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List of major publications of the Plant Protection Laboratory

  1. Sauchits T .L., Timofeeva V.A., Golovchenko L.A., Aleshchankova Z.M. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of the biological preparation "PolifunKur" in the cultivation of planting material of annual flower plants // Microbial biotechnology: fundamental and applied aspects: coll. of science tr. - Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2016. - Vol. 8. - P. 249-259.
  2. Diseases of planting material of conifers with a closed root system in permanent nurseries of the Mogilev region according to molecular and phytopathological examination / S.V. Pantyaleev, A.Yu. Baranov, I.E. Rubel, V.A. Yarmalovich, M. G. Dyshuk, M. O. Syredich // Proceedings of the BSTU. – 2016. – No. 1. – P. 172-176.
  3. Recommendations for the protection of planting material in forest nurseries from the most common diseases / V.A. Yarmalovich, A.Yu. Baranov, S.U. Pantialeev, N.G. Dyshuk, N.A. Azovskaya // Proceedings of the BSTU. – 2016. – No. 1. – P. 187-190.
  4. Golavchenko L.A., Dishuk N.G., Buga S.F. Aphids and hermes (Insecta, Sternorrhyncha, Phyloxeroidea et Aphidoidea) – pests of pine woody plants in green areas of populated areas of Belarus // Proceedings of BSU. Ser.: Physiological, biochemical and molecular basis of functioning of biosystems. – 2016. – Vol. 11, Part 1. – P. 320-324.
  5. Timafeeva V.A., Golovchenko L.A., Vainila N.V., Linnik L.I. Development of technology for the protection of ornamental tree-shrub plants from pests and diseases in ornamental nurseries of the Republic of Belarus // Natural resources and environment: collection. of science materials. - Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2016. - 193 p. – P. 96-101.
  6. Golavchenko L.A., Timofeeva V.A. Phytosanitary status of imported planting material of roses // Plant protection: coll. - Mn.: Institute of Defense is growing. - 2015. - Issue 39. – pp. 64-76.
  7. Sauchits T.L., Timofeeva V.A., Golovchenko L.A., Aleshchankova Z.M. Microbial drug Agramik for stimulating the growth and development of ornamental plants // Agricultural microbiology: collection. of science tr. (Chernihiv, Ukraine). - 2015. - Vol. 21. – P. 60-65.
  8. Sauchits T.L., Timofeeva V.A., Golovchenko L.A., Aleshchankova Z.M. Exogenous regulation of the growth and development of flowering plants by the microbial preparation "AgroMik" // Microbial biotechnology: fundamental and applied aspects: collection. of science tr. - Mn.: Belarusian science. – 2015. – Vol. 7. – P. 242–253.
  9. Timafeeva V.A., Linnik L.I., Golovchenko L.A. Diseases and pests of medicinal plants // Science and innovation. - 2015. - No. 8 (150). – P. 59-63.
  10. Yarmalovich V.A., Baranov A.Yu., Pantialeev S.V., Dishuk N.G., Sieredich M.O., Azovskaya N.A. Cladosporiasis and alternariosis in forest nurseries of Belarus // Proceedings of the BSTU. Forestry. – 2015 – No. 1 (174). – P. 203-206.
  11. Diseases and pests of ornamental plants in the plantations of Belarus / V.A. Tsimafeeva [etc.]; National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Central Botanical Garden; reviewers N.V. Getko, L.I. Trapashka. - Minsk: Bel. science, 2014. - 185 p.
  12. Glushakova N.M., Vainila N.V., Timofeeva V.A., Shabanov A.A. The effect of modified forms of the growth regulator Ecosil on the development of gerbera (Gerbera hybrida) during seed and vegetative reproduction / Vesti Nats. Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Ser. beat of science – 2014. – No. 3. – P. 15–18.
  13. Navumova G.V., Timofeeva V.A., Golovchenko L.A., Makarova N.L., Auchinnikova T.F., Zhmakova N.A., Yuferov P.M. The effectiveness of the plant growth regulator Maltamine in the technology of growing ornamental crops / Nature use: a collection of scientific works. – 2014. – Vol. 25. – P. 196-201.
  14. Zhudrik A.U., Rupasova Zha.A., Timofeeva V.A. Royal Strelitzia (Strelitzia reginae Banks) in protected soil conditions in Belarus. - Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2013. - 151 p.
  15. Azovskaya N.O., Dishuk N.G., Kaplich V.M., Prokhodsky S.A., Yarmalovich V.A. Increasing the resistance of pine forest crops to diseases through the use of fungicides and fertilizers // Proceedings of the BSTU. Ser. Forestry. - 2011. - No. 1 (139). – P. 205-208.
  16. Baranov A.Yu., Dishuk N.G., Ramanenko M.O., Yarmalovich V.A. Famosis of planting material in forest nurseries // Forestry and hunting economy - 2013. - No. 3. - P. 18-24.
  17. New fungicides and biological preparations for use in forest nurseries and cultures / N.G. Dishuk [etc.] // Forest and hunting economy. – 2013. – No. 5. – P. 16-24.
  18. Yarmalovich V.A., Dishuk N.G., Osmalovsky M.K., Semenova V.Yu. Biological effectiveness of new preparations for pre-sowing treatment of seeds in the protection of seedlings from infectious lodging // Proceedings of BSTU. Ser. Forestry. – 2013. – No. 1. – P. 262–265.
  19. Vainila N.V., Famich V.I., Kisluhka P.M. Biological effectiveness of Azofos fungicide for protection of rose against powdery mildew and black spot // Agriculture and plant protection. – 2012. – No. 4. – P. 43-44.
  20. Zhudrik A., Rupasova Zh., Timofeeva V. Stralittsia royal. – LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, – 2012. – P.141.
  21. Linnik L.I., Kisluhka P.M. Efficacy of Azafos fungicide against pathogens of onion crops // Agriculture and plant protection. - 2012. - #4. – P. 37-38.
  22. Timafeeva V.A., Dishuk N.G. Vainila N.V., Linnik L.I., Golovchenko L.A. Formation of populations of pathogens and phytophages of introduced ornamental plants in urban plantations of the Republic of Belarus // Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Preservation, study and use of biodiversity of the world flora / V.U. Titok and others. – Minsk, 2012. – P. 184-207.
  23. Azovskaya N.O., Prokhodsky S.A., Kaplich V.M., Yarmalovich V.A., Dishuk N.G. Increasing the resistance of Scots pine forest crops to diseases, ways of applying fungicides and fertilizers // Proceedings of the BSTU. Ser. Forestry, 2011. - No. 1. - P. 205-208.
  24. L.A. Golavchenko The influence of environmental factors on the growth and development of fungi of the genus Botrytis // Agriculture and plant protection. – 2011. – No. 1. – P. 39 – 40.
  25. L.A. Galauchenko, V.A. Timofeeva, Yu.I. Ryzhankova. Peculiarities of the development of tulip gray rot in the conditions of Belarus // Agriculture and plant protection. – 2011. – No. 1. – P. 26 – 29.
  26. Timafeeva V.A., Dishuk N.G, Golovchenko L.A. There is a tree, green in color // Science and innovations. - 2011. - No. 3 (97). – P. 22-25.
  27. Bashilov A.V., Spiridovich A.V., Timofeeva V.A. Biochemical composition and pharmacological properties of Begonia erythrophylla // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Ser. beat of science – 2010 – No. 1. – P.114-116.
  28. Glushakova N.M., Linnik L.I. Peculiarities of growing gerbera in closed soil // Botany (Research): coll. of science tr. - Vol. 38. – 2010 – P. 231-238.
  29. L.A. Golavchenko Toxin formation in fungi of the genus Botrytis, which parasitize ornamental plants // Bulletin of the Podmurkam Foundation. study – 2010. – No. 3. – P. 121-127.
  30. N.G. Dyshuk. Diseases of seedlings and seedlings of conifers in nurseries // Forestry and hunting economy. – 2010. – No. 7. – P. 28-31.
  31. N.G. Dyshuk, V.A. Timofeeva. Diseases of leaves in urban plantations // Proceedings of the BSTU, Ser. Forestry. – 2010. – P.338-341.
  32. Bashilov A.V., Spiridovich A.V., Timofeeva V.A. Antioxidant properties and phytochemical composition of members of the Begoniaceae family // Bulletin of the Fundamental Research Foundation. – 2009. – No. 3. – P. 11-21.
  33. Golavchenko L.A., Timofeeva V.A. Pathogens of gray rot of ornamental plants in the Republic of Belarus // Sat. of science tr. "Botany (Research)". - Minsk, 2009. - Issue 37. – P. 316 – 326.
  34. Bashilov A.V., Spiridovich A.V., Timofeeva V.A. The Begoniaceae family is a source of physiologically active compounds of different pharmacological focus. // Bulletin of the State Nikita Botanical Garden. - Vol. 97. – 2008. – P.62-65.
  35. L.A. Golavchenko Pathogens of gray rot of tulip plants // Government Bulletin. Nikitsky Batanich. garden. - 2008. - Vol. 97. – P. 85 – 88.
  36. Galavchenko L.A., Linnik L.I., Vainila N.V., Timofeeva V.A. Diseases of ornamental plants in closed ground // Sat. of science tr. "Botany (Research)". - 2008. - Vol. 36. – P. 245-253.
  37. Golubeva V.S. Bacterial diseases of ginseng // Agriculture and plant protection. – 2008. – No. 4. – P. 32-35.
  38. N.G. Dyshuk, V.S. Kabzarova. Diseases of seedlings and seedlings of conifers in forest nurseries of Belarus" // Proceedings of BSTU, ser. Forestry. – 2008. – P. 335-337.
  39. N.G. Dyshuk, V.S. Kabzarova, V.A. Timofeeva. Diseases of leaves in urban plantations // Proceedings of the BSTU, ser. Forestry. – 2008. – P. 338-340.
  40. Vainila N.V., Ryzhankova Y.I., Brel N.G. Diagnostics of eastern hyacinth viruses // Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Ser. white. of science - 2007. - #1. – P. 5-8.
  41. L.A. Golavchenko, V.U. Gaishun. Gray rot of peonies // Protection of plants: coll. - 2007. - Vol. 31. – P.109-115.
  42. L.A. Golavchenko, V.M. Rashetnikov. Toxic effect of fungicides on isolates of fungi of the Botrytis genus - causative agents of gray rot of ornamental crops // Vesti BDPU. Ser. 3. - 2007. - #2. – pp. 55-58.
  43. N.G. Dyshuk, V.S. Golubeva, S.O. Stakhovich. Diseases of trunks and branches in green areas of the city of Minsk // Almanac "Problems of greening large cities". - Vol. 12. - 2007 - P. 175-176.
  44. N.G. Dyshuk, A.P. Yakovlev, V.S. Golubeva, S.O. Stakhovich, N.M. Arabey. Phytopathological analysis of the state of forest park plantations in Minsk// Almanac "Ecology of the Big City". - Vol. 12. - 2007. - P. 167-169.
  45. Kuchuk S.M., Yefremov A.P., Dishuk N.G., Horanovich I.V. Assessment of the state of Manchurian walnut and Amur velvet plantations in the plantation // Vesnik BSU, ser. Biology. – 2007 – P. 82-87.
  46. Diseases and pests of medicinal culture St. John's wort / L.I. Linnik [etc.] // Protection of plants: coll. of science tr. - 2006. - Vol. 30, part 1. - pp. 257-259.
  47. Vainila N.V. Some aspects of the protection of floral and decorative plants from viral diseases in botanical gardens // Plant protection: coll. of science tr. - 2006. - Vol. 30, part 1. - pp. 190-191.
  48. L.A. Golavchenko Characterization of morpho-cultural indicators of isolates of Botrytis cinerea Pers., isolated from flower and ornamental crops // Weight. National Acad. of Belarusian Sciences. Ser. beat of science – 2006. – No. 5. – P. 50-52.
  49. L.A. Galauchenko, V.A. Timofeeva, L.I. Linnik. Some cultural and morphological features of the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis paeoniae - the causative agent of gray rot of peonies // Plant protection: coll. - 2006. - Vol. 30, part 1. - pp. 199-201.
  50. Golubeva V.S., Dishuk N.G., Kabzarova V.S. Pathogenic mycobiota of ginseng seeds // Plant protection: coll. - 2006. - Vol. 30, part 1. - pp. 202-204.
  51. N.G. Dyshuk, A.I. Arlyanya, V.S. Golubeva. Diseases of Kuril tea // Protection of plants: coll. of science tr. - 2006. - Vol. 30, part 1. - pp. 216-217.
  52. Kuchuk S.M., Dishuk N.G., Yefremov A.L. Productivity of Manchurian walnut and Amur velvet in the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus // Collection of scientific works / Forest Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. - Gomel, 2006. - Vol. 65. – P. 232-238.
  53. Golubeva V.S. Biological features of the causative agent of brown spotting of ginseng // Agriculture and plant protection. – 2004. – No. 1. – P. 48-50.
  54. Ivanyuk V.G., Golubeva V.S., Kabzarova V.S. Pathogenic mycobiota of ginseng // Plant protection: coll. – 2004. – Vol. 28. – P. 107-118.
  55. Spitalnaya T.V., Linnik L.I. The quality of sea buckthorn seeds and seedlings in Belarus // Agriculture and plant protection. – 2004. – No. 4. – P. 42.
  56. Vainila N.V., Zavadskaya L.V., Svitkovskaya A.I. Viral diseases of some flower-decorative plants of the central botanical garden // Plant protection: coll. - 2000. - Issue. 25. – P. 135-138.
  57. V.S. Kabzarova, V.S. Golubeva. Alternariosis of ginseng in Belarus and measures to combat it // Protection of plants: coll. - 2000. - Issue. 25. – P. 176-181.
  58. Vainila N.V., Burgansky V.L. Distribution and harmfulness of viruses affecting gladiolus (Gladiolus L.) culture in Belarus // News of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Ser. biol. science – 1999. – 4. – P. 12-14.
  59. Garlenko S.V., Buga S.V. Diseases and pests of large-fruited cranberries. - Mn.: Science and technology, 1996. - 247 p.
  60. Garlenko S.V., Dishuk N.G., Stakhovich S.O. Virulence of root fungus strains // News of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Ser.biological sciences. – 1996. – No. 4. – P. 49-53.
  61. Diseases and pests of new types of fodder crops / Garlenko S.V., Blintsov A.I., Linnik L.I., Yarashevich M.I. - Mn.: Science and technology. – 1990. – 155 p.
  62. Garlenka S.V., Podobnaya N.A. // Cranberries in the USSR: Resources, introduction, selection. Novosibirsk, 1990. - P. 236-242.
  63. Garlenko S.V., Blintsov A.I., Panko N.A. Resistance of woody plants to biotic factors. - Mn.: Science and Technology, 1988. - 190 p.
  64. Garlenko S.V., Savenkova N.S. Recommendations for the protection of tulips from viral infection / Academy of Sciences of the USSR, TBS. - Mn., 1988. - 11 p.
  65. Garlenko S.V., Savenkova N.S. The influence of microelements on the degree of manifestation of the virus of tulips // Botany: Researches: collection of scientific works. – 1988. – Vol. 26. – P. 82-83.
  66. Garlenka S.V., Galynskaya N.A. // Mycology and phytopathology. – 1987. – Volume 21, issue 1. – P. 49-52.
  67. Garlenko S.V., Panko N.A., Podobnaya N.A. Pests and diseases of roses. - Minsk: Science and Technology, 1984. - 128 p.
  68. Garlenko S.V., Kabzarova V.S. Recommendations for the protection of renovating carnations from diseases / Central Academy of Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, Beldarzelyanbud. - Minsk, 1983. - 13 p.
  69. S.V. Garlenko, N.A. Panko. Recommendations for the protection of roses from diseases and pests in closed soil / Central Committee of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, Beldarzelyanbud. - Minsk, 1982. - 10 p.
  70. Garlenko S.V., Panko N.A. Recommendations for the protection of indoor flower crops from pests and diseases under conditions of industrial cultivation / TBS, MZhKG. - Mn., 1981. - 12 p.
  71. Garlenko S.V., Panko N.A. Protection of onion and corm crops from diseases and pests. - Minsk: Science and Technology, 1977. - 208 p.
  72. Garlyonka S.U. The role of root secretions in the preservation of soil infection // Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, ser. beat of science – 1973. – No. 2.
  73. N.A. Panko Biological method of combating the cabbage borer on gladioli // News of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, ser. beat of science – 1973. – No. 6.
  74. Garlenko S.V., Panko N.A. Formation of mycoflora and entomofauna of urban green spaces. - Plural: Science and technology. – 1972. –168 p.
  75. N.A. Panko On the resistance of introduced woody plants and pests // Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, ser. beat of science – 1970. – No. 5.
  76. Garlenka S.V. Determinant of diseases of flower and decorative plants. - Minsk: Urajai, 1969. - 158 p.
  77. Garlenko S.V., Panko N.A. Pests and diseases of introduced plants. - Minsk: Science and Technology, 1967. - 136 p.