Main | Structure | Laboratory of introduction and selection of ornamental plants

Laboratory of introduction and selection of ornamental plants

The head of the laboratory is Natalia Belavusova, Candidate of Biological Sciences.

The laboratory of introduction and selection of ornamental plants is one of the leading laboratories of the Central Botanical Garden. It is her large and interesting collections of plants ("flowers") that attract many visitors to the Garden. More than 4,500 species, forms and varieties of plants of the collection fund of the laboratory make up almost half of the entire gene pool of plants of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The collections are the result of the work of several generations of botanists, agronomists, laboratory technicians, gardeners.

Today, 18 people work in the laboratory, including 2 leading researchers, 6 research workers, 1 leading engineer, 1 leading agronomist, 3 agronomists, 2 laboratory assistants, 3 workers. The herbarium sector functions as part of the laboratory.

Main areas of scientific and applied research

  • formation, preservation and replenishment of collection funds of decorative herbaceous plants, creepers and bushes;
  • introduction of new species and varieties of world and native flora of ornamental herbaceous plants, creepers and bushes;
  • comparative comprehensive study of adaptation potential and identification of taxa promising for green construction and amateur floriculture;
  • development of methods of comprehensive evaluation of the results of the introduction of perennial plants of the world flora in Belarus;
  • study of features of seed and vegetative reproduction, development of recommendations for industrial cultivation of planting material of promising crops;
  • zoning of the best introduced species and varieties;
  • study of the cultural flora of the republic, development of the methodology for studying the cultural flora;
  • contents of the herbarium, documentation of botanical collections, creation of databases and photo libraries of cultural flora and collections;
  • breeding of domestic varieties of decorative plants (dahlias, echinacea, lilies, primroses, etc.);
  • educational activity;
  • advisory assistance to schools and environmental centers of the republic;
  • development of recommendations for enriching the assortment and expanding the spectrum of use of ornamental plants;
  • introduction of new taxa into the practice of green construction of the republic.

The most important results of scientific research

  • The created collection fund, which includes 4,532 names of plants, received the status of a scientific object, which is a national property of the Republic of Belarus. About 20% of plants are rare. About 80 species listed in the Red Books of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Georgia are stored and studied in the collections.
  • The methodology was developed and a comparative comprehensive assessment of the results of adaptation and prospects for the use of 400 species of world flora in the conditions of Belarus was given.
  • The features of the reproductive sphere of more than 500 names of plants have been studied.
  • 32 varieties of ornamental plants (dahlias, lilies, daffodils, primroses, primroses, echinacea, tulips, gerbera) were bred, confirmed by author's certificates and entered into the state register. The international register includes 5 varieties of lilac, developed in the laboratory of Dr. V.F. Bibikova.
  • For the first time in Europe, the composition of the cultivated flora of ornamental herbaceous plants of the region was investigated and a monograph was published.
  • 4 diplomas and one silver medal were received at international flower exhibitions ("Flora Olomauts", Stuttgart, Moscow).
  • At the VDNG of the USSR, in the "Floriculture and Landscaping" pavilion, the laboratory exhibited 215 of the best species and varieties in 8 exhibits. For the high quality of the plants, the employees of the laboratory were awarded 4 silver and 6 bronze medals of the VDNG.
  • Developed and put into practice "Assortion of promising species and varieties for green construction", "Assortion of spring-flowering plants for greening, for shady areas".
  • More than 300 species and varieties have been introduced into the practice of green construction in the Republic of Belarus.

The laboratory participated in the preparation and publication of the largest catalog of floral and decorative plants of botanical gardens of the CIS and Baltic countries, which includes information on 5,625 species and 11,378 varieties of 52 botanical gardens (1997).

Laboratory of introduction and selection of ornamental plants for many years is a center that unites botanists - introducers of the republic, as well as amateur florists. The laboratory is the curator of the club of amateur flower growers "Pershatsvet" (Minsk).

Collections of the laboratory serve not only as decoration of the Garden, but also as a base for conducting practical classes of students of specialized universities and state universities, as breeding grounds for breeding the best species and varieties in the system of nurseries of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Republic of Belarus.

International cooperation

The laboratory exchanges seed material with 174 botanical institutions of 87 countries. Maintains close contacts with colleagues from the Main Botanical Garden. N.V. Tsitsyn of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), Botanical Institute named after V.L. Komarov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg), the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine named after M.M. Hryshko, Botanical Garden named after A.U. Famine of Kyiv University (Kyiv), Nikitsky Botanical Garden (Yalta), Vilnius University Botanical Garden, Tbilisi Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of Georgia and many others.

Patent and license activity

List of copyright certificates for varieties:

  1. A/s for the common primrose variety "Spatkanne" No. 0002416 (Lunina N.M., Belavusova N.L.)
  2. A/s for the tulip variety "Pesnyari" No. 0002412 (Kudravtsova V.M., Belavusova N.L.)
  3. A/s for tulip variety "Uspaminy" No. 0002413 (Kudravtsova V.M., Belavusova N.L.)
  4. JSC on the variety of primrose "Tayamnitsa" (N.M. Lunina, N.L. Belavusova)

List of patents for inventions:

  1. Certificate of the breeder No. 0001461 issued by Zavadskaya L.V. for the Svetlyachok narcissus variety under application No. 2000047 with a priority date of 10/12/1999
  2. Breeder's certificate No. 0001757 issued by L.V. Zavadska for the Zagadka narcissus variety under application No. 2000045 with priority date of 11.10.1999
  3. Breeder's certificate No. 0001250 was issued by Zavadskaya L.V. for the narcissus variety Eudakia under application No. 2000046 with a priority date of October 12, 1999.
  4. Breeder's certificate No. 0001460 issued by L.V. Zavadska for the Znichka lily variety under application No. 2002138 with a priority date of April 11, 2002
  5. Breeder's certificate No. 0001253 issued by L.V. Zavadska for the Piaschota lily variety under application No. 2002137 with a priority date of 04/11/2002
  6. Breeder's certificate No. 0002410 issued by L.V. Zavadskaya for the Zorenka lily variety under application No. 2005015 with priority date of 09/22/2004.
  7. Breeder's certificate No. 0002407 issued by L.V. Zavadskaya for the Viktari lily variety under application No. 2002121 with a priority date of March 28, 2003
  8. Breeder's certificate No. 0002408 issued by L.V. Zavadskaya for the Kvetachka Alenkaya lily variety under application No. 2005016 with a priority date of September 22, 2004.