing of medicinal and spicy-aromatic plants" for 2001-2010. The main goal of the Program is to ensure the establishment and further progressive development of the production of medicinal and spicy-aromatic plant raw materials in our Republic and to increase the production of medical drugs available to the population, nutritional supplements for therapeutic and preventive purposes, plant extracts for the food industry, perfumery and other industries. The program included more than 20 assignments, which included research related to medicinal and aromatic plants introduced by the laboratory.

Genus Adonis L. – luminary. An important role in research in the section is assigned to the search for new sources of biologically active substances, as well as painstaking work on the creation and preservation of the gene pool of medicinal plants, which serves as the initial basis for conducting complex biochemical and pharmacological research. Extremely important in this chain of research is the choice of an object capable of becoming a promising producer of an effective drug in the future, safe, available for production on an industrial scale and competitive on the pharmaceutical market. As an object of research on medicinal plants, after a preliminary study of literary sources, the demand for raw materials, the genus Adonis L. was selected as a source of cardenolide agents, which contains 25 individual cardiac glycosides. The largest number of them is concentrated in leaves and green fruits.

The genus Adonis L. - includes about two dozen species of annual and perennial plants in the world, distributed in the temperate zone of Europe and Asia. There are 11 species on the territory of the former Soviet Union, of which 5 species grow in the flora of Ukraine. However, the most famous and most common of all species of this genus is Adonis vernalis L. - spring firefly, whose preparations are used for relatively mild forms of chronic circulatory failure; with neurosis of the heart, vegetative dystonia, infectious diseases that occur with symptoms of weakening of cardiac activity, kidney disease. In addition, preparations of spring adanis have a calming effect on the central nervous system, reduce the excitability of the motor centers, and dilate coronary vessels.

Medicinal forms of St. John's wort are tincture (Infusum Adonis vernalis), dry extract (Extractum Adonis vernalis sieceum) and others. Medicines are prepared from svetnik at the Barysau Medicines Plant, raw materials are purchased entirely for foreign currency.

In the natural conditions of Belarus, representatives of the genus Adonis L. do not grow. On the genus Adonis L.-horytsvet, the collection of source material was carried out for conducting research using the method of international scientific exchange and expeditionary trips. The method of expeditions turned out to be particularly productive, as a result of which 100 landing units were brought.

Qualitative indicators of seeds, feasibility, laboratory and field germination were investigated. It has been established that both laboratory and field germination of primrose seeds is low (from 0% laboratory to 15-20% soil).

In order to increase germination, various methods of seed treatment with physiologically active substances were used: gibberellic acid, phytostimophos, ecosil, low-wave (EMF radiation) and others, which promote the transition of seeds to a new physiological state and accelerate the germination process. Experiments on the study of the vegetative method of propagation of the spring clematis by division of mother plants have been established. A fairly high survival rate of planted plants was established for all variants of the experiment. The study of the life cycle of the development of spring clematis made it possible to conclude that the entry of plants into the senile period at the age of ten years or more was not observed.

Research on Adonis vernalis L. continues and is planned for the next five-year period.

Ginseng - Panax ginseng C.A. Mey. Undoubtedly interesting is ginseng - one of the most popular medicinal plants in the world. Its healing power is well known, but the natural reserves of ginseng are severely depleted. Ginseng is the Latin name of Panax ginseng C.A. Mey (Panax – named after Panacea – "heals everything", daughters of the god Asclepia – physician, aginseng – the Chinese name of the root, derived from jen – person, chen – root). This is a perennial plant from the Oraliev family. Life expectancy is calculated in tens of years. Reproduces only by seed.

The first practical experience of cultivating ginseng in culture in Belarus dates back to 1957. It was carried out in Talachinsky district by amateur ginseng grower A.K. Shastakov.

The first experimental work on the study of ginseng was started by the Central Botanical Garden in 1982 under the leadership of M.A. Kudinava, when the experimental plantation was established. As a result of long-term research on ginseng, biology, features of growth and development, requirements for soil conditions of cultivation, light regime, soil and air humidity, methods of protection against pests and diseases, basic methods of cultivation have been substantiated. Based on the results of the work, the first in the republic scientific recommendations on ginseng processing "Development of ginseng plantation cultivation technology" were prepared.

The long-term experimental work of the botanical garden, as well as many amateur ginseng growers, has convincingly shown that ginseng can be successfully cultivated throughout the territory of the republic, taking into account its requirements for the main environmental factors, and that the soil and climatic conditions of Belarus are quite favorable for it. processing.

On the basis of raw materials of ginseng roots, we have jointly developed a number of medicinal products with different pharmacological effects together with UP "Dialek".

Genus Glycyrrhiza L. – liquorice. Of the great variety of plants introduced by the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, some species of licorice (Glycyrrhiza L.), in particular bare licorice (G. glabra L.), Ural licorice (G. uralensis Fisch.) and pale-flowered licorice, are of undoubted interest. Max.). Licorice root and its extract are used in 20 industries [32,33]. First of all, it is the source of a number of important medicinal drugs. In medical practice, licorice root has been used since ancient times and was included in Chinese herbs as early as 2800 BC. In the medicine of India, China, Vietnam, licorice root and its preparations are widely used even now for the treatment of lung diseases (bronchitis, whooping cough, tuberculosis, asthma), kidney diseases, gall bladder. It is also successfully used in the treatment of gastric ulcer. Medicines from the roots of licorice are prescribed internally as an antidote for meat and mushroom poisoning, as an anti-inflammatory for infectious diseases. Sweet, according to Chinese doctors, rejuvenates and strengthens the body [33].

Deoxycortisone-like, antitumor, anti-inflammatory substances have been found in licorice. The Kharkiv Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research Institute produced the following drugs: liquiriton and flucarbin for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as chalcorin for the treatment of liver diseases [34]. The All-Union Research Institute of Medicinal Plants (VILR, Moscow) studied the effect of licorice root chalcones on a number of pathogenic microorganisms (staphylococcus, mycobacterium tuberculosis, Escherichia coli, etc.), established antiprotozoal and antiviral properties of glycyrrhetilinase. naked). The degree and nature of antimicrobial action of extracts from underground and aboveground parts of the plant are almost the same [35]. Estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects of individual extracts from licorice root extract are also of great interest.

In addition to medicinal purposes, licorice root is used in various industries: tobacco, food, metallurgical, mining. In the tobacco industry, this plant is used to give a pleasant taste to chewing tobacco. As a foaming agent, licorice root extract is used in the food and liquor industry, in the production of beer, kvass, sparkling water, liquor pouring and some types of confectionery, as well as for refueling fire extinguishers [36].

The entire gene pool of the licorice genus has been collected at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. As the most promising species, the following are selected: bare licorice Glycyrrhiza glabra L., p. Ural (G. uralensis Fisch.) and p. pale-flowered G. pallidiflora Max. Research on the introduction and study of representatives of the genus Glycyrrhiza was carried out by L.V. Kukharov under the leadership of N.V. Smolsky [37] in 1968-1972.

At the first stage of research, we paid great attention to the study of the biology of seeds, since they are difficult to germinate in licorice. Starting from the first year of cultivation, the dynamics of growth and formation of above-ground and underground organs was studied, and from the second year - the dynamics of accumulation of biologically active substances. In addition, the biology of flowering and fruiting of licorice was studied, the basic techniques of agrotechnics were developed [38.39].

The study of the dynamics of accumulation of glycyrrhizic acid (the main active substance) in the underground organs of licorice showed that its content in the second year of life in Ural 3%, in the village. bare 6%. With age, the content of this acid increases, and in the third year of life, the maximum amount of it is in the vegetation phase (the beginning of leaf unfolding) in the roots of bare - (7.5%), in rhizomes - (9.6%) and almost does not differ from p. Ural, where its content in the roots is 7.3% and in the rhizomes - 9.5%. In the fourth year of life, the increased content of glycyrrhizic acid occurs during the budanization phase in z. bare (in the roots - 10.9%, in the rhizomes - 11.2%), in Ural - respectively 12.6 and 13.2%. In the following years, the content of this acid in all tested species of licorice slightly decreases [40].

The green mass of licorice is rich in nutrients. The protein content in it in the early phases of development (beginning of vegetation and budding) is 21.5% in bare licorice, 21.25% in Ural licorice, and 17.56% in pale-flowered licorice.

The results of a comparative study of glycyrrhizin-containing licorice and Ural licorice showed that the Ural licorice is more promising for introduction in the soil and climatic conditions of Belarus. It is suitable for cultivation in all agro-climatic regions of the republic. Sweet naked can be recommended only for the southern part of the republic, as its seeds do not ripen in more northern areas. Pale-flowered sweet (from the section that does not contain glycyrrhizin) should be cultivated in all agro-climatic regions of Belarus as a fodder plant, which gives more than 800 t/ha of raw above-ground mass, rich in protein and other nutrients. Its roots contain very important biologically active substances of the terterpene group and can be used in the pharmaceutical industry. The culture of bare and Ural licorice is of interest on saline soils in the area of ​​the Saligorsk potash plant.

Genus Onion - Allium L. One of the activities that contribute to the provision of food to the population is the expansion of the range of vegetable crops.

One of the first places belongs to onions among vegetable crops. The Onion genus (Allium) includes more than 400 species widely distributed in the Mediterranean countries, Eastern and Central Asia, in desert and mountainous regions. Many meadows are valuable food plants. They contain up to 4.5% of protein, up to 5% or more carbohydrates, up to 1.14% of mineral salts, there is also provitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, phytoncides and other substances. Consumption of onions increases appetite, increases the secretion of gastric juice, improves the activity of the liver and gall bladder. Both underground parts of the plant - bulbs, and above-ground - leaves (feathers) are edible, which are used fresh, pickled or salted, as a seasoning for various dishes, added to marinades, pickles, preserves, sausages, etc. p>

In 1957 in the Central Botanical Garden under the leadership of A.U. Ivanova with the participation of G.U. Pashinaya and L.U. Kukharava created a collection of a number of valuable edible onions, such as Allium aflatunense B. Fedtsch, Altaic - A. altaicum Pall., blue - A. caeruleum Pall., Christofa - A. christofii Trautv., Batun - A. fistulosum, yellow -A. flavum L., milk flower -A. galanthum Kar. et Kir., Karatauski-A. karataviense Regel, Ledebour - A. ledebouriana Schult. et Schult. fil., drooping, slimy - A. nutans L., Okhotsk - A. ochotense Prokh., fragrant - A. odorum L., leek - A. porrum L., multi-tiered - A. proliferum (Moench) Schrad. ex Willd., Scorada (rosary, chives) - A. schoenoprasum L., bearberry (cherry stone) - A. ursinum L [41]. The features of growth and development, reproductive capabilities, economic and useful properties have been studied for these meadows. In addition to the traditional repchatai onion, a new type of onion is offered for obtaining a green feather - drooping onion or slizun. The peculiarity of this onion is, first of all, perenniality (use of the plantation is possible for 4-5 years), early regrowth and good yield, which provide 3-4 cuttings of the feather during the growing season. It is characterized by high frost resistance and cold resistance, resistance to diseases and pests, high content of biologically active substances. It is characterized by the presence of a significant amount of potassium salts and trace elements, especially iron. Therefore, consumption of onion is useful for people suffering from anemia. For food and culinary purposes, the feather of this onion is used as well as the feather of the onion. It is less pungent than the onion, it belongs to the salad onions. Serves as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes.

A high-yielding variety of onion "Botanical" was created on the basis of the populations of Paniksha onions, which are grown in the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus [42]. According to the calculations, drooping onion (slizun) yields up to 690 t/ha of green mass (feather) when mowed three times. Seed productivity of this onion variety reaches 6 t/ha.


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L.U. Kukharova

January 2012