Main | Structure | Department of Biochemistry and Plant Biotechnology | List of major publications of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Plants

List of major publications of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Plants

  1. The evening of A.S. Plant plastids, their properties and structure. - Mn.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, 1961.-192 p.
  2. The evening of A.S. Basics of physical biochemistry. - Mn.: Above. Shk., 1966.-352 p.
  3. The evening of A.S. Honcharik M. N. Physiology and biochemistry of potatoes. - Mn.: Science and technology, 1973.-264 p.
  4. A.S. Vechar, L.A. Yurchenko. Production of low-alcohol apple drinks and wines. - Mn.: Science and technology, 1974.-102p.
  5. A.S. Vechar, L.A. Yurchenko. Ciders and apple sparkling wines. - M.: Food industry, 1976.-134p.
  6. Color V.L. Autoregulation of chlorophyll formation in higher plants. Mn. Science and technology. 1976. 189 p.
  7. Fizjologia i biochemia zemniaka. Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Zeshe. Warszawa, 1977.-242p.
  8. The evening of A.S. Molecular carriers of life.-Mn.: Science and technology, 1977.-94p.
  9. Technique of biochemical research of cellular structures and biopolymers. - Mn., 1977.-149p. (V.M. Rashetnikov, A.P. Bulka, M.M. Masny, A.A. Masko, A.K. Vasilkevich, R.A. Nenadovich, M.Ya. Krylova)
  10. A.S. Vechar, P.I. Alsmik, A.L. Ambrosau, M.M. Honcharik, A.C. Makranosau. Physiology of potatoes - M.: Kolas, 1979.-272 p.
  11. Rashetnikov V.N. Plastids and cell nuclei of higher plants - Mn.: Science and technology, 1982.-126p.
  12. Yurchenko L.A. Biochemistry of apple winemaking - Mn.: Science and technology, 1983.-166 p.
  13. Technique of biochemical research - Mn., 1986.-196 p. (authors: V.M. Rashetnikov, A.P. Bulka, V.K. Laptseva, M.M. Masny, etc.)
  14. Yurchenko L.A., Vasilkevich S.I. Sharp seasonings and spices - Mn.: Polymya, 1989. - 221 p.
  15. Chaika M.T., V.M. Rashetnikov, A.L. Romanova. Photosynthetic apparatus and selection of triticale - Mn.: Science and technology, 1991. - 240 p.
  16. Rashetnikov V.M. Cell nuclei of higher plants - Mn.: Science and technology, 1992.-87p.
  17. Poromchik I.I., Skachkov A.M., Subach F.I. Waste-free processing of potatoes - Mn.:1996.-93 p.
  18. Masny M.M. Potato: biochemistry and quality. - Mn.: Science and technology. 1996.-121 pp.
  19. Rupasova J.A., Rashetnikov V.M. and others. Buyak tall - Plural: Belarusian science. 2007 P. -443.
  20. Rashetnikov V.M., Spiridovich A.U. Information structures of the plant cell: Course of lectures. - Minsk: BSU, 2008. - 103 p.
  21. Rupasova Z.A., Rashetnikov V.M., Vasilevskaya T.I., Yakovlev A.P., Pavlovsky N.B. Formation of the biochemical composition of the fruits of species of the Ericaceae family (heather) during introduction in the conditions of Belarus //, Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2011. - 307 p.
  22. Rupasova Zh., Rashetnikov V., Vasilevskaya T. Biochemical composition of fruits of seven species. Ericaceae in the conditions of Belarus. Buckwheat is high, lingonberry is common, cranberries are large / LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, 2011. - 486 c.
  23. Rashetnikov V.M., Filipenia V.L., Chizhik A.U., Garbatsevich V.I. Cranberry plants (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. - common lingonberry) / Genetic bases of plant breeding, T.3. Biotechnology in plant breeding. Cell engineering. Section 5.3 - Common lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.). - Minsk: "Belarusian Science", 2012. - P.334–347.
  24. Rashetnikov V.M., Kilchevskii A.V., Rupasova Z.A., Filipenia V.L., Chizhik A.V., Garbatsevich V.I., Ivanovich A.A. Buyaki tall (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) / Genetic bases of plant breeding, T.3. Biotechnology in plant breeding. Cell engineering. Section 5.4 - Tall blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.). - Minsk: "Belarusian Science", 2012. - P.347-355.
  25. Rashetnikov V.M., Popovich A.A., Filipenia V.L., Chizhik A.V. Genetic bases of plant breeding, T.3. Biotechnology in plant breeding. Cell engineering. - 2012 Section 05/05 Ornamental plants. Hyacinth orientalis (Hyacinthus orientalis L.). – P. 355-364.
  26. T.I. Famenka, V.M. Rashetnikov, L.G. Berdichavets, V.L. Filipenia, T.V. Mazur, N.G. Brel, V.M. Kazlova, I.F. Vainovskaya. , Chumakova I.M., Garbatsevich U.I. Preservation of biological diversity of plants in in vitro tissue culture and its practical use // Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: preservation, study and use of biodiversity of world flora; under ed. V.U. Titka, V.M. Reshetnikova. - Minsk: Belarus. Science, 2012. - See. 14. - P.265-276, 336-338.
  27. A.U. Spiridovich, A.B. Ulasava, L.V. Honcharova, A.M. Yukhimuk, A.V. Zubarov. Molecular markers as the basis of taxonomy, taxonomy, metabolism-directed selection of genetic resources of botanical gardens // Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: preservation, study and use of biodiversity of the world's flora; under ed. V.U. Titka, V.M. Reshetnikova. - Minsk: Belarus. Science, 2012. - See. 15. - P.277-291, 338-340.
  28. A.G. Shutova, A.U. Spiridovich, V.P. Kurchenko. Biologically active substances: essential oils of plants of the Pinaceae family // Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: preservation, study and use of biodiversity of the world's flora; under ed. V.U. Titka, V.M. Reshetnikova. - Minsk: Belarus. Science, 2012. - See. 16. - C. 292-297, 340.
  29. Rashetnikov V.M., Spiridovich A.V., Kuzavkova A.A., Chizhik A.V., Famenka T.I., Filipenia V.L. Genomics, proteomics and genetic engineering of plants, prospects of practical use // Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus: preservation, study and use of biodiversity of the world's flora; under ed. V.U. Titka, V.M. Reshetnikova. - Minsk: Belarus. science, 2012. - Ch. 17. - pp. 298-313, 340-342.
  30. Bashilov A.U. Biochemical composition and pharmacological use of Filipendula ulmaria (L) Maxim (in the light of N.V. Lazarov's theory). — Minsk: BSU Publishing Center, 2012. — 112 p.
  31. Information bulletin of the Council of Botanical Gardens of Russia and Belarus. Department of the International Council of Botanical Gardens for Plant Protection / RAS, Department of Biological Sciences, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Department of Biological Sciences; under general ed. A.S. Demidova, V.M. Reshetnikova. - Moscow, 2012. - 150 p.
  32. Zh.A. Rupasova, A.P. Yakavlev, V.M. Rashetnikov, I.I. Lishtvan, V.A. Babrov, L.M. Panifedova, M.M. Semenenko. Scientific bases of optimization of the regime of mineral nutrition of heathers during cultivation on peat deposits of the north of Belarus, which have fallen out of industrial use. - Minsk: IVC of the Ministry of Finance, 2013. -56p.
  33. Zh.A. Rupasova, A.P. Yakavlev, V.M. Rashetnikov, V.V. Tsitok and others. Scientific substantiation of the assortment of taxa of the genus Vaccinium for the reclamation of peat deposits of the southern part of Pripyatsky Palessian, which have fallen out of industrial use. Methodical recommendations / Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. - Minsk: BDATU, 2013. -40 p. – ISBN 978-985-519-613-7.
  34. Chyzhik A.U. Multilevel bioindication of territories with increased radioecological load "Multilevel bioindication of territories of radioecological control", with the number ISBN 978-3-659-47290-9 / A.U. Chyzhik, S.S. Rudzenka, T. Morozava // Academic publishing house LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.– 2013.– 146 p.
  35. Y.U. Spiridovich., A.B. Ulasova, A.M. Yukhimuk, L.V. Hancharova, A.D. Agabalaeva, V. N. Rashetnikov "Molecular markers in taxonomy, metabolism-directed selection and conservation of genetic resources of botanical gardens" book "Genetic bases of plant selection". in v. 4.; T4 Genomic technologies in plant breeding. Transgenesis in plant breeding / Nauk. ed. A.U.Kilchevskii. L.U. Khatylyova. - Mn.: "Belarus. science". 2014. - p. 507-536.
  36. Council of Botanical Gardens of the CIS under the International Association of Academies of Sciences. Information bulletin/ compilers: A.S. Demidov, Zh.D. Vardanyan, V.M. Rashetnikov, G.T. Sitpaeva, S.A. Potapova, T.M. Charovchenko // preparation of materials: S.A. Potapova, A.U. Spiridovich, N.M. Trofimenko, P.U. Vesyalov. - Moscow, 2015. - Issue 3 (26). - 171 p.
  37. Collection of articles of the International scientific conference "Biotechnological techniques in the preservation of biodiversity and plant breeding" Minsk, August 18-20, 2014.
  38. Collection "Council of Botanical Gardens of the CIS under the International Association of Academies of Sciences". Information bulletin. Moscow 2014. Issue 1(25). Preparation of materials: S.A. Potapova, A.U. Spiridovich, N.M. Trafimenko, P.V. Vyaselova.
  39. "Shmatkalasnik wrinkled: from A to Z" / Kuzavkova A.A., Mazur T.V., Rashetnikov V.M. – Minsk: A.M. Varaksin, 2014. - 156 p.
  40. V.M. Rashetnikov. Deoxyribonucleoprotein complex: structural organization and functions (on the example of higher plants). Х Kuprevitsky readings "Problems of experimental botany". Minsk, "Tenologia", 2015. – P.80-124.
  41. No Victory. Council of Botanical Gardens of Russia and Belarus / authors and compilers: V.M. Rashetnikov, A.U. Spiridovich. - Minsk, 2015. - 32 p.
  42. Botanical collections: documentation and biotechnological aspects of use/ A.U. Spiridovich – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2015. – 226p.
  43. Y.U. Spiridovich., A.B. Ulasova, A.M. Yukhimuk, L.V. Hancharova, A.D. Agabalayeva, V. N. Rashetnikov "Molecular markers in the taxonomy of metabolism-directed selection and conservation of genetic resources of botanical gardens" book "Genetic bases of plant selection" in vol. 4.; T4 Genomic technologies in plant breeding. Transgenesis in plant breeding / Nauk. ed. A.U.Kilchevskii. L.U. Khatylyova.- Mn.: "Belarus. science". 2015. - pp. 507-536.
  44. Rupasova Z.A. Processing of sorghum on peat productions of Pripyatsky Palessia (physiological and biochemical aspects of development/ Zha Rupasova, A.P. Yakavlev, V.M. Rashetnikov, I.I. Lishtvan, T.I. Vasilevskaya, N.B. Krynitskaya. — Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2016.