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Department of Biochemistry and Plant Biotechnology

The head of the department is Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Belarus Uladzimir Mikolaevich Rashetnikov.

The department was established in 2003 on the basis of the laboratory (from 1958 to 2002) of plant biochemistry and biotechnology. The founder and first head of the laboratory of plant biochemistry at the Institute of Biology of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR was candidate of biological sciences Miranenko Alyaksei Viktarovich. In 1959, he was replaced by Alexander Stepanovich Vechar, Doctor of Biological Sciences. In 1962, after the reorganization of the Institute of Biology of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, the laboratory of plant biochemistry became part of the newly created Institute of Experimental Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, where it was located until 1998. Since April 1, 1998, the laboratory (department) is a part of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. In 1985, the laboratory of biochemistry and biotechnology of plants was headed by Uladzimir Nikolayevich, doctor of biological sciences of Rashetnikov, who still heads the department today.

The department of plant biochemistry and biotechnology includes the laboratory of applied biochemistry (head - candidate of biological sciences Spiridovich Alena Uladzimirovna), the laboratory of cellular biotechnology (head - candidate of biological sciences Chizhik Olga Uladzimirovna) and 3 thematic groups: "Systems biology" candidate of biological sciences Anna Antonovna Kuzavkova), "Molecular Biotechnology" (director - candidate of biological sciences Chizhik Olga Uladzimirovna), "Technical Biochemistry" (director - candidate of biological sciences Inesa Ivanovna Poromchyk).

28 employees work in the department, including 2 heads of the laboratory, 4 leading researchers, 3 senior researchers, 10 researchers, 5 junior researchers, 3 engineers. Nine employees have advanced degrees.

Main areas of scientific and applied research

Basic research:

  • Phytobiochemistry, proteomics and epigenetics of the plant cell and subcellular structures;
  • Physiology and biochemistry of de- and differentiation of plant tissues and cells.

Applied studies:

  • Molecular genetic testing and passporting of introduced and indigenous species of natural flora, creation of in vitro culture and DNA bank;
  • Development of technologies for clonal micropropagation of the most valuable species, varieties and forms of plants;
  • Development of preparations of biologically active substances of plant origin.

Innovative developments:

  • Creation of an experimental field for testing transgenic plants of non-traditional berry crops;
  • Obtaining experimental batches of substances and preparations for food and medical purposes based on local and introduced plant raw materials.
  • The most important results of scientific research

    Results of scientific research:

    • determination of the biochemical composition and properties of plastids of different types, experimental proof of the presence of nucleic acids in plant plastids, the concept of transformation of amyloplasts into photosynthetically active chloroplasts (A.S. Vechar, M.T. Chaika, A.A. Masko and etc.), publication of the first monograph in the USSR "Plastids of plants" (A.S. Vechar, 1961);
    • proof of species specificity of the protein composition of the storage vegetative organs of plants based on electrophoretic analysis, first introduced into laboratory practice in Belarus (V.N. Rashetnikov, A.K. Laptseva, 1965-1968);
    • determining the presence and nature of position, methodological in photosynthesizing and storing plastids. The article "On the characterization of position, methodological plastids" (A.S. Vechar, V.N. Rashetnikov, G.I. Pushkin, Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, Vol. XIX No. 2, 1975);
    • mathematical model of chlorophyll biosynthesis, which reflects the mechanisms of autoregulation at the metabolic and epigenetic levels of control (V.L. Kaler, L.E. Friedlyand, 1975-1984), publication of the monograph "Autoregulation of chlorophyll formation in higher plants (V.L. , 1976);
    • characteristics and parameters of oxidation-reduction processes in wine materials and during the production of sparkling, natural and flavored wines from them (A.S. Vechar, L.A. Yurchenko, A.S. Romanovets, A.A. Brylevsky, etc. .), monographs "Ciders and sparkling apple wines" (A.S. Vechar, L.A. Yurchenko, 1976), "Biochemistry of apple winemaking" (L.A. Yurchenko, 1983);
    • physiological and biochemical changes during the dedifferentiation of plant organs and tissues in cell cultures (in vitro system) with subsequent regeneration of plants (V.M. Rashetnikov, T.I. Famenka, H.M. Dolbik, L.G. Berdichivets, A.V. Chizhik, J.A. Popovich, V.L. Filipenia, etc.);
    • the composition and structure of nucleoprotein complexes and compartments of interphase cell nuclei as the basis of the information system of the plant cell by I.P. Galdyankov, L.M. Shandrikov, etc.), monograph "Plastids and cell nuclei of higher plants" (V.N. Rashetnikov , 1982), "Cellular nuclei of higher plants" (V.N. Rashetnikov, 1992), "Information systems of the plant cell" (V.N. Rashetnikov, E.V. Spiridovich, 2008);
    • phytobiochemical characteristics of native and introduced species of medicinal and aromatic plants as producers of BAV (V.M. Rashetnikov, A.V. Spiridovich, A.G. Shutova, A.V. Bashilov, I.I. Paromchyk, etc.) ;
    • biotechnological techniques, biochemical and molecular genetic testing and passporting of taxa of natural flora as a tool for their study, preservation and use;
    • J- regions as markers of Z-regions of intraplastid DNA (A.A. Vechar, 1987);
    • initiation and scientific support of the sub-branch of fruit growing - "industrial safflower growing" - with organizational work in the formed Interdepartmental Council for the sub-branch. A. Veevnik, N.B. Pavlovsky, etc., 2001-2015);
    • training of highly qualified personnel in the field of basic sciences – biochemistry, biochemistry and plant physiology: 4 dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Science, 46 dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Science.

    Results of applied studies:

    • a method of producing riboflavin based on the cultivation of Eremothecim ashbyii and the construction of a biochemical plant in Pinsk (A.S. Vechar et al. 1962-1965);
    • technology of production of non-oxidized apple wine materials and high-quality sparkling, natural and flavored wines based on them (A.S. Vechar, L.A. Yurchenko, A.S. Romanovets, etc., 1970-1982);
    • technology for obtaining extracts and concentrates from spicy-aromatic, fruit-berry plants and production of soft drinks based on them (A.S. Vechar, S.I. Vasilkevich, I.I. Paromchyk, I.I. Alyakseeva, etc. ., 1980-2015);
    • methods of electrophoretic research of proteins and nucleic acids (V.M. Rashetnikov, A.K. Laptseva, A.A. Veevnik, E.V. Spiridovich, A.V. Chyzhik, L.V. Hancharova, A.P. .Bulko et al., 1968-2015);
    • technologies, methods and regulations of clonal micropropagation of introduced berry and ornamental plants (V.M. Rashetnikov, T.I. Famenka, A.V. Chyzhik, V.L. Filipenia, A.A. Popovich, A.M. Kazlova, N.G. Brel, etc., 1980-2015);
    • waste-free processing of potatoes (A.S. Vechar, I.I. Paromchyk, A.N. Skachkov, A.A. Haradzetskaya, F.I. Subach, 1980-1996);
    • formation, content and replenishment of collections of aseptic cultures seven. Cranberry and Olive and DNA collections of rare and endemic plant species. F. Vainovskaya, L.M. Bykova, 1999-2015);
    • target project "Without Victory" for the 70th anniversary of the Victory in WWII (V.M. Rashetnikov, A.V. Spiridovich, T.I. Famenko, N.G. Brel, etc. employees of GBS and Volgograd Botanical Garden, 2015 . );
    • creating a specialized Cadastre of plants (2012-2015).

    International cooperation

    International cooperation is carried out on the basis of agreements and memoranda on scientific and practical cooperation, within the framework of which joint research is carried out, the exchange of economically useful plants and technologies for their cultivation is carried out, and scientific personnel are trained.

    Scientific and scientific-technical cooperation is carried out with the following organizations:

    with scientific institutions of the CIS countries:

    from the Russian Academy of Sciences:

    • cooperation agreement with the Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Irkutsk). In 2009-2011, the BRFFD project No. B09СО-001 "Transport of nucleic acids into cells and organelles of plants and animals and its use for the development of nanobiotechnologies for targeted delivery of DNA to cells" was carried out.
    • agreement on scientific cooperation with the Institute of Plant Physiology named after K. Timirazev of the Russian Academy of Sciences for 2012-2015, with which within the framework of the EurAsEC MLP "Innovative Biotechnologies" for 2011-2015. task 3.2 "To develop and master the technology of accelerated production of high-quality planting material of promising varieties of high-growing gorse with the use of biotechnological techniques is being carried out. To develop methods of molecular selection and to create genetically modified forms of bulrushes with increased resistance to the effects of biotic and abiotic factors of the environment"
    • agreement on cooperation with the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the field of clonal micropropagation and passporting of unique collection funds.
    • cooperation agreement with the Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk). The joint project B12СО-17 "Development of a new strategy in biotechnology for the production of secondary metabolites in in vitro cultures of medicinal plants based on a combination of proteomics and metabolomics" is being implemented (2012-2014).
    • long-term memorandum on scientific cooperation with V.G. Bransk State University. Petrovsky
    • cooperation with the Ufa Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the field of plant biochemistry and biotechnology.

    from NAS of Ukraine:

    • Agreement on scientific cooperation with Yuriy Fedzkavych Chernivtsi National University. In 2007–2009. the project with BRFFD - DFFVU "Multilevel bioindication of individual territories of enhanced radioecological control of Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus" was implemented. In 2009–2011 the project with BRFFD - GFFDU No. B09K-067 "Use of biological testing methods to assess the state of pine plantations" was implemented.
    • cooperation agreement with the Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev).
    • agreement on cooperation with the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the field of studying natural flora plants.

    with scientific institutions of EU countries:

    • cooperation agreement with the Institute of Forestry of the Academy of Sciences of Bulgaria. In 2007–2010 the joint project "Evaluation of silvicultural, phenotypic and biochemical characteristics of Douglasia mensis for establishment of fast-growing plantations and preservation of biodiversity" was carried out.
    • cooperation agreement with the Poznań Department of Food Concentrates and Instant Foods (OKSPS) of the Warsaw Institute of Biotechnology of Food and Agricultural Products (IBRS) (Poland). The joint project B11MS-047 "Biochemical basis of creating compositions from spicy-aromatic plants of the Apiaceae family and fruits of the Ericaceae family for the development of technologies for obtaining vitaminized food supplements" was carried out.
    • agreement on cooperation with the Genomics and Bioinformatics project group of the Institute of Biology of the University of Latvia, Salaspils.
    • cooperation agreement with West Hungarian University.

    with scientific institutions of other countries:

    • memoranda of cooperation with the Institute of Chemistry and the Institute of Marine Biochemistry of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology. Studies under the 4th joint grants of BRFFD-VANT have been carried out and are being carried out. It is planned to create a joint laboratory for chemical additives.
    • agreement on cooperation with the Botanical Garden of Saint-Fuengas of the Republic of Cuba.

    with US botanical organizations:

    • Memorandum on cooperation between the Landscape Arboretum of the University of Minnesota and DNU "Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" (2013) and the Agreement on mutually beneficial scientific cooperation and exchange of plant material between the Missouri Botanical Garden of Belarus" (2013) were signed. . In 2015, for the first time, the department's employees participated in the Congress of the American Association of Botanical Gardens, where joint scientific research on genotyping of biological diversity resources of the collections of the Central Bank of Ukraine, MBG NA and LAUM, preservation of rare species of natural flora of Belarus and the Northwestern USA was presented, including .l. .Orchid, control of invasive flora.

    The most important event in the field of international cooperation was the creation in 2009 (jointly with the GBS RAS) of the Council of Botanical Gardens of Russia and Belarus. The international project "Without Victory" (2015) was implemented within the framework of the created Council (DNU "Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus", Main Botanical Garden named after M.V. Tsytsin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Volgograd Botanical Garden).

    The department was a co-organizer of the 3rd congress of botanical gardens at the National Academy of Sciences (2016).

    Patent and license activity

    List of invention patents of the Republic of Belarus:

    1. No. 9012 "Food supplement", 2003, V.M. Rashetnikov, L.U. Kukharova, L.P. Loseva, A.I. Alekseeva;
    2. No. 8899 "Non-alcoholic drink", 2006, M.P. Shabeta, Z.U. Lovkis, Z.A. Sokolova, I.I. Poromchyk, V.M. Rashetnikov, A.G. Shutova, N.V. Sergeyenko, A.M. Jumped;
    3. No. 9064 "Non-alcoholic drink", 2007, M.P. Shabeta, Z.U. Lovkis, Z.A. Sokolova, I.I. Poromchyk, V.M. Rashetnikov, A.G. Shutova, N.V. Sergeyenko;
    4. No. 12148 "Method of diagnosing the need for mineral nutrition of tall bulrushes", 2009, Zha.A. Rupasova, V.M. Rashetnikov, N.M. Ruban, N.M. Semenenko, A.P. Yakovlev, N.P. Varovina;
    5. No. 14561 "Method of production of extrudate based on native amaranth flour", 2011, A.I. Alekseeva, V.M. Rashetnikov, V.G. Karpov;
    6. "Method of identification of the essential oil of the oleander" 2011, N.A. Kavalenko, G.M. Supichenko, V.M. Leontiev, A.G. Shutova, A.U. Spiridovich;
    7. No. 5879 "Non-alcoholic drink", 2012, I.I. Poromchik, N.U. Syargeyenko, A.M. Skachkov, A.A. Vaytsekhovskaya;
    8. №15671 "Antioxidant", A.U. Bashilov, A.U. Spiridovich, V.M. Rashetnikov;
    9. Method of preparation of tea drink: Pat. 18433 Rep. Belarus / A.U. Bashilov, S.U. Veliky, A.U. Spiridovich; patent owner of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. - No. a20120717; statement 08.05.2012; reg. 04/09/2014;
    10. Vegetable seasoning: pat. 18505 Rep. Belarus, IPC A 23L 1/22 A.D. Agabalayeva, A.U. Spiridovich, V. M. Rashetnikov; applicant of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. - No. a 20121066; statement 17.07.12; publ. 05/07/2014 // Official Bull. / Nat. intellectual center. property. – 2014. – No. 4. – P. 60;
    11. Invention Patent No. 18455 Composition for aromatization, which includes essential oils of plants (variants). Shutova A.G. Registered in the State Register on 22.04.2014 C1 2014.08.30;
    12. Microcapsule containing plant essential oils and method of its production. Patent RB 18607 / Shutova A.G., Shutova T.G., Agabekov V.Ya.; the patent owner of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus - statement. No. a20111740;
    13. Patent 19257 Composition of tea blend IPC A23F3/34 A.V. Bashilov, A.U. Spiridovich, No. a20121439; from 16.10.20122: 6.03.2015 // Official Bulletin / National. intellectual center. property. – 2015;
    14. State register of information resources No. 1341606174 dated 05.01.2016 "Specialized cadastre of plants, animals, hummocks of Belarus".

    List of Eurasian invention patents:

    1. No. 016080, "Method of obtaining amaranth grade extruded flour", 2012, A.I. Alekseeva, V.M. Rashetnikov, V.G. Karpov.

    List of invention patents of the Russian Federation:

    1. No. 2460764, "Inhibitor of peroxidation", patent owner Central Academy of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2012, A.U. Bashilov, A.U. Spiridovich, V.M. Rashetnikov.

    Author's certificates of the USSR:

    1. No. 362047 "Method of production of sparkling wines", 1971, A.S. Evening, L.A. Yurchenko;
    2. No. 496302 "Production method of fruit and berry wines", 1976, A.S. Vechar, A.A. Brylevsky, V.I. Valenta, S.I. Vasilkevich, G.F. Prozaz, A.S. Romanovets, L.A. Yurchenko;
    3. No. 553954 "Method of obtaining a potato product", 1976, A.S. Vechar, K.G. Avariyanov, F.I. Subach, M.P. Shabeta;
    4. No. 641954 "Potato processing method", 1977, A.S. Vechar, K.G. Avariyanov, Y.F. Miranovich, A.M. Skokov, F.I. By the way;
    5. №1114393 "Potato processing line for fodder and technical purposes", 1984, A.S. Vechar, V.M. Rashetnikov, I.I. Poromchik, A.M. Skokov, V.U. Mayonov, V.M. Savinykh, F.I. Subach, M.P. Shabeta, I.A. Davydenko;
    6. No. 1114395 "Method of obtaining edible potato flour", 1984, A.S. Vechar, I.I. Poromchyk, V.M. Rashetnikov, A.M. Jumped;
    7. No. 1324130 "Method of production of sorbent-filler", 1987, A.S. Vechar, I.I. Asipenko, I.I. Poromchik, A.M. Jumped;
    8. No. 1346109 "Method of production of dry whey concentrate", 1987, P.S. Kutz, A.S. Vechar, I.I. Poromchik, A.M. Skokov, E.G. Tutava.

    Technical regulatory and legal acts:

    The most significant technical conditions:

    1. State standardization system of the Republic of Belarus. Peroxidase from soybeans: TU RB 100233786.013–2004.
    2. State standardization system of the Republic of Belarus. Urease from soybeans: TU RB 100233786.014–2004.
    3. State standardization system of the Republic of Belarus. A set of liquid reagents for determining the content of total protein: TU BY 100233786.018–2006.
    4. State standardization system of the Republic of Belarus. Extruded amaranth flour TU BY 100233786.029-2010.- Introduction 28.11.2010.- Minsk: Belarus State Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2010.- 17p.
    5. State standardization system of the Republic of Belarus. Sharp priming. Fenugreek Greek TU BY 100233786.030-2010.- Introduction. 04. 11.2010.– Minsk: Belarus. State Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2010.– 19 p.
    6. State standardization system of the Republic of Belarus. Quick-cooking cereal products TU BY 100233786.032-2010.- Introduction 04. 11.2010.– Minsk: Belarus. State Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2010.– 16p.
    7. State standardization system of the Republic of Belarus. Solid toilet soap "Phytoorganic" TU BY 100233786.033-2011 .- Introduction 10.02.2012.- Minsk: Belarus State Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2012.- 13p.
    8. State standardization system of the Republic of Belarus. Micro-seedlings and saplings of tall and semi-tall bulrush varieties TU BY 100233786.035-2012.- Introduction 02.2012.- Minsk: Belarus State Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2012.- 13p.
    9. State standardization system of the Republic of Belarus. Change Notice #1. Tree peony seedlings: TU BY 100233786.025-2007. Introduction 26. 07.2013.– Minsk: Belarus. Govt. Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2013. - 8 p.
    10. State standardization system of the Republic of Belarus. Change Notice #1. Planting of rhododendron: TU BY 100233786.026-2007. Introduction 26. 07.2013.– Minsk: Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2013. - 8p.
    11. Scientific and methodical recommendations for the application of the technology of growing cloned planting material of promising varieties of representatives of wood-shrub species of the genus Vaccinium in protected and open ground with the use of a microbial preparation have been developed.
    12. Technical conditions for micro-seedlings and seedlings of common lingonberry (TU VU 100233786.039-2014) and large-fruited cranberries (TU VU 100233786.038-2014) were developed and registered in the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus 33786.035-2012 Valid until November 30, 2017).
    13. State standardization system of the Republic of Belarus. Variegated lilac seedlings and micro-seedlings: TU BY 100233786. 040-2015. 03/03/2015. Minsk: Belarus. State Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2015.
    14. State standardization system of the Republic of Belarus. Saplings and micro-seedlings of rhododendron varieties: TU BY 100233786. 041-2015. Minsk: Belarus. State Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2015.
    15. State standardization system of the Republic of Belarus. Cranberry powder: TU BY 100233786.042-2015 Minsk: Belarus State Institute of Standardization and Certification, 2015.
    16. State standardization system of the Republic of Belarus. Technological regulations for the production of micro-seedlings and saplings of hardwood species (poplar, linden, aspen): TU BY 100233786.012-2015.