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Plant protection laboratory

The head of the laboratory is candidate of biological sciences Lyudmila Anatolyevna Golovchanka.

In 1956, a group of plant protection was organized at the Central Bank of Ukraine, on the basis of which a plant protection laboratory was established in 1976. Since 1983, the laboratory has included the department "Introductory Quarantine Nursery". In different years, the laboratory was headed by: Doctor of Biological Sciences S.U. Garlenko (1976-1990), Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Yu.L. Smalyak (1990-1992), Candidate of Agricultural Sciences U.A. Timofeeva (1993-2015). L.A. Galauchenko, candidate of biological sciences (from 2015 to the present).

12 employees work in the laboratory: total. laboratory, 3 leading researchers, candidates of biological and agricultural sciences, 1 researcher, 2 junior researchers, 3 leading agronomists, 2 plant care workers.

Main areas of scientific and applied research

  • study of causative agents of diseases and pests of flower, tree and shrub plants, forest species;
  • mark of resistance of introduced plants to the most harmful pathogens and phytophages;
  • assessment of the risk of invasions of introduced plants, pathogens and pests in plant communities of different regions of the republic, development of measures to limit their spread;
  • checking for latent contamination of imported planting material of ornamental plants by quarantine objects;
  • development of normative documentation on phytosanitary quality of planting material of decorative plants;
  • conducting registration tests of fungicides, insecticides, preparations for pre-sowing seed treatment, biotechnical means, growth regulators, macro- and micro-fertilizers on flower-decorative, tree-shrub, forest, medicinal and fruit-berry cultures; fungicides and drugs for pre-sowing treatment of Jerusalem artichoke seeds; herbicides for use on non-agricultural lands, including lands of settlements;
  • substantiation of the formation of an assortment of pesticides and fertilizers and the development of technologies for their application in the collections of the Central Bank of Ukraine, urban plantations, greenhouses, forest plantations of the republic;
  • development of recommendations for protection against pests and diseases of plants of various economic orientations.
  • The most important results of scientific research

    An assessment of the phytosanitary status of woody, shrubby and flowering plants in urban plantations of Belarus was carried out, as a result of which the most common and harmful pathogens and plant pests were identified. The resistance of plants in different zones of the republic to the most harmful types of pathogens and phytophages was assessed. An electronic database of the species composition of pathogens and pests of flowers (10 species) and tree-shrub plants (83 species) in the plantations of Belarus has been developed, which includes 331 species of pathogens and 85 species of pests.

    For the first time in Belarus, a system of protection of seedlings and saplings in forest nurseries, forest crops and juveniles from infectious diseases and harmful insects has been developed, based on knowledge of the species composition of pathogens and phytophages, rational use of modern environmentally safe fungicides, insecticides. >

    Identified the species composition of pathogens and pests of rose and gerbera plants grown by the method of small-scale hydroponics in the republic's greenhouses; an assessment of the resistance to diseases and pests of new varieties of roses of German and Dutch selection introduced into the range of industrial cultivation in the republic is given; the use of pesticides to protect cut flower plants from a complex of diseases and pests is scientifically justified.

    The species composition of the most harmful pests and causative agents of Jerusalem artichoke diseases, potentially dangerous for the crop when grown in Belarus, was revealed; the method of conducting phytosanitary research in Jerusalem artichoke plantations was developed; regulations of phytosanitary requirements for special seed-growing areas for placing Jerusalem artichoke seed-growing.

    Developed science-based technologies for the protection of ornamental tree-shrub plants from diseases and pests when growing in nurseries, based on knowledge of the landscape composition of plant pathogens and phytophages, their harmfulness; with the use for plant protection of domestic drugs of different purpose.

    According to the results of the analysis of the phytosanitary status of ornamental plants imported into the Republic of Belarus, a list of regulated non-quarantine harmful organisms, imported together with plant planting material to the territory of the Republic, was prepared for the first time in the Republic. Drafts of phytosanitary quality standards for planting material of tropical and subtropical plants, varietal roses, trees and shrubs of ornamental crops have been developed.

    "Methodological instructions for conducting registration tests of pesticides, biological preparations, growth regulators, fertilizers, biotechnical means on flower, ornamental and forest tree and shrub crops" was developed. Based on the results of registration tests of plant protection products and fertilizers conducted by the laboratory, the range of pesticides for the protection of flower, tree and shrub plants, forest species from harmful diseases and pests has been expanded; a range of plant growth regulators and fertilizers to increase the decorativeness of plants, stimulate their growth and development. An expanded range of herbicides approved in Belarus to eliminate the clogging of green areas in populated areas by aggressive species of holly and goldenrod.

    The high efficiency of microbiological fertilizers, consisting of a consortium of strains of nitrogen-fixing and phosphate-mobilizing bacteria, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, in the technologies of growing flower and tree-shrub decorative plants was revealed and regulations were developed.

    The technology of growing red-leaved begonia for medicinal raw materials has been developed, on the basis of which the drug "Beganephril" for the treatment of acute and chronic kidney failure was developed and put into production at the "Dialek" enterprise of the "Belbiapharm" concern.

    Technology of clonal micropropagation of Andre's anthurium, hybrid cymbidium and hyacinth plants has been developed.

    The species composition of pathogens and pests of medicinal plants was studied; the harmfulness and prevalence of pathogens and phytophages are determined, the resistance of plants to the most harmful species is estimated; the composition of weedy vegetation in crop plantings was studied. The system of protection of medicinal plants against the most harmful types of pathogens, phytophages and weeds has been developed.

    The species composition of the pathogenic flora and harmful fauna of large-fruited cranberries and high-growing cranberries was revealed, and the ecological and biological features of the detected species of pathogens and phytophages were studied. The scientific basis of protection of introducers from pathogenic organisms has been developed. The structure of complexes of phytopathogenic organisms and the sources of their formation were studied. An assessment of varietal resistance to diseases is given. The dynamics of the development of pathogens of fruit rot of cranberries during the winter storage of fresh berries and the ways of their suppression were studied. Technologies for the protection of large-fruited cranberries and tall cranberries from diseases and pests have been developed.

    International cooperation

    International cooperation is developed through contracts with foreign organizations for testing plant protection products and fertilizers. The laboratory maintains contacts with colleagues from botanical gardens of neighboring states.

    In 1994-1995. together with the Academy of Sciences of Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City Branch of the National Research Center, New Technology Laboratory), research was conducted on the development of new substrates (fibrous carbon substrates) for the industrial cultivation of orchids (cymbidium hybrid).

    In 1999-2000. together with "Telos-Siberia" LLC (Russia) within the framework of the implementation of a separate task of the Executive Committee of the Union of Belarus and Russia "Evaluation of the effectiveness of the "TELOS" technology in the development of environmentally safe methods of plant stimulation and protection from diseases and pests" studied the possibilities of using the "TELOS" technology to modify the biological activity of pesticides under the influence of electromagnetic radiation. The results of the conducted studies showed the possibility of modifying the biological activity of 11 pesticides under the influence of EMI.

    In 2008-2009. together with the Institute of Chemistry (Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry) of the Vietnamese Academy of Sciences and Technologies, research was conducted on the phytoresource assessment of the raw material base, biochemical study of biologically active substances of plants of the begonia family, and the development of methods of obtaining preparations of biologically active substances of various pharmacological purposes.

    Patent and license activity

    List of patents for inventions:

    1. No. 906481 dated 23.02.1982. Mixture for spraying roses before winter storage (Garlenka S.V., Podobnaya N.G.).
    2. No. 1458383 dated 15.02.1989 Nutrient medium for the isolation and identification of pathogens of fruit rot of large-fruited cranberries (S.V. Garlenko, N.A. Podobnaya).
    3. No. 1639506 dated 04/07/1991 Method of creating stands of Scots pine (N.G. Dyshuk, S.V. Garlenko).
    4. No. 1664841 dated 23.07.1991. Method of obtaining callus tissue of red-leaved begonia (Gharlenko S.V., Fralova L.V., Timofeeva V.A.).
    5. No. 1667670 dated 07.08.1991. Method of vegetative propagation of hypeastrum (S.V. Garlenko, V.P. Dzeeva, V.A. Timofeeva, S.O. Stakhovich).
    6. No. 1761799 dated 15.09.1992 Nutrient medium for cultivation of callus tissue of red-leaved begonia (S.V. Garlenko, L.V. Fralova, V.A. Timofeeva).

    List of patents for inventions:

    1. No. 15015 dated 13.07.2011 Plant growth stimulator and method of obtaining it (V.I. Domash, S.G. Azizbekyan, V.A. Timofeeva, A.R. Nabiulin, V.U. Shmanai ., Sharpio T.P., Zabreyka S.A., Golubeva V.S.).
    2. No. 15856 dated 14.02.2012. Fungicidal means of plant protection and its production method (V.I. Domash, S.G. Azizbekyan, A.R. Nabiulin, V.V. Shmanai, T.P. Sharpio, Zabreyka S.A., Timofeeva V.A., Golubeva V.S.).


    According to the results of the research, the employees published 10 monographs, 7 brochures and more than 300 scientific articles and report abstracts.