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Laboratory of greenhouse plants

The head of the laboratory is Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Nellie Uladzimirovna Getka.

Laboratory of greenhouse plants was established in 2005 (in 2003-2004 - sector of tropical and subtropical plants). Selected from the composition of the laboratory of introduction and selection of ornamental plants. Since 2005, the laboratory of greenhouse plants has been managed by Neli Uladzimirovna Getka, Doctor of Biological Sciences.

The laboratory currently employs 17 employees (1 doctor of science, 1 candidate of science), including 1 chief researcher, 1 senior researcher, 3 researchers, 4 junior researchers, 2 leading agronomists, 1 agronomist of the 1st category , 1 agronomist, 3 plant care workers.

Main areas of scientific and applied research

  • development of the scientific basis for the introduction of tropical and subtropical plant species of the world flora to Belarus;
  • development and search for effective techniques and technologies for their cultivation and reproduction;
  • monitoring of the growth and development of introduced tropical and subtropical plants of the world flora in the conditions of greenhouse complexes of Belarus;
  • development of scientific bases for the use of tropical and subtropical plants for landscaping interiors of various functional purposes;
  • maintenance and expansion of the gene pool of tropical and subtropical plants for wider use in the national and economic complex of the republic;
  • selection of highly decorative varieties of tropical and subtropical plants;
  • organization and implementation of the international exchange of seeds and planting material with botanical gardens and plant-breeding institutions of a biological profile with the aim of using global plant resources to replenish the gene pool of valuable tropical and subtropical plants of the world flora in Belarus.

The most important results of scientific research

The gene pool of tropical and subtropical plants, which is the National Property of the Republic of Belarus and includes 2,801 taxa, is replenished and expanded. These are, first of all, the collections of the stock greenhouse: herbaceous (792 species), woody and shrubby (349 taxa) and succulent plants (899 taxa); the collection fund of the exposition greenhouse - 416 taxa; fruiting subtropical plants - 112 names; collection of orchids - 197 taxa; breeding stock of gerbera - 36 varieties of domestic and foreign breeding and hybrid forms.

When plants are transferred from their natural habitats (tropical and subtropical zones of the earth) to the conditions of closed ground in a temperate climate, the rhythm of their growth and development changes significantly. Knowledge of these processes is necessary when developing an assortment of plants for landscaping interiors with different functional purposes and recommendations for their maintenance.

For the first time, we used the method of phenological observations (H. Hatta, D. Darnaedi), who conducted research on 180 species of woody plants known in the world. botanical gardens of a tropical climate. Java (Bogar and Chibadas). 70 taxa (belonging to 31 families) have been covered by research at the National Academy of Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, while 6 of them are identical to the species in the list of Japanese authors.

Comparison of phenological data obtained by the same method for identical taxa (Nandina domestica, Psidium guajava, Cinnamomum camphora, Eriobotrya japonica, Magnolia grandiflora, Theobroma cacao) growing in humid tropical forests of ) and are cultivated in closed soil conditions of the National Academy of Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, made it possible to establish the directions of adaptive changes in the studied tree species upon introduction into protected soil, namely: reduction of shoot growth periods and a decrease in the number of these periods, a decrease in the abundance and periodicity of flowering, more uniform and not so massive defoliation, longer leaf life. All these deviations are connected, first of all, with different length of daylight in the temperate climate zone and with the intensity of light in the conditions of greenhouses.

The conducted phenological observations of 70 studied taxa in the conditions of the stock greenhouse of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus revealed differences in the nature of the change in foliage, the types of growth of shoots, the presence of flowering and fruiting. Important indicators of the successful introduction of species are the passage of a full cycle of development in new conditions, which is noted for 21.4% of the studied taxa, as well as the stability of phenorhythms in new microclimatic conditions of closed ground during introduction, which is typical for 28.6% of the studied taxa. These species should be considered promising for expanding the range of plants recommended for indoor landscaping.

For the first time, a system for monitoring the growth and development of tropical and subtropical species in the light conditions of greenhouses has been developed, which allows us to assess their adaptive potential based on the stability of phenorhythms, as well as on the parameters of the functional anatomy of the leaf, which reveal the adaptation mechanism, the basis of which is the conjugation between pits of palisade parenchyma. parameters of fluorescence induction of chlorophyll a: its maximum level (Fm) and variable value (Fv), which ensures the most efficient accumulation of solar energy by a leaf.

Comprehensive studies of physiological aspects of reproduction in 28 representatives of seven. Cactaceae, which includes the study of the influence of various factors on the effectiveness of vegetative and seed reproduction of species and the development of new biotechnological methods of reproduction, allowed us to reveal the species-specific response of plants to treatment with physiologically active substances during vegetative and seed reproduction and in vitro cultivation. The selected ratio of hormonal additives in the cultivation medium does not disrupt the formation of the anatomical and physiological characteristics characteristic of the genotype, which ensures the subsequent formation of a normal habit and rapid adaptation of plants when transferred to ex vitro conditions.

On the basis of the conducted research, methods of increasing the efficiency of vegetative reproduction for 7 species, increasing seed germination for 6 species of cacti were developed for the first time. 15 species have been cultured in vitro, for the first time microclonal reproduction schemes have been developed for 4 species.

Anatomical and morphological studies of vegetative and generative organs of hybrid forms of representatives of the genus Phalaenopsis (Orchidaceae), epiphytes of humid tropical forests, made it possible to identify for the first time in the tissues and cells of these plants structural features that allow them to store and economically spend water and photosynthesis, similar to plants of arid zones of the Earth, including the C4 model of CO2 fixation. These results must be taken into account when developing technologies for the cultivation of tropical epiphyte orchids in greenhouses of a temperate climate.

For the first time, the composition of volatile components and the antimicrobial activity of the essential oils of the leaves of representatives of the families Lauraceae (cinnamon and laurel), Myrtaceae (myrtle and psidium), Buxaceae (boxwood), Apocynaceae (achrosia), cultivated in the conditions of an orangery, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus fluorescens, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Escherichia coli, which are present in the atmosphere of the premises. It is shown that it is associated with the presence in the volatile compounds of the leaves of such oxygen-containing compounds as hexyl alcohol and myrtenyl acetate (in the leaves of ochrosia and buxus), aldehyde (hexanal) and esters of carboxylic acids (in the leaves of myrtle). The antibacterial activity of the essential oils of the leaves of the species of the Lauraceae family (i.e., camphor and eucalyptol) has a regional specificity and decreases in a number of inhibited test cultures of bacteria: C. tamala, L. azorica (6 cultures), C. camphora ( 4) and C. glanduliferum, L. nobilis (2).

Research results implemented

  • In the development and application of an assortment of tropical and subtropical exotic plants for landscaping the interior of the National Library of the Republic of Belarus (2006-2007) - on the order of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.
  • In the development of an assortment of tropical and subtropical plants for the organization of tropical expositions. subtropical and arid zones of the Earth and the creation of the Exposition Greenhouse of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
  • To the Republic Unitary Electric Power Company "MINSKENERGA" YOUTH ELECTRIC NETWORKS to create a local landscape composition "Winter Garden" in the interior of the sports and wellness complex of the company.
  • To the Department of Environmental Education "Winter Garden" of the Interfaculty Center of Ecology and Natural Sciences of the Brest State University named after A.S. Pushkin to create expositions of tropical, subtropical and desert flora of the Earth by selecting and transferring 96 taxa from the collection fund of greenhouse plants of the National Academy of Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

International cooperation

Close contact is maintained with colleagues from the Botanical Gardens of Russia (Botanical Garden BIN RAS, St. Petersburg; Main Botanical Garden RAS, Moscow; Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Yalta; Botanical Garden URO RAS, Yekaterinburg) , Ukraine (Central Botanical Garden of National Academy of Sciences named after M.M. Hryshko, Botanical Garden named after Famin of Kyiv University, Kyiv; Donetsk Botanical Garden), Lithuania (Kaunas Botanical Garden of Vytautas the Great University; Botanical Garden of Vilnius University), Georgia (Tbilisi Botanical Garden , Batumi Botanical Garden), Abkhazia (Sukhum Botanical Garden) and other botanical institutions. Cooperation on the exchange of introductory plant material (seeds, cuttings, etc.) is underway, mutual advisory assistance is provided in the identification of taxa of greenhouse plants.

Patent and license activity

List of copyright certificates for varieties:

9 new decorative varieties of greenhouse plants have been created, which are recommended for industrial cultivation, landscaping of interiors of various functional purposes and indoor floriculture in the Republic of Belarus. Obtained author's certificates for varieties:

  1. №0000128 dated 26.01.1998 for the gerbera variety "Inspiration" (Mikhno N.M., Yanukava N.A.);
  2. №0000411 dated 29.12.2001 for the gerbera variety "Lotas" (N.M. Glushakova, N.A. Yanukava);
  3. №0000412 from 12/29/2001 for the gerbera variety "My Dream" (Mikhno N.M., Yanukava N.A.);
  4. №0003721 dated 31.12.2013 for the gerbera variety "Pavlinka" (Glushakova N.M., Shamshur G.Ch., Vainovskaya I.F.);
  5. №0003702 dated 12/31/2013 for the variety of lemon "Narodny" (Alyakhna A.I., Getka N.V., Raghavy P.A., Titok V.V.);
  6. №0003704 dated 12.31.2013 for the variety of lemon "Aromatny" (Alyakhna A.I., Raghavy P.A., Titok V.U.);
  7. №0003703 dated 31.12.2013 for the lemon variety "Meer Belarusian" (Alyakhna A.I., Getka N.V., Raghavy P.A., Titok V.U.);
  8. No. 0003706 dated 12/31/2013 for the variety "Volat" (Alyakhna A.I., Raghavy P.A., Titok V.U.);
  9. №0003705 dated 12/31/2013 for the "Orange Dwarf" grapefruit variety (Alyakhna A.I., Raghavy P.A., Titok V.U.).
  1. No. 002015 dated 11.01.2006 for the purple Echinacea variety "Duet" (A.P. Shklyarov, A.V. Khamyankov, N.V. Getka, V. Kripulevich);
  2. No. 0002125 dated 24.12.2008 for the Echinacea variety "Elegy" (Getka N.V., Mankevich A.I., Lunina N.M., Kruchonak A.V., Kabushava I.M., Valadzko I. .K.);
  3. No. 0002591 dated 30.12.2011 for the variety of echinacea purple "Mustang" (Getka N.V., Kabushava I.M., Kruchonak A.V., Kranivets V.S., Lunina N.M., Valadzko I.K.).

List of technical regulatory acts:

  1. TU BY 100233786.044 – 2015 "Seedlings and cuttings of tree-like deciduous and coniferous greenhouse plants" (I.M. Kabushava, N.V. Getka, V.M. Chartovich, A.I. Alyakhna, A. Alekseeva. G.I., Pobalavets T.A.);
  2. TU BY 100233786.045 – 2015 "Seedlings of tree-like deciduous and coniferous greenhouse plants" (I.M. Kabushava, N.V. Getka, V.M. Chartovich, A.I. Alyakhna, A.I. Alyakseeva, T. Pabalavets .A.).