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The main results of scientific and applied research of the laboratory of environmental physiology of plants

Based on the study of the geomorphology of the territory , vegetation cover, regime and balance of groundwater, biological productivity of phytocenoses, a hydrological and natural-territorial zoning of protected objects of Belarus was developed, which is of practical importance for hydromelioration construction, transformation of agricultural lands and the State Forest Fund.

The carried out studies on the assessment of the impact of land reclamation systems on the landscape and land reclamation complexes of the Belarusian Palestia identified the main areas of nature protection and rational use of land resources in this region of Belarus, allowing to take into account the regional natural conditions as much as possible when carrying out hydrotechnical land reclamation.

Ecological-phytocenetic principles of zoning of territories adjacent to large industrial centers were developed by the method of indicating the level of man-made pollution of the natural environment by characterizing the accumulation of sulfur and heavy metals in the lichen Hypogymnia physodes, widespread in the region. With the use of these principles, zoning of the territories adjacent to Minsk, Svetlagorsk, Lukomsk DRES, as well as the Mazyr Refinery in terms of sulfur pollution. Based on the results of studies of the state of pine forests, recommendations on increasing the sustainability of these forests in the areas of influence of Minsk and Svetlogorsk were drawn up and handed over to the Minsk Project and the Ministry of Forestry of the BSSR.

After the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986, the laboratory was actively involved in researching the impact of this largest disaster of the 20th century on the natural environment. At the same time, the migration of radionuclides along the plant-soil-plant biological chain was studied. The selective ability of certain types of woody and herbaceous plants to absorb 6 different isotopes (zirconium-95, cesium-154, cesium-137, etc.) was established. Under the conditions of fallout of radioactive fission products in forest biogeocenoses, 3 groups of components are distinguished by the number of different radionuclides in them. The changes in the amount of annual growth of trees in coniferous stands of mosses in height and diameter in connection with the impact of radioactive pollution were studied.

In order to provide a complete set of biogeocenological studies that correspond to the tasks of biological monitoring, a system of automated collection and analysis of primary information was designed and created with the help of a computer, which made it possible to establish accurate correlations and regression relationships between environmental factors of the environment (solar radiation, temperature , moisture) and structural and functional characteristics of forest phytocenoses.

The laboratory carried out an assessment of the risk of man-made pollution of the forest ecosystems of the National Parks "Braslav Lakes", "Narachansky" and adjacent territories. On the basis of the data of lichen indication, the zoning of their territories according to the degree of pollution by sulfur and 8 heavy metals was carried out on the same scale as for the Belovezhskaya Pushcha in the mentioned national parks. An assessment of the condition of pine stands was also carried out within the National Park "Braslav Lakes".

For the first time, on the basis of ecological and physiological studies, groups of resistant, medium-resistant and non-resistant to formaldehyde and benzo(a)pyrene of native and introduced woody plants were distinguished and species specificity was established in the response of plants to the action of these aero-technological pollutants. A comparative assessment of the level of accumulation of heavy metals in the soil under fir trees of different typological structure allowed to place the pine plantations in order of increasing their accumulative capacity: acidic fir trees < fir tree mass < blueberry fir trees. At the same time, the sanitary state of the tree stand plays a decisive role in the accumulation of man-made pollutants in the soil. An increase in the concentration of heavy metals in the litter and humus-accumulative horizon under the canopy of spruce stands in the row: healthy < weakened < greatly weakened. In order to minimize the negative consequences and exclude heavy metals from the biological cycle in coniferous forests, it is necessary to carry out timely sanitary forestry measures to remove dead and weakened trees.

It was found that the maximum content of heavy metals falls on the litter and the humus-accumulative horizon, the concentration of which exceeds the threshold values. The most strongly given horizons are contaminated with lead and nickel, the concentration of which on separate areas exceeds the background limits, respectively, by an average of 1.6-2.6 times, which characterizes their correlation to the level of the risk zone.

As a result of the conducted research, maps-schemes of the degree of deviations from the MPC of the level of accumulation of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) in the root layer of the soil of spruce plantations adjacent to the Minsk industrial complex were prepared.

In order to limit the negative impact of residual amounts of anti-icing materials, exhaust gases and dust on the state of snow protection plantations, they should be protected by planting filter plants. The first row from the roadway should be formed by low-growing salt plum bushes (rosehip, white well, blood-red, soft hawthorn, silver loach, black-fruited aronia, shiny dogwood, calinophyllous bladderwort). In the second row, you should plant salt-bearing and gas-resistant large-sized shrubs (white and yellow acacia, common sea buckthorn, Maaka cherry tree). The third and subsequent rows can be represented by any deciduous and coniferous trees.

It is shown that the assessment of anthropogenic disturbance of natural ecosystems should be based on the integrated use of botanical, physiological-biochemical and soil criteria, while the direct effect of toxicants on the needles and leaves, branches and trunk of a tree is less dangerous for the tree stand (under certain conditions, they are capable of self-cleaning ) compared to the indirect effect - through the soil, which leads to physiological disturbances and, ultimately, to the weakening and death of trees. The use of phytoindicative methods significantly reduces the cost of the completed works and the quality of the information obtained is in no way inferior to traditional physico-chemical methods.

The obtained research results have a clear practical focus, as the road methodical document DMD 02191.3.019-2009, developed together with "BelDarNDI" of the Ministry of Transport, consists in the development of scientific foundations for the creation of new tree stands along the main transport highways of Belarus, capable of withstanding the intensifying anthropogenic pressure and reducing harmful effects of transport on the environment. The document was put into effect on March 1, 2009 by order of the director of the "Belautadar" Department No. 04 dated January 12, 2009.

Comprehensive studies of the possibility of using berry plants seven. Ericaceae for the phytoremediation of areas left out of industrial exploitation of peat deposits, which were carried out together with the employees of the laboratory of plant chemistry, showed that with relatively similar trends in increasing the dimensional indicators of their habit, representatives of the genus Vaccinium showed a different growth strategy. Thus, if the narrow-leaved growth of the above-ground vegetative sphere took place mainly in the horizontal direction, due to the appearance of new formation shoots and partial bushes from dormant buds on underground rhizomes, then in the high-growing gorse, which is characterized by the absence of horizontal vegetative propagation. vertical growth, which was carried out mainly due to the development of vegetative organs from buds located above the soil surface.

Research has shown that under experimental conditions, all varieties of berry plants of North American selection were significantly superior in yield to their native counterparts. Thus, the berry productivity of the forms and varieties of North American cranberries was 1.5-2.3 times higher than that of the cranberry, and in the varieties of large-fruited cranberries, it was more than 4-6 times higher than that of the swamp cranberry.

Species studied by this. Ericaceae affect the functioning of soil microorganisms to varying degrees. Nevertheless, all of them contributed to the activation of the life activity of edophobionts in the root-inhabited layer, which should in the future determine the restoration of the soil cover and the stabilization of the ecosystem as a whole. At the same time, the experimentally established smoothing of seasonal fluctuations in the mass of microorganisms and indicators of their vital activity indicates a weakening of the degree of their dependence on external factors. This allows us to conclude that the creation of berry plantations on the areas left after peat extraction is ecologically appropriate.