Main | Structure | Laboratory of greenhouse plants | List of main publications of the laboratory of greenhouse plants

List of main publications of the laboratory of greenhouse plants

  1. Burchik, N.A. Assessment of the prospects of individual varieties of cymbidium hybrid for mass reproduction using in vitro culture / N.A. Burchyk // Problems of preservation of biological diversity and use of biological resources: materials III International. science and practice conf., dedicated to On the 100th anniversary of the birth of M.U. Smolsky, Minsk, October 7-9, 2015 / editor: V.U. Titak [etc.]. In 2 h. Part 1 / Nat. Acad. Sciences of Belarus [etc.]; editor: V.U. Titak [etc.]. - Minsk: Confida, 2015. - P. 286-287.
  2. Getka, N.V. Volatile components and antimicrobial activity of leaves of members of the genus Cinnamomum Schaeff. in greenhouse culture / N.U. Getka, A.R. Shutova, T.A. Pobalavets, V.U. Titok // Problems of conservation of biological diversity and use of biological resources: materials III International. science and practice conf., dedicated to On the 100th anniversary of the birth of M.U. Smolsky, Minsk, October 7-9, 2015 / editor: V.U. Titak [etc.]. In 2 h. Part 1 / Nat. Acad. Sciences of Belarus [etc.]; editor: V.U. Titak [etc.]. - Minsk: Confida, 2015. - P. 317-321.
  3. Getka, N.V. Functional leaf anatomy of tropical and subtropical tree species in greenhouse culture / N.U. Getka, T.A. Pobalavets, V.U. Titok // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. – 2015. – T.59, No. 4. – P.88-94.
  4. Glushakova, N.M. Gerbera cuttings (Gerbera hybrida) / N.M. Glushakova // Problems of preservation of biological diversity and use of biological resources: materials III International. science and practice conf., dedicated to On the 100th anniversary of the birth of M.U. Smolsky, Minsk, October 7-9, 2015 / editor: V.U. Titak [etc.]. In 2 h. Part 1 / Nat. Acad. Sciences of Belarus [etc.]; editor: V.U. Titak [etc.]. - Minsk: Confida, 2015. - P. 326-330.
  5. Kabushava, I.M. Phenorhythms of Rhaphiolepis umbellata (Thunb.) Makino (Rosaceae) during introduction into the greenhouse conditions of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus / I.M. Kabushava // Problems of preservation of biological diversity and use of biological resources: materials III International. science and practice conf., dedicated to On the 100th anniversary of the birth of M.U. Smolsky, Minsk, October 7-9, 2015 / editor: V.U. Titak [etc.]. In 2 h. Part 1 / Nat. Acad. Sciences of Belarus [etc.]; editor: V.U. Titak [etc.]. - Minsk: Confida, 2015. - P. 381-85.
  6. Chartovich, V.M. To the history of the formation of the collection of ferns (Polypodiophyta) in the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus / V.M. Chartovich // Hortus botanicus. - 2015. - Volume 10, URL: php?id=2942.
  7. Getka, N.V. The composition of volatile components of leaves of lemon hybrids and varieties (Citrus limon (L.) Burm.f.) cultivated in a greenhouse / N.U. Getka, A.A. Alyakhna, V.P. Subach, I.M. Pachytskaya, V.U. Titok // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Biological Sciences Series. – 2014. – No. 2. – P. 5–10.
  8. Getka, N.V. Phytancidal activity of greenhouse plants / N.U. Getka, T.A. Ladyzhenka, A.G. Shutova // Science and innovation. – 2014. – No. 5. – P. 18–20.
  9. Glushakova, N.M. Effect of modified forms of growth regulator ecosil on the development of gerbera (Gerbera hybrida) during seed and vegetative propagation / N.M. Glushakova, N.U. Vainila, V.A. Timofeeva, A.A. Shabanov // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Biological Sciences Series. – 2014. – No. 3. – P. 15–18.
  10. Kabushava, I.M. Rhythms of growth and development of Polyalthia suberosa (Roxb.) Thwaites (Annonaceae) when introduced into the greenhouse conditions of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus / I.M. Kabushava // Scientific perspectives of the 21st century. Achievements and perspectives of the new century. - 2014. - No. 3, Part 5. – P. 121-126.
  11. Ladyzhenka, T.A. Fluorescence induction parameters of chlorophyll a leaves of tropical and subtropical species of plants cultivated in the greenhouse / T.A. Ladyzhenka, N.U. Getka, L.F. Kabashnikova, N.L. Przybytka // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Biological Sciences Series. – 2014. – No. 1. – P. 40-44.
  12. Ladyzhenka, T.A. Ecological-geographic features of the anatomical structure of the leaves of tree-shrub plants of tropical and subtropical flora / T.A. Ladyzhenka, N.U. Getka // News of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Biological Sciences Series. – 2014. – No. 4. – P. 15-22.
  13. Ladyzhenka, T.A. Anatomical structure of Nerium oleander L. leaf as a reflection of its adaptation potential to growth conditions / T.A. Ladyzhenka // Modern Phytomorphology: 3rd International Scientific Conference on Plant Morphology, Lviv, 13-15 May 2014. - Lviv, 2014. - Vol.6. – P.197-200.
  14. Collections of the Central Botanical Garden / Alyakhna A.I., Anoshka B.Yu., Bely P.M. etc.; of science ed. V.U. Titok; National Acad. of Sciences of Belarus, Center. nerd garden - Minsk: Confida, 2013. - 282 p.
  15. Burchyk, N.A. Features of Cymbidium hybrid culture (Cymbidium hibridum) in the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus / N.A. Burchyk // Floriculture: traditions and modernity: materials VI International. of science conference, Volgograd, May 15–18, 2013; editor: A.S. Demidov (ref. ed.) [etc.]. – Belgorod, 2013. – P. 255–257.
  16. Getka, N.V. Comparative analysis of volatile components of leaves of lemon hybrids and varieties (Citrus x limon (L.) Burm. f.) cultivated under greenhouse conditions // N.U. Getka, V.U. Titok, V.P. Subach, I.M. Pachytskaya, A.A. Alyakhna, P.A. Rohavoy // Preservation of biodiversity of tropical and subtropical plants: materials II International. of science conference, Kharkiv, October 7–10. 2013; editor: A.A. Alyokhin (ref. ed.) [etc.]. – Kharkiv, 2013. – P. 83–88.
  17. Kabushava, I.M. Effect of growth substances on adventitious rhizogenesis of stem cuttings of greenhouse plants / I.M. Kabushava, N.M. Glushakova, T.A. Ladyzhenka // Journal of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Ser. beat of science - 2013. - No. 4. – P.11–18.
  18. Ladyzhenka, T.A. Use of fluorescence induction parameters of chlorophyll a to assess adaptation potential of woody greenhouse plants / T.A. Ladyzhenka, N.U. Getka, L.F. Kabashnikova, N.L. Psybytka // Preservation of biodiversity of tropical and subtropical plants: materials II International. of science conference, Kharkiv, October 7–10. 2013; editor: A.A. Alyokhin (ref. ed.) [etc.]. – Kharkiv, 2013. – pp. 107–112.
  19. Ladyzhenka, T.A. Ecophysiological screening of the pigment fund of leaves of tropical and subtropical species of plants cultivated in the greenhouse / T.A. Ladyzhenka, N.U. Getka, L.F. Kabashnikov // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Ser. beat of science - 2013. - No. 3. – P.17–22.
  20. Hetka, N. Comparative scenarios of the volume of volatile compounds of three Cinnamomum species cultivated in greenhouses of Belarus / N. Hetka, V. Subach, P. Rogovoy // 11th Symposium of Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions: abstracts, Vlasina, 13th – 16th June 2013. – Vlasina, 2013. – P.103-104.
  21. Introduction and preservation of the gene pool of tropical and subtropical plants of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus / N.U. Getka [and others] // Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: preservation, study and use of biodiversity of the world's flora / V.U. Titak [etc.]; under the editorship V.U. Titka, V.M. Reshetnikova. - Minsk: Belarus. Science, 2012. - See 4. – P.94-114.
  22. Glushakova, N.M. Analysis of productivity of Jameson's gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Adlam) when grown in open and closed soil of Belarus / N.M. Glushakova, A.M. Dubrova // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Ser. beat of science – 2012. – No. 3. – P.22-27.
  23. Kabushava, I.M. The influence of substrates on the regenerative capacity of stem cuttings of greenhouse plants / I.M. Kabushava, N.M. Glushakova, T.A. Lodyzhenka // Introduction, selection and protection of plants: materials International. of science conference, Donetsk, September 25–28, 2012 / Nat. Acad. of Sciences of Ukraine, Donetsk. nerd garden; editor: O.Z. Glukhov [and others] – Donetsk, 2012. – P. 57.
  24. Kabushava, I.M. Rhythms of growth and development of Ficus religiosa L. in the conditions of the greenhouse of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus / I.M. Kabushava // Introduction, preservation and use of biological diversity of the world's flora: materials International. conf., dedicated to 80th anniversary of the Central Batangas Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, June 19–22, 2012: at 2 p.m. / Nat. Acad. of Sciences of Belarus, Central. nerd garden; ed.: V.U. Titok [etc.] – Minsk, 2012. – Part 2. – P.97–83.
  25. Ladyzhenka, T.A. Peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the leaf of species of the genus Ficus depending on the ecological and geographical conditions of growth / T.A. Ladyzhenka // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Ser. beat of science – 2012. – No. 3. – P.16-21.
  26. Ladyzhenka, T.A. Characteristics of leaf anatomy in representatives of the families Apocynaceae, Euphorbiaceae cultivated in the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus / T.A. Lodizhenka // Introduction, preservation and use of biological diversity of the world's flora: materials International. conf., dedicated to 80th anniversary of the Central Batangas Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, June 19–22, 2012: at 2 p.m. / Nat. Acad. of Sciences of Belarus, Central. nerd garden; ed.: V.U. Titok [etc.] – Minsk, 2012. – Part 2. – P.103–108.
  27. Sak, N.L. Collection of succulent plants of the stock greenhouse of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus / N.L. March // Introduction, preservation and use of biological diversity of the world's flora: materials International. conf., dedicated to 80th anniversary of the Central Batangas Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, June 19–22, 2012: at 2 p.m. / Nat. Acad. of Sciences of Belarus, Central. nerd garden; ed.: V.U. Titok [etc.] – Minsk, 2012. – Part 1. – P.260–262.
  28. Alyakhna, A.I. Collection of citrus crops: history and prospects of introduction in the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus / A.I. Alyakhna, P.A. Rohavoy // Problems of protection of flora and vegetation in the Caucasus: materials of the jubilee international. of science conf., dedicated to 170th anniversary of Sukhum batan. garden, the 115th anniversary of the Sukhum Subtropical Arboretum, the 80th anniversary of Prof. G.G. Aiba and the 105th anniversary of Prof. A.A. Kalakovsky, Sukhum, October 5-9. 2011 / Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of Abkhazia, GBS named after V.M. Tsitsina, Abkhaz branch of Russian botan. and you; editor: E.Sh. Gubaz (rep. ed.) [etc.]. – Sukhum, 2011. – P. 72-75.
  29. Glushakova, N.M. Biotechnological and agrotechnical aspects of Gerbera hybrida cultivation / N.M. Glushakova, I.M. Chumakova, I.F. Vainovskaia T.I Fomenka // Proceedings of BSU. – 2011. – Vol. 6, Part 2. – P. 139–144.
  30. Karneeva, G.I. The influence of elements of mineral nutrition on the development of hybrid forms of the genus Phalaenopsis (Phalaenopsis Blume) / G.I. Karneeva // Agriculture and plant protection. - 2011. - No. 5 (78). – pp. 19–22.
  31. Glushakova, N.M. Features of growing Gerbera (Gerbera hybrida) in closed soil / N.M. Glushakova, L.I. Linnik // Botany. Studies. -2010. - Vol. 38. – P.231-238. Hetka, N. Seasonal Variations of Cinnamomum Camphora Leaf aroma Volatiles in Greenhouse Conditions of Belarus / N. Hetka, V. Subach, P. Rogovoy // Scripta Horti Botanici Universitatis Vitauti Magni, Kaunas. – 2010. – Volume XIV. – R. 55-59.
  32. Vainovskaia, I.F. In vitro propagation of Gerbera hybrida and adaptation to greenhouse conditions / I.F. Vainovskaia, I.P. Chumakova, N.M. Glushakova, T.I. Fomenka // Botany. Studies. - 2009. - Vol. 37. - P.363-373.
  33. Kabushava, I.M. System of monitoring the growth and development of greenhouse plants / I.M. Kabushava, N.V. Getka // Preservation of biodiversity of tropical and subtropical plants: materials International. science and practice conference, Kyiv, March 10-13, 2009 / NASU; National botanical garden named after M.M. Grishko; Council of Botanical Gardens and Arboretums of Ukraine; answer ed. N.V. Pronoun. – Kyiv, 2009. – P. 110–114.
  34. Chartovich, V.M. Some results of the introduction of the family Araceae Juss. in the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus / V.M. Chartovich // Preservation of biodiversity of tropical and subtropical plants: materials International. science and practice conference, Kyiv, March 10-13, 2009 / NASU; National botanical garden named after M.M. Grishko; Council of Botanical Gardens and Arboretums of Ukraine; answer ed. N.V. Pronoun. – Kyiv, 2009. – P.271 – 272.
  35. Catalogue of tropical and subtropical plants of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus / Nauk. V.M. Chartovich, A.V. Saraka, A.I. Alyakhno; under the editorship V.M. Reshetnikova. - Mn.: Technology, 2008. - 51 p.
  36. Kazlova, V.M. In vitro collection of orchids in the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus / A.M. Kazlova, N.A. Burchik // Biotechnology as a tool for preserving the biodiversity of the plant world: coll. acc. II Useras. science and practice conference, Volgograd, August 2008 - Volgograd, 2008. - P.235.
  37. Saraka, A.V. Development of methods of introduction into in vitro culture of some representatives of seven. Cactaceae Juss. / A.U. Magpie, N.U. Getka, T.I. Fomenka // Weight. National Acad. of Belarusian Sciences. Ser. beat of science – 2008. – No. 1. – P. 18–22.
  38. Vlasava, N. Genetic fingerprinting for differentiation of two perspective forms of Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench based on RAPD markers / N. Vlasava, N. Hetka, V. Pankratov, V. Reshetnikov // Scripta Horti Botanici Universitatis Vitauti Magni. – 2008. – T. XII. – R. 125-137.
  39. Kazlova, V.M. The influence of the mineral composition of the medium, exogenous cytokinin and the dark period of cultivation on the germination of Stanhopea tigrina seeds in vitro / A.M. Kazlova, N.A. Burchik // Herald of the Tver State. Univ. - 2007. - No. 7 (35). – pp. 187–189.
  40. Saraka, A.U. Peculiarities of SAM metabolism in representatives of these. Cactaceae Juss / A.U. Magpie // Bulletin of A.A. Kulyashov MSU. - 2007. - No. 4 (28). – P.165–170.
  41. Getka, N.V. / Echinacea (introductory study, selection and cultivation in Belarus) / N.U. Getka, I.M. Kabushava, A.U. Spinning; of science ed. V.M. Rashetnikov. - Minsk: Belarus. science, 2006. - 164 p.
  42. Kabushava, I.M. Peculiarities of formation of morpho-anatomical structure of leaves in Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench samples grown from seeds of different geographical origin / I.M. Kabushava, N.V. Getka // Biologist. newspaper – 2006. – Vol. 10, No. 2. – P. 54–58.
  43. Kabushava, I.M. Changes in the morphoanatomical structure of leaves in Rudbeckia hirta L. upon introduction to Belarus / I.M. Kabushava // Weight. National Acad. of Belarusian Sciences. Ser. beat of science – 2006. – No. 4. – P. 12–16.
  44. Saraka, A.U. The effect of biologically active substances on the germination of seeds of some species of sem. Cactaceae Juss. / A.U. Magpie // Bulletin of MSU named after A.A. Kulyashov. - 2006. - No. 4 (25). – pp. 249–254.
  45. Saraka, A.V. Effect of scarification on seed germination of some species of sem. Cactaceae Juss. / A.U. Magpie // Weight. National Acad. of Belarusian Sciences. Ser. beat of science – 2006. – No. 5. – P. 183–186.
  46. Saraka, A.V. The use of growth regulators for vegetative propagation of some species of the family Cactaceae Juss. / A.U. Magpie, N.L. Queen // Biologist. newspaper – 2006. – Vol. 10, No. 2. – P. 68–70.
  47. Hetka, N.V. Isolation of active forms in cultivated heterogeneous population of purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench) / N.V. Hetka, I.N. Kabushava, V.S. Kronivets, A.V. Kruchonok // Scripta Horti Botanici Universitatis Vitauti Magni. – 2006. – T. XI. – R. 71-75.
  48. Alyakhna, A.I. Indoor subtropics. Lemon: recommendations for cultivation and care / A.I. Alyakhna – Mn.: Edith STST, 2005. – 32 p.
  49. Getka, N.V. The pigment fund of assimilating organs of gerbera and its productivity in the conditions of pottery culture / N.U. Getka, N.M. Glushakov // Vesti Acad. of Belarusian Sciences. Ser. biologist. science. - 2005. - #4. – P.11-19.
  50. N.V. Bogdan, I.K. Valadzko, N.L. Karoleva. The history of the creation and composition of the collection of cacti and other succulents of the closed ground of the Center of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus // Biological diversity and introduction of succulents: Materials of the 1st scientific and practical conference, St. Petersburg, BIN RAS. – 2004. - P.13-15.
  51. Getka, N.V. The content of native forms of chlorophyll in the leaves of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) under the conditions of pot culture / N.V. Getka, N.M. Glushakova, V.L. Color // Vesti Acad. of Belarusian Sciences. Ser. biologist. science. – 2004. – No. 4 – P.11-17.
  52. Glushakova, N.M. The influence of temperature and light regimes on productivity of Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) / N.M. Glushakova, A.I. Alyakhno // Vesti Acad. of Belarusian Sciences. Ser. biologist. science. - 2001. - #2. – P.16-19.
  53. Glushakova, N.M. Comparative characteristics of gerbera varieties (Gerbera jamesonii) grown in the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus / N.M. Glushakov // Vesti Acad. of Belarusian Sciences. Ser. biologist. science. - 2000. - #3. – P.17-20.
  54. Chartovich, V.M. Taxonomic composition of subtropical and tropical plants of the fund greenhouse of the Central Academy of Sciences of the BSSR / V.M. Chartovich, N.U. Bogdan // Botany: Studies. - 1984. - Vol. 26. - pp. 187-189.
  55. Fedaruk, A.Ts. Collection funds of subtropical and tropical plants in the Central Library of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR / A.C. Khvedaruk, V.M. Chartovich, N.U. Bogdan // Results of the introduction of plants in the BSSR. - Minsk: Science and Technology, 1982. - P. 100-109.