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History of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Plants

At the beginning of the formation of the biochemical division at the Institute of Biology of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, its staff consisted of A.U. Miranenko, M.Ts. Godneva (Chaika), G.I. Spiridonova, A.A. Masko, L.S. Nasanovich. The scientific research of the nascent collective was aimed at clarifying the peculiarities of the biochemical composition of species and varieties of lupine. Who headed the laboratory of Dr. A.S. Vechar (1959) actively forms new topics and expands the staff of the scientific team, initiates research in the field of biochemistry of plastids, nucleic acids of plants, vitaminology. In the same year, he was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR. As a result of fundamental works in the field of biochemical composition and properties of plastids, the first monograph in the USSR "Plastids of plants" was published (A.S. Vechar, 1961). With the active participation of A.S. Gurinovich and L.S. Kremneva studied the issue of riboflavin and carotenoid biosynthesis, developed the technology for obtaining vitamin B2, which became the basis for the creation of a biochemical plant in Pinsk and the implementation of a number of developments at the Krasnodar Biochemical Plant. Completing the cycle of biochemical research M.T. Chaika, summarizes them in a candidate's thesis successfully defended at the Institute of Plant Physiology named after K.A. Timirazev Academy of Sciences of the USSR. M.T. Seagull develops the research of A.S. Evenings on the biochemistry of non-leaf plastids and highlights the concept of transformation of amyloplasts of potato tubers into functionally active chloroplasts. In the same period, A.S. Vechar, I.U. Matoshka, A.P. Bulka, A.A. Masko conducts the first works in Belarus on the study of nucleic acids of plants. One of the research results was the proof of the presence of nucleic acids in plastids, as well as the characterization of the pool of nucleic acids in species and varieties of lupins (I.V. Matoshka, A.P. Bulka). Scientific and scientific-methodical developments in the field of nucleic acids became the basis for the preparation of the first dissertations in this field in Belarus.

The original research was conducted by A.V. Miranenko and his thematic group on plant alkaloids, which made it possible together with Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR N.U. Turbinem will complete the development of alkaloid-free forms of lupine. Emerging research on technical biochemistry: A.S. Vechar and G.F. Lepers are researching the ways and possibilities of processing potato starch into valuable and biologically active products. At the same time, A.S. Vechar oversees microbiological science, which is emerging at the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, leading a group of microbiologists, on the basis of which a scientific division was later created.

In the laboratory of plant biochemistry, a team of young employees is actively forming, sent to the laboratory from BSU, as well as accepted to graduate school: V.K. Stukar (Laptseva), K.I. Predkel, R.A. Kovalchuk (Nenadavich), S.I. Kurbatova (Vasilkevich), M.M. Masny, V.M. Rashetnikov and others.

In 1962, the Institute of Biology of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR was reorganized into the Institute of Experimental Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR. The next stage of the laboratory's activity has already begun as part of the Institute of Experimental Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, its personnel and scientific topics are being strengthened and expanded.

In the field of biochemistry and physiology of photosynthesis, a new methodological approach was used to study the organization of plastids - separation into pigment-protein complexes by fragmentation with detergents of various nature and their subsequent analysis (M.T. Chaika, V.L. Kaler, V.M. .Rashetnikov), studied the composition and role of plastoquinones in plastid transformation (R.A. Nenadavich, A.S. Vechar, M.T. Chaika). In 1963-65 V.M. Rashetnikov and A.K. Laptsava started the first electrophoretic studies of plant proteins in Belarus. The result of these works was the obtaining of "spectra" of the protein complex of potato tubers and the establishment of their strict varietal specificity, which was several years ahead of similar conclusions for reserve proteins of vegetative organs of plants. These and other research results were presented in the candidate's thesis of V.M. Rashetnikov (1967) and continued in subsequent works in this direction. The new polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis method was mastered and widely implemented in research not only in the laboratory of plant biochemistry of the Institute of Experimental Botany, but also in many other institutions, as it had not been presented before in any laboratory of the republic. An important achievement of the laboratory was the complete and comprehensive biochemical characterization of new and regionalized potato varieties of the BSSR - the thesis of M.M. Masnaga, V.M. Rashetnikova, M.A. Bardyshava, A.A. Vaitkovskaya and others. These works became the basis for the formation of a new technological scheme of waste-free processing of potatoes and publication in the monograph of A.S. Vechari M.M., Honcharika "Physiology and biochemistry of potatoes" (1970).

During this period, A.S. Vechar establishes research on biochemistry and technology of fruit and berry winemaking and forms a group headed by L.A. Yurchenko, which included S.I. Vasilkevich, A.S. Romanovets, A.H. Weiner, A.A. Brylevsky, N.V. Sergeyenko, G.R. Adamchik, A.I. Khasyanevich.

In 1966, the laboratory of plant biochemistry was separated into an independent unit, a group of Dr. A.V. Miranenko – a laboratory of protein substances and nitrogen metabolism was established. In 1970, the laboratory was replenished with a group of d.b.n. V.L. Color.

In 1970, the laboratory moved to a laboratory building built on the territory of the Central Botanical Garden with the prospect of becoming an independent institution. During this period, the laboratory reaches its largest number of employees - 52 employees. Theoretical research is being deepened, which is reflected in the new name of the laboratory - biochemistry and molecular biology of plants. V.L. Kaler highlights an original approach to the study of complex systems - simulation of biological processes based on the use of computers. At the same time, he, as the author of the electrocoagulation method of cleaning industrial stocks, widely implements the indicated development throughout the territory of the USSR (together with A.S. Snyatkov and others). In order to deepen cytobiochemical research, M.M. In 1971, Masny created a group of electron microscopic studies that developed a laboratory atlas of the ultrastructure of organelles and plant cells (M.M. Masny, V.F. Dreitser, M.Ya. Krylova, A.I. Yushkevich, I.K. Valadzko and others).

In the late 1970s, the first works on tissue culture in vitro and microclonal reproduction of plants began in the BSSR (V.M. Rashetnikov, G.M. Dolbik, T.I. Famenka, L.G. Berdichavets, L. M. N. Bykov). T.I. Famenka defends the first dissertation in the BSSR on the physiology of tissue culture and callusogenesis in plants.

Works in the field of technical biochemistry were actively developed. The study of oxidation-reduction processes, transformations of sugars, organic acids and phenolic complex in the process of obtaining high-quality sparkling, natural and flavored wines made it possible to propose technologies for the production of low-alcohol beverages. In order to implement the developments, a project was created to build a number of workshops in Belarus and a factory in Arles, however, the anti-alcohol campaign in 1985. forced to close both scientific research and practical development in this direction.

During 1971–85. work on potato processing technology continued. During this period, A.S. The evening put forward the idea of ​​mechanical dehydration of potatoes followed by separate disposal of dense and liquid fractions. A task force on waste-free processing of potatoes is being created, headed by I.I. The ferryman. As part of the group A.M. Skokov, Ya.A. Horodetskaya, A.I. Alyakseeva, Ya.A. Vaityakhovskaya, V.U. Shoulder blade.

The number of post-graduate students is increasing (L.N. Shandrikova, A.A. Vechar, A.A. Veevnik, L.P. Prakulevich, A.M. Yalashevich, I.V. Galdyankova, O.A. Krylov, etc. .). Along with the study of nucleoprotein complexes of the cell nucleus, plastid nucleoids were studied and restriction analysis of chloroplast DNA was carried out. New research is being conducted on the molecular mechanisms of herbaceous seed germination. Electrophoretic research became widespread with the simultaneous modernization of the laboratory's instrument base (A.A. Veevnik, etc.).

By 1985, a group of D.Sc. V.L. Kolera, who then temporarily (until 1996) transferred to the Institute of Plant Physiology and Biophysics of the Academy of Sciences of the Tajik SSR. Work on winemaking and electrocoagulation stopped, the main topic of the laboratory is concentrated on the deep biochemistry of the cell nucleus and plastids and modern biotechnology, in connection with which the unit was renamed the laboratory of biochemistry and biotechnology of plants.

On the basis of biochemical research, the main data on the organization and properties of the supramolecular deoxyribonucleoprotein complex of the cell nuclei of higher plants were obtained, the concept of the principles of structural rearrangements of DNP during genome expression was highlighted, the nuclear matrix was isolated for the first time from the interphase nuclei of cereals, its composition and properties, the composition of the nucleus and of its compartments and proposed a hypothesis about the participation of lipids and individual protein fractions in the regulation of the functional activity of the nucleus. The effect of radiation pollution of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on the nuclear apparatus (V.M. Rashetnikov, A.K. Laptseva, R.A. Nenadovich, T.F. Sasnovskaya, M.V. Rashchanka, A.V. Chizhik) and plant cells is shown ( A.P. Bulka and A.P. Bulka conduct research on the biochemistry of aquatic ecosystems

In the same period, work on the creation of transgenic plants and their in-depth physiological and biochemical analysis began (V.M. Rashetnikov, I.V. Goldenkova, V.T. Vasilevka, A.U. Spiridovich, A.A. Lenets, T.I. Expanded research in a new direction - genetic engineering and testing of introduced and flower collections of the Central Bank, V.Ts. A complex of works on the biochemical characterization of the protein complex of various forms, lines and varieties of plants is being carried out, the study of the polymorphism of proteins and enzymes in the interaction of genomes was carried out on the example of triticale and secolatriticum and their parent forms for the purposes of varietal identification (A.A. Veevnik, A.V. Spiridovich , L.U. Ulasova carried out studies on the effect of viral infection on the protein composition of potatoes: the composition of essential oils of a number of aromatic plants was determined (I.I. .Paromchyk, A.V. Spiridovich, A.A. Vaytsekhovskaya).

In 2001, the laboratory was renamed the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Plants and began the formation and development of tasks of the State Programs: "Phytopreparations", "Productivity and stability of plants", "Biotechnology", "Reconstruction of the Central Botanical Garden", "Gene Fund". The program-target method is now the basis of the Department's thematic plan.

The personnel of the laboratory (since 2003 - the department) is constantly replenished and expanded on the basis of new tasks received under the State programs of fundamental research ("Biological resources", "Biotechnology", "Biological engineering and biosafety", "Genetic engineering") , State economic programs ("Phytopreparations", "Reconstruction", etc.). In the thematic group on the creation of transgenic plants seven. lingonberries entered k.b.n. Ya.A. Popovich, Ph.D. A.V. Chizyk, Ph.D. Antipava T.V., Filipenia V.A., Brel N.G., Kazlova V.M. and others. The group of cellular biotechnology (led by T.I. Famenko, Ph.D., Ph.D.) was replenished with BSU graduates. A group of young workers in the field of theoretical and applied biochemistry appeared (led by A.U. Spiridovich, Ph.D.): A.G. Shutova, A.M. Yukhimuk, A. Lenko, N.A. Shugalei, V. Pankratov, A.U. Bashilov, C. Ivantsov, V. Leoshko, A. Severikova. Certified employees of biochemical science, Ph.D. V. M. Rashetnikov, d.b.n. V.L. Kaler, Ph.D. A.P. Bulka, Ph.D. I.I. Poromchik, Ph.D. A.U. Spiridovich, PhD. T.I. Fomenka, Ph.D. A.M. Skokov, Ph.D. Ya.A. Horadetskaya, PhD. L.U. Honcharova, Ph.D. A.U. Chyzhik, Ph.D. A.A. Kuzavkova (Lyanets), PhD. A.B. Ulasova, Ph.D. T.U. Antipova, Ph.D. A.V. Bashilov, as well as highly qualified specialists A.I. Alekseeva, P.S. Shabunya, I.P. Kondratskaya, M.K. Malyush, A.U. Zubarov, L.G. Berdichevets, I.F. Vainovskaia, Ya.A. Vaytiakhovskaya, N.U. Sergeyenko, V.U. Petrov.

Expansion and deepening of research, new scientific and practical tasks became the basis for renaming the laboratory in 2003 to the Department of Biochemistry and Plant Biotechnology of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. In 2008–2010. the department was replenished with postgraduate students Makarevich A.M., Plechyshchyk (Agabalaeva) A.D., Kitaeva M.V., Burai N.S.

In 2010, on the basis of large thematic groups, the laboratory of applied biochemistry (head - Dr. Spiridovich A.V.) and the laboratory of cellular biotechnology (head - Dr. Fomenko T. I.) , as well as new thematic groups "Systems Biology" (head - Ph.D. Kuzavkova A.A.) and "Molecular Biotechnology" (head - Ph.D. Chizhik A.U.). Now the department has 37 employees, including 1 doctor of science and 10 candidates of science. Research is being conducted within the framework of the DPND "Fundamentals of Biotechnologies", "Resources of the Plant World", SE "Genetic Resources", "Pharmatechnologies", "Innovative Biotechnologies", MSCP EurAsEC, etc.

Today, the group of systems biology under the task of DPNI "Fundamental bases of biotechnologies" is conducting a comparative analysis of the proteomic and metabolomic status of differentiated tissues (leaf, stem, root) of field, greenhouse and in vitro plants of Agastache rugosa, as well as ) cells, obtained from leaf, stem and root explants, in order to identify the key proteins responsible for the biosynthesis of biologically active substances, and to develop approaches to targeted regulation of the metabolism of this medicinal plant.

Currently, one of the scientific tasks of the Department is a comprehensive study of the genetic diversity of the botanical collections presented in the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus as a basis for the preservation, study and presentation of plant resources, targeted breeding and improvement of valuable crops. Passporting of botanical collections includes: photo documentation and description of morphological characteristics of the studied taxon (variety, species, form), development of genotypic and biochemical certificates based on DNA and biochemical (proteins, chemomarkers) markers, based on polymorphism of proteins, nucleic acids in the second stage of passporting. The results of molecular and genetic research, together with the obtained data on the content of secondary metabolites, make it possible to select genetically homogeneous forms of cultivated plants with a consistently high content of biologically active substances. The Department has created and is replenishing a database on DNA genotyping of economically valuable, rare and protected plants, with the possibility of constant access to stored samples.

New areas of scientific research have been opened. Among them is the study of the population-genetic resource of rare and endangered plants of the Republic of Belarus, listed in the Red Book, based on molecular markers. Currently, a comprehensive survey of populations of 3 species is being carried out – Salvinia natans L., Trapa natans L. and Isoёtes lacustris L. Based on the ecological characteristics of the settlements and population-genetic parameters (such as intra- and inter-population genetic diversity, differentiation, flow genes, gene drift, etc.), recommendations are being developed for the organization of protective measures for the studied species. An important new scientific development is the search, analysis and labeling of DNA loci encoding resistance to biotic stress among selected forms with increased levels of biologically active substances in cultured and wild representatives of the genus Vaccinium. The task is to assess the spectrum of the most harmful pathogens for Vaccinium crops in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus, to develop optimal methods of diagnosing plant material for resistance to environmental factors and pathogen contamination. The topic of research is very relevant, due to the high economic (food, medicinal, etc.) value of the studied cultures of the genus Vaccinium.

The most important area of ​​activity of the department, its laboratories and thematic groups is the acquisition of new knowledge and the use of scientific developments in the fields of agriculture (creating new forms and selection material together with the National Research Center for Agriculture, production of planting material by clonal micropropagation, etc.), food industry (food additives, new food products, etc.), medicine (biocorrectors and herbal preparations).