Main | Structure | Laboratory of environmental physiology and plant chemistry

Laboratory of environmental physiology and plant chemistry

The head of the laboratory is Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Alexander Pavlovich Yakovlev. The laboratory was reorganized in 1980 on the basis of the laboratory of physiology of resistance and nutrition of introducers. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Belarusian SSR and the Academy of Sciences of the Tajik SSR N.U. Smolsky. The first manager was candidate of chemical sciences P.P. Chuvaev. From August 1977 to March 2011, it was headed by a corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1989), doctor of biological sciences (1985), professor (1992), Honored Worker of Science of the BSSR (1978), laureate of the State Prize of the BSSR in the field of science and technology (1978) Evgeny Antonovich Sidorovich. Now the candidate knows the laboratory. biology of science A.P. Yakovlev. During the entire period of operation of the laboratory, 10 doctoral theses and 20 candidate's theses were prepared and defended. This made it possible to create a scientific school in the field of ecological physiology of plants, represented by well-known scientists - member of the Faculty of Arts. National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Ya.A. Sidorovich, member-cor. National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Zh.A. Rupasova, doctors of science N.U. Getka, A.U. Boyka, Y.R. Busko, V.M. Kiselyov, S.A. Siarheichyk, K.D. Chubanov. Research results are recognized in our republic and far beyond its borders. Now 8 employees work in the laboratory, including 1 corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, doctor of biological sciences, 4 candidates of sciences, 3 employees without a degree.

Research in the field of plant physiology

Main areas of scientific and applied research in the field of plant physiology

In the field of oriented basic research:

  • estimation of probable changes in the natural environment of Belarus in zones of intensive man-made loads, development of a system of criteria for conducting level 2 biological monitoring;
  • studying the balance of productive and destructive processes in ecosystems of natural and urbanized natural environment;
  • development of the scientific basis of the biological stage of reclamation of developed peat deposits of the republic based on the treatment of swamp berry plants sem. Ericaceae.
  • In the field of applied scientific research:

    • phytoindication of environmental pollution, zoning of the territory of large industrial centers depending on the level of pollution;
    • creation of trial and production plots of cranberries and cranberry on the areas that have been removed from peat development.

    Economic contracts:

    • optimization of the environment polluted by industrial emissions and transport, greening means;
    • selection of an assortment of artificially resistant trees and bushes to the negative influence of pollutants;
    • development of a recipe for preparing soils based on peat for growing decorative, indoor, berry and exotic plants and lawn grasses.

    The most important results of scientific research

    On the basis of the study of the geomorphology of the territory, vegetation cover, regime and balance of groundwater, biological productivity of phytocenoses, a hydrological and natural-territorial zoning of protected objects of Belarus was developed, which is of practical importance for hydromelioration construction, transformation of agricultural lands and the State Forestry fund. The carried out studies on the assessment of the impact of land reclamation systems on the landscape and land reclamation complexes of the Belarusian Palestia determined the main directions of nature protection and rational use of land resources of this region of Belarus, allowing to take into account the regional natural conditions as much as possible when carrying out hydrotechnical land reclamation. The ecological and phytocenetic principles of zoning of territories adjacent to large industrial centers were developed by the method of indicating the level of man-made pollution of the natural environment based on the characteristics of the accumulation of sulfur and heavy metals in the lichen Hypogymnia physodes, which is widespread in pine forests. With the use of these principles, zoning of the territories adjacent to Minsk, Svetlagorsk, Lukomsk DRES, as well as to the Mazyr Refinery in terms of sulfur pollution. Based on the results of studies of the state of pine forests, recommendations on increasing the sustainability of these forests in the areas of influence of Minsk and Svetlogorsk were drawn up and handed over to the Minsk Project and the Ministry of Forestry of the BSSR. After the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986, the laboratory was actively involved in researching the impact of this largest catastrophe of the 20th century on the natural environment. At the same time, the migration of radionuclides along the plant-soil-plant biological chain was studied. The selective ability of certain species of woody and herbaceous plants to absorb 6 different isotopes (zirconium-95, cesium-154, cesium-137, etc.) was established. Under the conditions of fallout of radioactive fission products in forest biogeocenoses, 3 groups of components are distinguished by the number of different radionuclides in them. The changes in the amount of annual growth of trees in coniferous stands of mosses in height and diameter in connection with the impact of radioactive pollution were studied.

    International cooperation

    As part of the Executive Program of International Scientific and Technical Cooperation between the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova together with the Botanical Garden (Institute) of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova in 2009-2010. the project "Develop methods of early diagnosis of damage and assessment of the condition of urban green spaces of large industrial centers of Belarus and Moldova" was implemented (head of the project, member of staff, Ya.A. Sidarovich). Close ties are maintained with T. Paal, professor of the Agricultural University of Tartu (Estonia). A non-currency exchange trip to the university is planned for the purpose of sharing experience in the cultivation of berry plants on areas of peat deposits that have fallen out of industrial use. Active work is underway with the employees of the branch of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Forestry and Mechanization of the European Forest Research Station (Kostromsk Los) and the Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the varietal study of cranberry varieties of the Arctic raspberry species in the soil and climatic conditions of our Republic. With the advisory and methodical assistance of Ph.D. Yakauleva A.P. on the site of the developed peat deposit near the village of Tugaleski Bor (Shatur district, Moscow region, RF) a nursery of berry plants (cranberries, cranberries) was laid for the purpose of replicating planting material for carrying out works on biological reclamation of peat productions that have fallen out of industrial use . Employees of the laboratory are actively working to find potential partners from countries near and far abroad to carry out joint research, including within the framework of the 7th Framework Program for scientific and technological development of the European Community.

    Patent and license activity

    List of copyright certificates for varieties:

    1. Author's certificate No. 1299545 ​​for the invention "Plant transpiration sensor". USSR State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries, 01.12.1986
    2. Author's certificate No. 4639580 for the invention "The device for increasing the thickness of a tree". USSR State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries, 07/29/1988
    3. Author's certificate No. 487223 for the invention "Method of growing an industrial crop of large-fruited cranberries". USSR State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries, 01.12.1993

    List of patents for inventions:

    1. Patent No. 895, Belarus А01С21/00. The method of growing industrial crops of large-fruited cranberries (Y.A. Sidarovich, Z.A. Rupasova, V.G. Rusalenko, V.A. Ignatsenko). Official Bulletin No. 89 - 4872230. 1996.

    As a result of joint research with the employees of the laboratory of plant chemistry, patent No. 12148 "Method of diagnosis of mineral nutrition of the high-growing gorse" was obtained. In the laboratory, exploratory studies have been started for filing an application for an invention in accordance with the thematic plan of the GDR for 2011-2015. by the method of phytoremediation of peat deposits that have fallen out of industrial use.


    According to the results of research, laboratory employees have published 15 scientific monographs, 5 training manuals, 10 brochures (recommendations), more than 500 scientific articles, conference materials, abstracts of reports, electronic publications.

    Research in plant chemistry

    The direction is led by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Zhanna Alexandrovna Rupasova. Until October 2023, the direction was allocated to a separate laboratory, created on the initiative of Academician M.V. Smolsky in the 1950s. Until October 1982, it was headed by candidate of chemical sciences I.I. Chekalinskaya, later  - faculty member, doctor of biological sciences, professor Z.A. Rupasova. In addition to the head, the composition included 3 researchers, including 1 senior (candidate of biological sciences), 1 researcher and 1 junior).

    Associates in Plant Chemistry

    The main areas of scientific and of applied research

    Fundamental – evaluation of the adaptation potential of introduced plants of different taxa and economic purposes, based on the study of physiological and biochemical features of their development and fruiting, depending on biotic and abiotic factors. Applied – study of the biochemical composition of economically valuable plant species against the background of various agricultural practices, with the aim of developing the technology of their processing in the conditions of industrial culture.

    The most important results of scientific research

    For the first time, on the basis of a comprehensive study of the biochemical composition of the raw parts of a number of fodder, medicinal and aromatic plants (Oriental galega, five-lobed heart, medicinal valerian, Sarmatian frankincense, thick-leaved badan, small periwinkle, medicinal Altai, rum, medicinal lemon balm, Medicinal sage, cat's sedge, medicinal hyssop, pyrethrum balsamic, various types of oak bark, Kuril tea, etc.) in seasonal and multi-year cycles of development, the influence of cultivation technology on the accumulation of a wide range of useful substances in them has been established, and the optimal terms have been determined. For the first time, an assessment of the adaptation potential of the tall bulrush upon introduction in the conditions of Belarus was given, and the genotypic features of the formation of the biochemical composition of the fruits of 30 introduced taxa of three species were established. Ericaceae - tall cranberry, large-fruited cranberry and common lingonberry with determination of the degree of dependence of its individual characteristics on the genotype and hydrothermal regime of the season. The most promising taxa for practical use in terms of quality indicators of berry products and resistance of its biochemical composition to external influences have been identified. For the first time, the scientific justification of the assortment of introduced berry plants is given. Ericaceae for cultivation on reclaimed lands in the central agro-climatic zone of the republic and for the creation of local phytocenoses on recultivated areas of peat deposits in its northern and southern regions, which have fallen out of industrial use. For the first time, two highly effective dialogue programs for optimizing the mineral nutrition regime of heathers, which have no analogues in the world, were developed and put into production, aimed at increasing productivity and improving the quality of their berry products. For the first time, on the basis of a comparative study of the degree of transformation of the biochemical composition of a number of vegetable crops in open and protected soil - white cabbage, carrots and table beets, cucumber and tomato, depending on the cultivation technology, agricultural practices with the most pronounced positive effect on nutritional and vitamin value were established. based on the study of the genotypic features of the biochemical composition of the fruits of a number of small-scale horticultural crops - dogwood, dogwood, mountain ash, Aronia Michurina, viburnum, honeysuckle, Henomeles Mauley, rosehip, etc., the most promising taxa for zoning and selection in terms of nutritional and vitamin value were identified fruits For the first time, on the basis of the study of the biochemical composition of the assimilating and generative organs of evergreen and deciduous rhododendrons in the conditions of Belarus, the prospect of their use for obtaining various bioflavonoid substances was substantiated, which made it possible to develop and implement relevant methodological recommendations in the system of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus. For the first time, on the basis of the study of the biochemical composition of above-ground and underground organs of industrial varieties of Jerusalem artichoke, the taxa with the highest level of nutritional and vitamin value of raw parts were identified, the optimal terms of their harvesting and storage regimes in the winter period of the year were determined.

    International cooperation

    In accordance with the current Agreement on cooperation with the laboratory of the introduction of edible plants of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the laboratory performs joint research on the comprehensive assessment of the biochemical composition of the fruits of breeding forms of economically valuable plants.

    Patent and license activity

    Over the entire period of operation of the laboratory, its employees received 9 patents for inventions:

    1. A method of obtaining a substance that has capillary-strengthening activity", 1987 (Z.P. Kuznyatsova, I.I. Chakalinskaya, A.S. Zakharievskii);
    2. A method of obtaining flavonoids that have P-vitamin activity", 1990 (Z.P. Kuznyatsova, K.A. Sabirov, I.I. Chakalinskaya, A.S. Zakharievskii);
    3. A method of obtaining a means that has a hypoazothermic effect", 1998 (Z.P. Kuznyatsova, A.S. Zakharievskii and V.V. Veraskovskyi);.
    4. Method of obtaining food coloring", 1991 (V.V. Veraskovsky, D.K. Shapiro, S.Yu. Buslovich, N.A. Kagan, L.G. Birukova, M.A. Kudzinov);
    5. A method of growing large-fruited cranberry industrial crops", 1993 (Z.A. Rupasova, A.A. Sidarovich, V.G. Rusalenko, V.A. Ignatsenko, R.N. Rudakovskaya, I.P. Afanaskina, A .V. Kalevich);
    6. Method of diagnosing the need for mineral nutrition of a tall-grown bulrush", 2009 (Zha Rupasova, V.M. Rashetnikov, N.M. Ruban., M.M. Semyanenko, A.P. Yakavlev, N.P. Varavina );
    7. A method of ranking plant taxa", 2013 (Zha.A. Rupasova, V.N. Rashetnikov, A.P. Yakavlev);
    8. Computer program for optimization of mineral nutrition of gorse and cranberries in the peat deposits of the north of Belarus AgLora_Ericaceae, which have fallen out of industrial use" (informational resource), 2013 (Z.A. Rupasova, A.P. Yakavlev, V.A . Bobov . V. Titok);
    9. A method of preservation, restoration and rational use of land resources disturbed during peat extraction by milling method", 2014 (A.P. Yakavlev, Z.A. Rupasova, G.I. Bulavka).