Main | Structure | Laboratory of environmental physiology and plant chemistry | A list of the main publications of the Laboratory of Environmental Physiology of Plants

A list of the main publications of the Laboratory of Environmental Physiology of Plants

  1. Complex experimental landscape studies of Belarus / ed. Acad. Academy of Sciences of the BSSR N.U. Smolsky. Mn.: Science and Technology, 1973. 312 p.
  2. Boyka A.V., Sidarovich A.A., Maiseeva A.B. Experimental studies of natural complexes of the Berezinsky Reserve. Mn.: Science and Technology, 1976. 376 p.
  3. Boyka A. V., Smolsky N. V., Sidorovich A. A. and others. Experimental studies of the landscapes of the Pripyat Nature Reserve. Mn.: Science and Technology, 1976. 304 p.
  4. Boyka A.V., Arabey N.M., Sidorovich E.A. and others. Ecological and phytocenetic studies of the forest vegetation of the Nalibot bush. Mn.: Science and Technology, 1983. 208 p.
  5. Kiselyov V. M., Chubanov K. Dz. Landscape and ecological studies of Belarusian Palessia. Mn.: Science and technology, 1979. 115 p.
  6. Sidarovich A.A., Rupasova Zh.A., Rusalenko V.G. Mineral nutrition of indoor flower crops. Mn.: Science and Technology, 1981. 184 p.
  7. Sergeichyk S. A. Woody plants and optimization of the industrial environment. Mn.: Science and Technology, 1984. 168 p.
  8. Sidarovich A. A., Rupasova Zh. A., Busko A. G. Functioning of forest phytocenoses under conditions of anthropogenic loads. Mn.: Science and Technology, 1985. 205 p.
  9. Sidarovich A.A., Rupasova Z.A., Siarheichyk S.A. and others. Optimization of the environment by means of landscaping. Mn.: Science and Technology, 1985. 375 p.
  10. Forest landscapes of Belarus: structural and functional organization and resistance to man-made loads / Ed. member-car. Academy of Sciences of Belarus Ya. A. Sidorovich. Mn.: Science and Technology, 1992. 295 p.
  11. Man-made pollution of forest ecosystems of Belarus / Ed. member-car. Academy of Sciences of Belarus Ya.A. Sidorovich. Mn.: Science and Technology, 1995. 319 p.
  12. Sidarovich A.A., Rupasova Zh.A., Busko A.G. Radiation-thermal regime of the forests of Belarus in the conditions of man-made environment. Mn.: Science and technology, 1997. 328 p.
  13. Sergeichyk S.A., Syargeichyk A.A., Sidorovich E.A. Ecological physiology of conifers of Belarus in man-made environment. Mn.: Belarusian Science, 1998. 199 p.
  14. Yakovlev A.P. Basics of ecology and economics of nature use: a course of lectures / Study guide. - Vitebsk, 2004. - 100 p.
  15. Sidarovich A.A., Siarheichyk S.A., Siarheichyk A.A., Lyashuk A.M. Resistance of various species of primitive and introduced plants to the action of hydrogen chloride // Dokl. National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. – 2005. – Vol. 49, No. 1. – P. 76-78.
  16. Sergeichyk S.A., Siergeichyk A.A., Shabanova I.A., Barsuk A.A., Nikolaychuk A.M. An assortment of native and introduced trees and shrubs recommended for greening industrial-urban areas, highways in areas of air pollution with gaseous nitrogen compounds, formaldehyde, benzo(a)pyrene, hydrogen chloride. Mn.: "Edit STST" LLC, 2005. 48 p.
  17. Industrial pollution, state assessment and optimization of the natural environment of urban ecosystems /Y.A. Sidorovich [etc.]; under general ed. V.F. Loginova. Mn.: Belarus. Science, 2007. 199 p.
  18. Educational field practice in ecology: teaching and methodical manual /Author's comp. A.M. Darofeev, etc.]; 2nd ed., Add. and processing. Vitebsk: I. t VSU named after P.M. Masherova, 2008. 87 p.
  19. Road methodical document DMD 02191.3.019-2009 "Recommendations for the arrangement and maintenance of artificially stable snow-retaining tree-shrub plantations along public highways." - Mn.: Belautadar, 2009. 20 p.
  20. Yakovlev A., Rupasova Zh., Volotovich A. Experimental and research works on some of Vaccinium taxa in Belarus // Latvian Journal of Agronomy. Nr. 12. 2009.
  21. A.V. Sudnik, R.V. Novitsky, A.P. Yakovlev, V.N. Kusmin, S.I. Kononavich. Influence of roads on nature-vegetative complexes and fauna of Belarus // ENVIROAD 2009. II International Conference Environmentally Friendly Roads. October 15-16, 2009 / Road & Bridge Research Institute – Warsaw, 2009, – 42 p. envi/enviroad%202009%20...
  22. G.I. Bulavka, A.P. Yakovlev. Comparative assessment of the influence of planting berry plants on the speed of microbiological processes in a reclaimed peatland // Botany (research): coll. of science tr. IEB of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Issue 38. 2010. P. 214-221.
  23. Lishtvan I.I., Rupasova Zha.A., Yakovlev A.P., Bulavka G.I., Savchenko V.U. Heath during phytoremediation of developed peat deposits / Science and innovation. No. 11. – 2010. – P. 29-35.
  24. Yakovlev A.P. Land reclamation and indigenous land improvement // Fundamentals of crop production: study. manual; under the editorship I.P. Kozlovskaya. See 2. Mn.: Belarus, 2010. P. 151-178.
  25. Scientific substantiation of the Verosovy assortment for the phytoremediation of peat deposits in the north of Belarus, which have fallen out of use, based on the cultivation of taxa with a high content of useful substances in berry products: methodical recommendations. Mn.: Law and Economy, 2011. 35 p.